About the Author

Robin is the author of For All Who Wander, her relatable memoir about wrestling with doubt that reads much like a conversation with a friend. She's as Southern as sugar-shocked tea, married to her college sweetheart, and has three children. An empty nester with a full life, she's determined to...

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  1. I have a dear friend who once said she thought snow was God’s way of telling us to slow down, be quiet and enjoy the beauty. I live in Maine and this year, there has been a lot of that slowing down and it is beautiful. But with the hard work of shoveling comes the gift of wonderful neighbors who drive by and will plow my driveway, not because I asked or I contracted them, but out of kindness. Snow is a time of putting on the snow shoes as we go from house to house, of helping neighbors, of visiting to make sure they are ok, of delivering soup from our church kitchen, of being community of being “church” as our pastor often says. There is something biblical to it. And I thank you for that reminder.

  2. Robin, thank you for this beautiful insight into snow fall in the south! I literally woke up this AM wondering if my yard would be snow covered as predicted for the Midlands of SC & was thrilled the forecasters were wrong!!! My experience is Southerners don’t cope with snow well. We don’t know how to drive in it. Car accidents, slip & fall injuries & frostbite flood our ERs at an alarming rate. The stock pile of bread, milk & eggs go to waste as we either can’t eat it all or if we do get the power outages & closed roads & stores we shouldn’t be opening our frigs & letting in the relatively warmer temp to spoil what awaits in the frig. But God’s power & creativity & beauty still surround us even in the gray of clouds & rain or the dry roads we awoke to this AM. I am going to save your post for next time we do get snow so I can appreciate snow’s sermon all the more. Thank you! Blessings! (((0)))

    • Ruth, You reminded me about my husband traveling to upstate NY over the past several months for work. A LOT of snow, but they’re so well equipped to manage it (snow plows, cleared roads, not a big deal). Here, we have none of that.

      Your comment makes me so glad I wrote this (I felt a HS prompting to write it, but it seemed so superficial, I resisted it. Couldn’t shake God’s leading, though).

      You’re a blessing to ME this morning. Thank you!

      • Robin, my dad was a meteorologist. The year he was transferred from Charlotte, NC to SC, SC had a record snowfall. We were out of school for a week and my friends in NC were SOOO jealous. They had no school closures even though they had more snow that we did. Dad got blamed for bringing the snow with his move. ;~)
        A friend in Upstate SC is grumbling about getting snow today. I was able to share some of your post with him so thank you again for following the Spirit’s prompting!

  3. This is so beautiful. I’m watching the sun peeking through and glistening on the snow out my window this morning and thanking God for all the ways He cares for us. Remembering the beauty and glory of each individual snowflake. We have also been blessed by neighbors and church family who have ministered to us through the shoveling of snow this year. And I am thankful to be blessed to enjoy the quiet beauty.

    • You’ve painted a beautiful picture for me this morning, Gail. Thank you. It is COLD for us today (wind chills will keep it REALLY chilly), but dry as a bone. I shall live vicariously through your eyes <3.

  4. Dear Robin…………I loved your story today. I have lived all my life ( 77 years ) in the Northeast where, yes we have always been bombarded with snow. I never thought of it the way you did, but I always would watch out the window and just thank God for giving us this beautiful and soothing white snow. After all, we know that He is the Creator of all and I try every day to thank him for these things. Now, ice is a different story as it is hard to clean off your car, walk anywhere and especially drive. When I was working I had a 45 minute drive to the office and I remember clearly one whole week when we had ice every day. I was terrified and tried all kinds of different routes hoping one of those roads would be better than the others. That didn’t work either. As a little fun with this, the city that I worked in had a fabulous bus system and most of our employees worked in that area. I was a manager and the VP said to me one day. Why do so many employees call off due to the ice, but Betsy you have gotten here from 30 miles away? We all laughed, but the ice taught me a lesson from God. Never give up. As a manager, it was important that I be there to take care of things in my area, otherwise someone else would have to cover for me. Our upper management appreciated that I felt that way about my job. God said He was proud of me for not giving up. My child, I was there with you the whole time, helping you, protecting you and seeing that you were safe. The lesson that sometimes we use things like this as an excuse for doing something that we really should do. I still don’t like ice and we have already had some this winter, but I am retired now so I just look out the window and say “Thank you God, with your help, we will get through this.” Robin I am glad that your area got to see some snow as I can only imagine how you must have felt, never really seeing snow in the area you live in. Thank you Robin for this uplifting devotion today that took me back all those years to fond memories now, which started out nail-biting. We can find something that God has given us in almost everything as long as we look at it in the right perspective. I have been sick all week and have to stay in my apartment until I am better. They deliver our meals as too many residents go to the dining room coughing,, sneezing etc. We are not supposed to do that as things like this spread like wildfire in a facility where there is over 100 older residents. Best wishes to you Robin. I think I must go an lay down for awhile. The women from (incourage) always astound me with your beautiful, enlightening and ways we didn’t think about looking at from a different perspective. All of you, Robin are our Angels sent from God to those of us that are alone or sick or just wanting to reading those words to get our day moving alone………Betsy

  5. Thank you Robin for enlightening us Northerners with your perspective of snow.
    It certainly helps us appreciate it more reverently despite its commonality here.
    Bless you & thank you for still contributing.

  6. Robin, you have captured my feelings exactly. We got a lovely dusting in our part of NC today. It is a beautiful reflection and reminder of our amazing creator.


  7. Hi Robin,
    Lovely imagery, and, scripture (Job), re snow. I live in southwestern Ontario, Canada known as the “banana belt.” 🙂 This is about an hour and a half drive from Detroit, Michigan. This year we have been receiving exceptional cold weather due to the polar arctic phenomenon. We’ve had enough snow to build a snowperson but also, just a dusting a few times as well. Due to climate change, we have barely had a real, old fashioned winter like this for many years. I remember these type of winters when I was a kid, with below freezing temperatures and 1-2 feet of snow. I agree that it can be very beautiful, especially, when the snow hangs on the trees and the sun shines down and makes it sparkle! God certainly created numerous beautiful parts in nature for us to enjoy! Here, winter can continue into April, so maybe this year you’ll be able to enjoy another snowfall to admire; a type of sabbath rest to sit with God’s creation. 🙂

  8. I live in Kansas and it usually snows some not near as much as when I was a child. But this year we have snow. Since I am a senior citizen I have enjoyed staying home for several days enjoying my fireplace and slowing all things down. It is God’s creation and a beautiful reminder of his love.

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