About the Author

Anna works full-time for DaySpring from Minnesota, where she lives with her husband and four kids. Anna is the author of A Moment of Christmas and Pumpkin Spice for Your Soul, and she shares the good stuff of the regular, encouraging you to see the ordinary glory in your everyday.

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  1. says

    Amen Anna!

    When I look back over my life, there are so many times that God moved me to something better. I wouldn’t have had the courage to make the move myself!

    Sending you St. Patrick’s Day joy!


  2. Irene says

    Anna, you’ve done it again! Thank you for your inspiring testimony. We all have these Ebenezers. We just have to notice them. And praise God for them!

  3. Maura says

    I keep my prayer journals as my Ebenezer stones. Reading over them reminds me all the ways God has been faithful to me.

  4. Dawn Ferguson-Little says

    Anna thank you sharing your heart in today devotional that you wrote. To having to find a new Dentist. I can relate having to find a new Dentist. One of my sister’s recommend that I go to her friend that is Dentist that does implants. As I suffer from seizures one time I had seizure and knocked my front two teeth at the top. They couldn’t be fixed as I badly broke them. I had a Dentist before my sister said go to her friend to get the implants in. They had done away with themselves. So when this happened my teeth because of seizure. I hadn’t got any Dentist. So I went to my sister’s friend to have the implants put in. Yes she was just brilliant at doing them. For the two she charged an lot of money it was very very deer. But I went to her to get them done as soon as possible and because she was my sister friend. I got a shock and so did my Husband at the price she charged for doing them. As with my health I don’t work. My Husband is the only one working. It took a huge chunk out of any money we had. But God was good he made sure we had enough for everything else we needed like the bills to pay to do with our house. I believe God did that as we tithe as it the right thing to do in God’s eyes a tenth of any money we have each month to the Lord. But it was a good Dentist my sister’s friend runs even after I had my expensive implants done I went to my sister’s friend for a few more times. Each time it was very very deer. My Husband was at different Dentists it was so so much cheaper for the same work and just as good for less money. My sisters friend is not saved like my sister either. So God showed me that my sister’s friend who was doing Dentistry charging so much was to keep up her flashly life style and big house. I was by going to her helping her keep it up but not thinking of our needs paying her this money and that I could give more of it to God work each month. God would do what it says in Philippines 4:19. “My God shall supply all your needs according to his riches in glory” Not our greeds our needs. But I had to get the bravery to tell my sister I was leaving her friends Dentist as far to deer and my Husband she all ready knew this was the only bread winner with me and my health in our home. God said stand up tell her and go into her friends Dentist say your leaving to go to the same Dentist as your Husband. My sister was not happy as she got me into her friends Dentist to get my implants done. As with everyone other Dentists I have to wait to get them done her friend done them nearly right away. But God said to my Husband. If your sister stuck her head in the fire would you. Meaning do you have to do everything she wants you do. So I told them at Dentist I was leaving and my sister I had left joined my Husband Dentist. It was just as perfect a Dentist but half the price. God said to me I am proud of you for nicely stand up to your sister and not letting her dictate what you should do and wasist money you don’t need to waist. We both now because I left my sister’s friends Dentist and went to another one the same as my Husband alot cheeper can give a little bit more each month to help God work people less well of than us. I so happy about that. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little Enniskillen Co.Fermanagh N.Ireland xx

  5. Sheryl Fish says

    Anna, Thank you! You brought me into your world of everyday life, and I feel like I know you. I may not be looking for a dentist for my kiddos; my youngest is 40 years old, but I am still eager to know Jesus walks me through each and every time I stumble through life, looking for His good and perfect gift!

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