About the Author

Jen encourages women to embrace both the beauty and bedlam of their everyday lives at BeautyandBedlam.com. A popular speaker, worship leader, and author of Just Open the Door: How One Invitation Can Change a Generation, Jen lives in North Carolina with her husband, five children, and a sofa for anyone...

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  1. Oh Jen! We used to say our Dad could talk to a brick wall. We learned you either walked behind him to not lose him in his fits & starts of conversations from point A to the car. The other alternative was to just go wait in the car & learn to be patient. He was warm, welcoming & observant of those around him & he rarely missed an opportunity to be kind & encouraging along his way. Frustrations over being late to our next destination was common as we prodded him along or impatiently waited on him. But your post gives me a whole new perspective on what was really going on! May I become more like my earthly Daddy as I become more & more like my heavenly Abba! Blessings (((0)))

  2. This is so good! I certainly never thought of garage sales like this before, but you’re right- what a good opportunity to engage, even for an introvert.. Jesus usually engaged with questions. He was genuinely interested in people. Thank you for sharing this. I will keep this one and try to learn from it. So encouraging.

  3. Jen,

    I absolutely love garage sales too! But I only attend them once a year with my daughter when her neighborhood has a huge garage sale. Like you, I have too much stuff and I can’t control myself in a garage sale. But unlike you, I could become a better listener. I do try to offer genuine compliments everywhere. I go just to brighten people’s days. It’s amazing when I open my eyes how many genuine compliments come to mind that I can share.

    Sending you spring joy,

    Lisa Wilt

  4. Dear Jen…………….Your story was very delightful today. I must say that the area where I live is so very different that most other places. Our town has been here for generations and it has never changed. As an example, a main highway that goes right through the center of our town is so narrow that we really need to be very careful if a large truck is in the other lane. People here have lived here for generations and one generation will pass on, but the people in that house will stay and this goes on and on until there is nobody left. It is just an extremely tight knit community. One of the things we must always remember is ” never talk about religion or politics ” to any one but our family. This has continued as most all people in this town go to church and for a small town, there are many churches. I moved here to this facility 15 months ago due to my husband’s violent dementia and he almost killed me, as he was also a heavy drinker which caused ” dementia rages ” which I endured 3+ years of abuse every single night. Your story about the yard sales was very interesting and I was not allowed to go to them because it required permission from my husband and he would never allow me to do anything which back all those years to go to work and make money. It’s Friday and as I am totally alone now, I will pray alot . I have placed my very serious situations at Jesus’s feet and our Lord, but sometimes the wait which is now 6 years seems like forever. I wish you a blessed weekend and Spring is almost here so I think that will help those of us that live here ( over 100 people ) to feel more positive and a bit happier. Thank you for your words…………………..Betsy Basile

  5. This was an absolutely beautiful devotional. I could almost feel the natural flow of the conversation you had with the gentleman at the yard sale. I feel the same way about evangelism, and start by making connections with people over common interests. The Holy Spirit is always kind enough to guide the conversation in a way that allows me to share my faith.

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