About the Author

Mary is a writer and speaker who lives for good books, spicy queso, and television marathons – but lives because of God’s grace. She writes about giving up on perfect and finding truth in unexpected places at MaryCarver.com. Mary and her husband live in Kansas City with their two daughters.

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  1. Thank you a million times over! I am tired of people telling me to say no, to relax. When things get overwhelming, I do stop and pray, but then I go on. I know Jesus stopped and rested. Jesus took time to recharge and I do, too. But that isn’t what others see. I love the message translation of those lines from the book of Matthew. Well, it’s time for another task filled day and that is ok because one of those items on my to do list is an hour at the library learning to tat lace- a daunting project for me as I am not known for my creative talents in the crafts area.

  2. Mary this post hit home like a baseball bat hitting the ball for me…..
    I don’t know whether I should giggle and laugh these days at the “that’s all” or whether I simply want to sit in silence and quietly cry…. Thank you for reminding me that I am not alone, that God has my back, and that is actually is ok to introvert, to stop, to rest, to delegate and to just slowwwww down.
    I hear YOUR busy; I’m supporting you in prayer xxx

  3. Mary in life we all face things in our lives that make life hard. You say why me why is my life hard I can’t explain it. You think the person across from where you live or this person has a rosie life when your life seems to be hard you can’t explain it. You say but why do they seem to have it easy and I have it hard. We don’t know what they are going through that person across the road where you live or that person or the person we think has as Rosie life when your going through turmoil. That person you think has the easy life they could also be going through turmoil too. But they choose to not show it or let it get the better of them. They pray about it and stand on the promises in God’s word. There turmoil is every bit a bad as yours. You say why do they have it easy. You shouldn’t think they do when you probably do know anything about what they are going through. All they done is stopped and prayed and handed it over to God. Trusted God to help them get through what they are going through. But to often we panic say why me why is life so hard for me. You can’t explain how why it hard. But you have to pray about it to God and stand on the promises in his word. Trust God he will bring you through this that your going through. So as you will see the end of the bend in your life and the path straight again. Untill then we have to keep trusting God and trusting God will help us work it out. But not in our way but God’s which is best for us. If you’re like me not good at waiting you expect the answers now. But through this God teaches you patience and to trust him that he knows best. In the end we will see God’s way ways best how true that is. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little Enniskillen Co.Fermanagh N.Ireland xx

  4. Dear Mary……As your words go on and I read them with tears in my eyes, I think, “My gosh, Mary is telling me MY story. ” It is exactly what I am going through right now and I have no one. I am also 77 years old, and I think if all this happened to me back in my 30’s and 40’s, I would have been able to handle this massive “to do” list much easier and without so much worrying and being so emotional, but to be honest, the problems that I am facing and have been for the last 6 years are not easy and while I pray so often and tell the Lord and Jesus my situation and have asked if I could lay them at Their feet for help. Of course They said Yes. I am so weary as I get older and try to find time to stop and rest for a time. I really need to recharge, but at my age, it seems to take so much longer. I live in a facility with over 100 residents and I am usually the one with the smile and trying to help them deal with their problems. I believe I have taken on too much, but I can’t let these people older than me down as their ages go up into the 100’s. No one know the troubles I’ve seen, Nobody knows but Jesus. It reminds me about a very long ago song. I am trying my best, but I think I am failing. My 35 year job that I had was to help people with kindness and really listen to them and they were mostly in their early 20’s and they knew they could count on me to help or give them some advice. The things I am facing are very important and have to be taken care of right away. I don’t know how I will do this, but I know the Lord will show me the way. Thank you, Mary. Your devotionals are always so well written and help those of us that are struggling……I will read and reread your words and I am certain that they will give me the wisdom to do what needs to be done. I send my love to you and your family and prayers that you will continue to send us devotions from time to time…………………………….Betsy Basile

  5. Mary,

    Thank you for your devotion today. Matthew 11:28-30 is one of my favorite verses… I just love the phrase “unforced rhythms of grace.”

    Sending you spring joy,


  6. Mary, Mary, Mary, you read my mail in this one. I get the “it’s not your responsibility, you take on too much, you need time for yourself.” Some of which might be true, however things have to be done and people have to be cared for. I do feel very much overwhelmed and can’t take a break because there are children involved. I do so appreciate your understanding and your words of
    wisdom. A very timely word for the season I am in. Thank you and thank God Who helped me to see that He sees me.

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