About the Author

Rachel Marie Kang is the author of Let There Be Art and The Matter of Little Losses. A writer of poems, prose, and other pieces, she is founder of The Fallow House and the Social Media & Guest Post Manager for (in)courage. Connect with her at rachelmariekang.com.

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  1. Thank you so much for this devotion. It was exactly what I needed today. And to know I’m not the only one who feels these things and what to do to get past them. Thank you for your humbleness to share. Blessings to you!

  2. Dear Rachel……..What an appropriate devotion you have sent us today and your words are so true, it brought tears to my eyes as I sit here with the news on and hear that the entire Department of Education is being destroyed. Those people that ave school age children or grandchildren must be crushed as many of them count on the help they get from there. Of course, he says that those things that were done there will be done in other areas. I know this man and the way he operates and that will not happen as they are tearing down everything else to just a small amount of employees. It just breaks my heart that all these thousands of people losing their jobs could end up losing everything. I pray for them. I must pray the Lord’s Prayer at least 5 or 6 times every day. Confession is important to me and if I do something wrong or say something inappropriate and I catch it, I pray to the Lord for forgiveness. Sometimes those words you shouldn’t say slip out and we know we shouldn’t use those words, but we are human beings and we make mistakes. Thank you Rachel. I always love when you give us the daily devotion that I read as soon as I get up in the morning. I could go on, but I do have an appointment this morning so I will wish you a blessed weekend and I certainly will read what you wrote many times. Love to all of you from (incourage) as you keep me on the right track and help a 77 year old woman to keep putting one foot in front of the other…….Betsy Basile

  3. Rachel,

    There are things I do & say daily that I want to take back. My prayers include “change my heart O God. Make it ever true. Change my heart O God. May I be like you.” “Search me & try me. Know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any wicked way in me & cleanse my heart.” I realize I’m in a battle with flesh & blood. This can only be won by prayers. Going to add this to my prayers: Forgive us for what we’ve done, and for what we’ve left undone.

    Blessings 🙂

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