During 2020, when the world was in pandemonium, and things were confusing, a phrase sprung up inside of me. I mentioned it to my husband, and it registered in his heart too. We then shared the phrase with our children. Soon after we heard them repeating it to those around them: “Something good is about to happen.”
That year for Christmas we had sweatshirts made with that quote across the front. You’ll catch any one of us wearing that sweatshirt on any given day. As a family, we now live by that motto.
Something good is about to happen.
Living by that motto doesn’t excuse us from having hard things come our way and having to live by faith. Everyone faces trials and challenges on the daily. Hard things are part of life.
To us, “something good is about to happen” simply means we know we’re going to get through them. Not only are we going to get through them, we believe something good is going to happen as a result of those trials.
After all, the Bible does tell us in the book of Romans that “in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28 NIV). There’s another verse in Psalms that tells us everything we do as godly people will turn out well (Psalm 1:3 NIRV).
These powerful Scriptures are written to us. Our job isn’t to make them happen. Our job is to believe the One who said them is faithful to do them.
It’s easy for us to believe that God will work hard circumstances into good for others. If something unfortunate happens to a friend, we are quick to believe that God can turn their situation around. Yet, when it comes to ourselves, we don’t step into faith as easily.
Maybe we doubt God’s ability to make bad things good because we know ourselves and we think we don’t deserve it. But His goodness has never been based on whether we deserve it. Jesus paid the price that we deserve so we can have access to God’s goodness. We may think it’s selfish to even ask the Lord for something like that. Yet, Jesus Himself told us His Father would give us anything we ask for in His name (John 16:23 NIRV).
Perhaps it’s hard to believe that God wants something good to happen for you because it seems like your past has been full of hurt, brokenness, or abuse. I have a friend who grew up in an extremely abusive home. She simply thought good things were for other people, not her. Today she would tell you that she was wrong. When she began to believe that God was good, she encountered His love and realized He is for her; He changed her entire world around.
Still, I can understand all of those feelings. I’ve definitely had them and still do at times. But then I remind myself that God is also my Father. He’s good. Any good father out there wants the best for his children. A good father would take any pain from his child, he’d mend any heartache, he’d help him out of a bind. That’s what good dads do. They take away the pain, they don’t cause it.
The other day, I overheard my husband, Darian, talking to a construction worker about the crawl space under a home. They both had some pretty terrible stories of what they’d found in those spaces. Towards the end of that conversation, Darian mentioned how our oldest son needed work done in the crawl space of his last two houses, so he’d strapped on his old clothes, got on his hands and knees, and army-crawled into the mud and muck of those houses. Why? Darian is a good dad. He’s not afraid of mud and muck. Plus he possesses the power, knowledge, and ability to fix the problem.
Mud and muck happen in everyone’s life. The Bible refers to them as tests and trials. Only God really knows what the crawl space of our lives looks like and He isn’t intimidated by it. He’s a good Dad. He possesses all the power, knowledge, and ability to fix all of the unfortunate things in our lives. Whenever we have a trial, challenge, or something hard come our way, let’s just consider it another thing in the crawl space of life. Give it to the Lord. He’ll clean that up too. The Bible is filled with promises and answers. He is always faithful.
When we, like my friend, truly encounter the love of our good, good Father, we begin to realize good things are for us as well. We gain a new outlook on life. It’s not that God changed — we change! He’s always been good. Jesus beautifully described our Heavenly Father when He said, “So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask him” (Matthew 7:11 NLT).
When we realize the Lord is our good Father, we are not shaken by anything that happens around us or to us.
If you’re facing a situation that seems extra muddy or mucky in your life today, talk to your Heavenly Father about it. He is faithful. He fights our battles for us. He is our Healer, Provider, Friend, and Comforter. He makes all things turn out well. He’s cleaned people’s mud and muck up all the way through the Bible, and He still does it today. He will do it for you.
Get ready, friend, because something good is about to happen.
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Thank you for sharing! So encouraging! Good j
I’m glad you were encouraged by my article today. It warms my heart to know something that is so meaningful to my family is encouraging to others as well.
Live Uncommon,
Tyra, I LOVE this! Thank you for the new perspective!
I’m so glad this perspective resonated in you! It has changed the way my whole family lives. Thank you for your comment.
Live Uncommon,
Tyra, Thank you so much for this encouraging word today! Fear and discouragement are contagious, but so is good news, and Jesus is the best news. This message set the tone for my whole week, I even went and looked up the old Gaither song “Something Good Is About to Happen” and have been singing it all morning! Thank you for being such an encouragement!
“Jesus is the best news!” That is the truth. I’m glad this devotion helped set the tone for your week. I’m going to have to look up that song so I can sing it all day too. Thank you for sharing that with me.
