About the Author

Ligia (Lee-hee-ya) was born in Antigua, Guatemala, and currently resides in Canada. She is a devoted wife, mother, and Leader. Ligia is passionate about serving others and sharing her story of God’s grace and redeeming power. She is approachable, authentic, and friendly, with a profound love for God and people.

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  1. This is very personal for me. I am no longer communicating with someone I have been friends with for many years. Quite honestly, it is a relief. She is a bit of a bully, very toxic to be around, very negative and says unkind things to and about me and my family. So judgmental! I have tried to understand and not go on the attack; I have tried remaking calm and not make matters worse. Back in October, I said no to a request- a request made knowing I told her previously I was not able to fulfill. I had my reasons. Her response was so hurtful I actually cried. I have not communicated with her since then. I know she will not apologize as I have seen this happen with other people we know. And honestly, I feel so much more calm. I read recently about toxic people, relationships based on what someone has done for you (keeping count) and not acknowledging what others have done for them, people who are always complaining, people harboring long felt (and maybe not real) things done to them, etc. Maybe God is disappointed in me, but I cannot allow this person to hurt me anymore. It is too tiring to be around her. Interestingly, she does not have more than a couple of friends, and they are not deep friendships. It has taken me so long to protect my heart. I forgive her her- she doesn’t know it- but I do. It is who she is and even her children have tried talking to her- her daughter is a therapist! So, please Lord forgive me but I just can’t go there. ANd to be honest, again, I hadn’t given this any thought for a while until I read this today.

  2. Ligia so true what all you said in your reading today. When we choose Jesus we choose a different way to live. I know in my own life I had to forgive people who have hurt me. Done wrong in our family. I know to this day unless they get saved they will never change or say sorry. I had to tell them one time. When they said something to me it hurt there and then. I said back to them I love you more than you will ever know. To this a family member. If I didn’t love you and forgive you I wouldn’t be doing your home help for you today. I also told them I am praying for your salvation too. They just looked at he and rolled their eyes in the air and laughed at me. As they didn’t believe a word I said to them. I do their home help for the Love of the Lord and them I told them. If I not done what God would want me to do and that is forgive them as is say in Colossians 3:13 ” Bearing with one another and forgiving one another if anyone has complaint against another even as Christ forgave you so must you also must do.” How true that is for especially if saved. Then it doesn’t annoy us what that person did to hurt us. We can then love them like Jesus does. Even if not saved and we can pray for them and their salvation. When we see them it doesn’t hurt we can love them like Jesus would. We then have no resentment towards them. We can then repent to God in prayer for the way did feel towards them before we forgave them and if we said anything we shouldn’t have about them. Know we did what was right in God’s eyes . We can remember even if they if get saved don’t say sorry or don’t remember what they did in all things to hurt us. We know in God’s eyes we did the right thing and God will bless us for that. I say Amen to that. Dawn Ferguson-Little Enniskillen Co.Fermanagh N.Ireland xx

  3. You are a soldier of Jesus Christ! Oh, how I admire your bravery and obedience to His word. It doesn’t matter how long it took, you did it, you obeyed.

    God bless you!!! I needed to read this post as it will help me in my journey.

  4. Thank you for your heartfelt post. I am sorry your act of forgiveness was not accepted with grace and compassion. I have learned that sometimes forgiveness can be given without speaking to the offender, as forgiveness takes place in our hearts and souls. And i have also learned forgiveness does not always mend a relationship. some relationships are meant to end – even when we desperately try to hang onto them. perhaps that is also God working in us, helping us to move away from people and places that keep us from being who God wants us to be.

  5. Ligia,

    I appreciate your humility and believe we all carry hurts that are heavy. Oh how our loads could be lightened through forgiveness. I find i forgive then i remember then i have to forgive again…it’s the circle of my messy humanity. I’m still learning to leave it all at the foot the cross.

    Sending you New Year’s joy,

    Lisa Wilt

    • I really appreciate your reminder that forgiveness is a continual choice, Lisa. It’s such an important point. Similar to you, I’m also learning to let go and leave things in Jesus’ hands. Thank you for your thoughtful reading, and Happy New Year to you as well!

  6. I love this! Your vulnerability allows me, your reader, to see my unresolved feelings and not feel ashamed. Your story without the expected outcome helps me remember God is often doing something deeper and better in me when I obey the Holy Spirit. You have encouraged me today!

    • Praise the Lord for freedom to come as we are! Anna, the Lord knows you, your heart, and your unresolved feelings. He’s meeting you there, right amid them, reminding you that He loves you, He’s working, and there is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus. I am grateful that this blessed you today. Bless you friend.

  7. This is so good…so honest…so helpful. I’m in a similar situation right now and this resonates and challenges me. Thank you…even though it’s not quite what I wanted to hear! 🙂

  8. I would never believe that there’s someone who feels as I do and speaks my private thoughts. Thank you, for your honesty.

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