About the Author

Now graduated from her role as a homeschooling mom of 8, Dawn Camp devotes her time and love of stories to writing her first novel. She enjoys movie nights, cups of Earl Grey, and cheering on the Braves. She and her husband navigate an ever-emptying nest in the Atlanta suburbs.

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  1. Dear Dawn,
    Your story made me smile ~ thank you from a recovering fellow-perfectionist (obsessive compulsive possessive too, once)
    It’s been a long journey with the Lord Jesus Christ for me for the last 50years and this is my 60th. Daresay as years go by, more days am winging it and some days may take a little more prompting from the Holy Spirit yet not I but Christ in me.

    We cheer each other on ya ~ and all who are same out there, because the Lord’s at work in us. All glory to God In Christ.

    God bless you,

  2. Dear Dawn! Perfectly timed post! My husband is struggling with his boss’ perfectionism. He is discouraged with the comments that point out what isn’t done yet, ignoring all that has been done. Covid decreased the number of workers yet the work volume has not decreased. Your post gave me words of encouragement for his weary body, mind & heart as he leaves for the office this morning. Thank you! Blessings (((0)))

  3. Dawn, I thoroughly resonate with this. “If I’ve learned anything, it’s this: God never called us to be perfect — He calls us to be faithful.” Yes! The thing I feel impressed in my spirit over and over is that things don’t have to be perfect to be good. Jesus IS our perfection so that takes the pressure off. As a recovering Pharisee, I keenly feel the opportunities to live like that’s true when I’m tempted to make it about me. Thanks for this truth! And I love how your photo turned out!

  4. Dear Dawn…….I thought I was the only one struggling with the need for perfection. I would call myself semi-recovered from this. I was a perfectionist all my life and I am 77 years old. All the jobs I had as I climbed the ladder to my ” Dream Job “. My Holy Spirit had told me to start at the bottom, but observe everything no matter how small of what went on in my job. I started by cleaning people’s houses. I did well and those women recommended me to their friends. I had plenty to do, but it got to the point that I wasn’t really making enough money and we had a baby as well and my husband was also trying to climb THAT ladder so I decided to try something else with a little more money. This went on and on for 19 years and 6 jobs, but I was still observing how things happened and how they were solved. When I was 39, something incredible happened which I knew it was from God as I had followed what He had told me so many years before. I found and got my “Dream job ” where I stayed for over thirty years and ended up as a manager in that very large company and due to everything I had seen and remembered (my perfectionism) helped me there I became what upper management called me one of their best employees. As I aged I knew when I got to my early 70’s, I was just not able to work as hard as I did in my younger years and I fought with myself about whether to retire. My husband had retired at 55. So, finally, I had “to bite the bullet” and retire; however life goes on and my perfection was still there and I was facing serious surgeries and trouble in my marriage, but that is another story. Of course, I thought I could straighten these things out myself and even though I prayed constantly I did not tell the Lord or Jesus my problems even though I knew that They knew what I was going through. In the past 6 years, it has become overwhelming and that is when I connected with the (incourage) women whose daily devotions have and continue to teach me so much. I was to the point that I was crying every day and just sad and depressed. That was not good and remembering past devotions, I thought, ” Betsy, you are doing this all wrong. You need to tell your trials and tribulations to God and place them at His feet and He will resolve it. ” You can stop always being worried so to go back to the beginning, I am now that semi-recovered perfectionist. I am working hard on it and I have begun to be much more calm and feeling so much more peace. I am going to do this until I know I have pushed perfectionism away somewhat. Dawn, your devotional was the perfect one for me to read today. Much thanks to you and I send you my prayers for your healing from that surgery and love for you and your words…………….Betsy Basile

  5. Dawn,

    We are not perfect people. So why do we constantly strive for perfection? All God wants from us is our obedience. Like a potter with clay God will mold us & fill our gaps. We need to quit trying to be perfect & just be our natural selves flaws & all!

    Blessings 🙂

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