Live Uncommon,
Dear Tyra……… Something good is about to happen is as Lent is almost here, this will be my slogan or thought every day. I have been through so many trials and tribulations over my life and I am 77 years old. Years back, I will be honest and say I didn’t handle some of them very well ; however, since I found you (incourage) women through my Holy Spirit, I have gotten so much better. I have always been someone who prays often, but I often thought that I didn’t do enough to avoid the problem I was facing. In the past year, I have learned much through the “Serenity Prayer ” and I found that I often thought I knew the difference between ” can and can’t “. I have stopped blaming myself for maybe did not keep trying to solve the problem on my own, but again, through all of your devotionals which I read faithfully every morning that there is something that I thought was not right to ask God for was all wrong. I immediately prayed to Him and asked for forgiveness and then did the right thing. I told God and Jesus all that I was going through and asked if I could place these things at their feet. Of course, the answer was “Yes”. Since I have done this and these things are still swirling around me, I have found a new peace, I have not felt for years. I know that something good will happen and come out of these situations I find myself in and I wish I had not counted on myself so much to solve them. I have put “Something good is about to happen” on a post-it and have it on my computer where I spend a lot of time. This will always remind me, even if I feel I am having a tough day, I need to think of your words Tyra and instantly, a smile will come to my face and I will pray with gratitude to God, Jesus and my wonderful Holy Spirit who gives we so much help and is always here for me. Tyra…..What a great story for a Monday that can many times be our bad day here where I live with 100 more residents with all sorts of things affecting them. I wish you a wonderful week and once again, Thank you for reminding me that all is not lost and there is always hope with God and Jesus in your life……Betsy
I love that you wrote “something is good is about to happen” and put it on a post it note. The trials come, but God is bigger and His love is everlasting. He loves you so much and has good plans for you.
Live Uncommon,
I loved hearing this today,Tyra! I can get fixed on the trials and the what ifs of life and forget all the times the Lord works bad things out for good!! He does it all the time!! I’m so grateful that He does!! I love Romans 8:37… “ Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us!”
Your comment is so uplifting. “He does it all the time!” Yess! What a great sentence. He’s doing it right now for you too. We are more than conquerors!
Live Uncommon,
I love this, Tyra! It makes me want to have one of those shirts made! Maybe I will!
I’m so glad it blessed you. The shirts have been a major part of our family’s journey. Thank you for your comment.
Live Uncommon,
Tyra love everything you said in today devotion. It really really spoke to me. I am a person that can say to myself. Nothing good every happens to me. I use to let this annoy me. But now I don’t become God has changed me. I used to say why has God blessed them and not me. I never get a blessing like them why do they get blessed I don’t. God said to me to stop looking at them and why they seem to get blessed you don’t. I found that hard to do. God also said to me I provided all your needs as it says Philippines 4:19. You don’t have to worry about them getting bless and your not. Didn’t I give you the lovely home you and your Husband have. Didn’t I give you both enough money though your Husband job to put put heat in your home and food on your table. We both tithe a tenth of our money each month to the Lord as it says in the Bible. I wondered why God was not blessing me or both of us. When God told me all the things he has all ready given me that I have said about in this comment. It came into my head one day. Yes God has blessed me and gives me something good all these things. I had to say sorry to God. I have have changed so much. One day I was talking to my Husband. I suffer seizures. I do my Dad’s Home Help for him. I have Aunt who is the last one alive in my late Mum’s who from time to time doesn’t not be well. Long journey to see her all in the one day there and home again make he very more tired than usual. I get tired with suffering seizures more often than a normal person. I get I have no energy. I have to be in bed by 9pm,as if don’t get less sleep I can and have taken seizures because of it. So I said to my Husband I love to go see my 84 year old Aunt who is my favourite Aunty. Then I told my friend who live not far away from her. It is 86 miles there and home again to see her. I left at that said no more about it. Then my friend said why don’t you come up and stay with us her and her sister you and your Husband. Then get a good night’s sleep then the next day you be able to see your Aunty. So then I asked my Husband would he that do that for me. As with me not driving anymore. He have to do all the driving. So he said I do for you because I love you. You may never see you favourite Aunty again. I asked her family would there Mum be well enough to see me. Then I texted her to say if suits I like to come see you on such and such a date. My Aunty then rang me. To say she would be delighted to see me on that date. As she at times is very unwell. I say in a few years even less she not be hear. God worked it out that I would get to see her. So if anything happened her at least I got to see her. Have good memories in my heart of her. As you Tyra said something good is going to happen. God has made that good thing happen for me. My friends not minding me staying with me and my Husband not minding the next day bringing me to see my favourite Aunty. So that is something good that has happened to me. I have thanked God for that. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little Enniskillen Co.Fermanagh N.Ireland xx
What a sweet story of the Lord providing a way to see your dear Auntie. Thank you for sharing it. He is so good and so faithful. Just like He provided that good moment for you, He has more in store.
Live Uncommon,
Loved this: Something Good is about to happen. Yes and amen!! God can & will work in us during our trials. My big trial was caregiving for my aging parents. You never knew when the phone would ring. I had to put my dad in gero psych unit twice. When it was over I realized that my faith & trust muscles had grown. I was ready to do or go wherever God sent me. God was so good to me that He gave me a good part time job at hospital that eventually went full-time. I was put in an ICU Covid unit to work as clerical. It was there that people saw my work ethic & wrote a job just.for.me. I know it came from God Himself. He loves me that much!!
Blessings 🙂
Such a beautiful story of the goodness of God. I love how He shows up at the perfect time in the sweetest ways. He is good. He still has more for you. Thanks for sharing!
Live Uncommon,
This reading is absolutely what
I needed to read to help me get through a tough
situation my husband and I have been having. You write very well. It’s easy to read your writings. I’ll
look for more of your writings.
I’m sorry to hear you are going through a tough situation. Hang in there, something good is about to happen for you. God loves you and is for you.
Live Uncommon,
I need this encouragement daily, as this is a challenging season for me/us. I purchased a pretty, encouraging mug that I’m using a lot lately. It says, “Bright days are ahead”, and it’s a message I need and believe.
God bless you as you navigate life with all of its ups and downs. Thanks for the timely reminder.