About the Author

Kathi lives with Roger and a bunch of chickens in the Sierra Nevada Mountains of California. There they host writer retreats, and Kathi writes about how to do life with God a little closer today than yesterday. She’s a best-selling author and absolutely loves her Clutter Free Community on Facebook.

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  1. Kathi,

    I agree with you wholeheartedly! Seeing that joy and the journey sometimes means slowing down whether it’s for a drive or an amazing soup.

    Sending you joy,

    Lisa Wilt

  2. When I was much younger I loved driving on the interstate, but now as a “seasoned” woman I love the local routes. My relationship with Christ is very similar. I want to spend more time studying His life than just reading quick devotionals. Thank you for sharing your interesting prospective. I love it! God’s blessings!

  3. Thank you so much for this message. It was just what I needed. My life has been “glass just about empty “ for a while now. I have been unable to see anything positive in it. I know God has a plan for my life. I just can’t see it right now. Thank you for reminding me to have a different point of view!

  4. Dear Kathi……..Thank you so much for your story this morning. I do think though that the first man that came to your beautiful house no matter where it is was very unprofessional and if it were me, my feelings would be hurt. Why would you have to tell him what the drive involved? I am sorry that this happened, but the second man was so nice and truly saw the beauty of the drive to your home. My situation is a bit different than yours but still relatable. I am 77 years old and through many sad and heartbreaking things that happened to me, I was forced to see our house where we lived for 40 years and my husband with his dementia and violence ended up in one facility and me in another. We have no kitchens here. Just a refrigerator and a microwave if we had brought one when we moved here. We were old that we would be receiving 3 fresh chef prepared meals every day. As a cook myself for 50 years, I knew how to cook many fresh food. Well, everyone that believed what they told us before we moved in found out in the first 2 weeks that we received not one fresh meal. All was processed food that is bad for everyone no matter what age. All my doctors told me to get out of here. It was like eating fast food for every meal. Most of the food that we receive is cold, the bread is stale and it actually was so stale you couldn’t chew it. A % of our rent goes towards food , but to even use our microwave end up to have us spend $150 per week for extra thing we can do in our room. I know that God has the plan for our lives and I have been trying to slow down and pray more for God’s help. I do not see God’s plan for me, but I trust Him as I know He works on him own timeline and I am just too impatient so I will work on doing as you have suggested and slow down. So many people think that because we are old, we don’t have anything else to do, That is not true. In my 45 years of working I had so much to do, but as you get older, you have very different problems to deal with that you never even thought of when you were in your 30’s and 40’s. Thant you Kathi for your words of wisdom. I wish you a very blessed rest of the week and weekend. Here where I live, it is supposed to be close to 70 degrees which has rarely ever happened. Love to you Kathi…………..Betsy

  5. I start my daily prayer time with gratitude and thankfulness for all His blessings to me, but contentment is very hard when I’m in a season of depression and anxiety as I am now. I am 78 and also have a debilitating back condition. I have been very healthy and strong all my life, but have suffered much loss for the past 2 years. If anyone reads this I would be so grateful for your prayers

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