About the Author

Irina Glazkova is an adventurous soul who loves the outdoors and reading. She resided in various countries on three different continents. Irina lives in Newfoundland, Canada, with her two cats. Experiencing severe health challenges allowed Irina to deepen her faith as well as to appreciate God’s love and mercies better.

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  1. I had to fly out to be with family this weekend, a last minute trip. Thank you for this reminder as I travel amidst recent events involving plane crashes, and thanks for sharing your words with (in)courage, Irina.

  2. Thank you for this writing. It’s always good to be reminded that God goes before us and always makes a way where we can see no way. Even though I know this, sometimes I don’t always live like I trust Him completely. You have encouraged us to always let God go first! Blessings and prayers for continued and complete healing!

  3. Thank you Irina. I was blessed with your story & I love how you shared your personal story to illustrate God’s faithfulness
    Blessings Irina.
    I’m looking forward to seeing & reading more of your writings.

    • So nice to see a comment from a fellow Canadian. Thank you for your encouragement. May the Lord bless you.

  4. Dear Irina…………….Your story made me cry. I know how serious the physical problem you have is and I can know in a way what you went through in your story , trying to get to the doctor. I have a similar thing that happened to me as well and it is too long a story to tell right now, but I did find that my Holy Spirit and Jesus were with me. I actually saw Jesus and my Holy Spirit whispered in my ear. The doctor had given me the wrong medication after a 9+ hour surgery. I coded and ended up in ICU. The doctor told my then husband that I would not survive the night. They had me in a drug induced coma. I only know these things from information the doctor told my husband. While I was in the coma was when I saw Jesus and the Holy spirit. They both told me that it was not my time and that I had too much to give to others and was needed here on Earth. The Holy spirit told me I would have to fight, fight, fight and Jesus said He would give me strength, but I had to fight to survive, but They would be with me. So, I did survive and had a very difficult recovery and as you said Irina in your story that you can’t do things that you used to love to do. My very sad result was I used up a year and a half of sick days and lost my dream job. It did not matter how good you were. It was one of their rules. I am so happy that you got to your doctor’s appointment in time. I will pray for you, Irina as what you went through and maybe still are is very sad and painful for me to think about, but your words reminded me that God is ahead of us and knows what will happen and will always be with us and never forsake us. Thank you Irina,,,,,,,,I love you as it is difficult to tell others what we have gone through. Please have a Blessed weekend and you have inspired me which I need right now. I am alone and I do not like Saturdays as it is really sad for me to see all the other people here have visitors, children, relatives and friend that come and do their wash or get them groceries etc. I have to struggle myself to do these things…………………………..Betsy Basile

    • Betsy, thank you so much for pouring out your heart in the comment. We are never alone because the Lord is with us.

  5. Thank you Irina for your encouraging words. I also have been diagnosed with a debilitating back condition, scoliosis, arthritis and 2 collapsed vertebrae. It has changed my physical life completely. But, praise God, I have a wonderful husband who helps me tremendously! I was scheduled to see a new doctor next week, but they rescheduled my appointment for 3 months later, in May. I was disappointed, but I remembered one of my favorite scriptures, Romans 8:28…..the Lord makes ALL things work together for our good……He has a good purpose in all this! For me and also for you! The Lord bless you richly, encourage your heart and be the Lifter of your head!

    • Donna, this is such a great reminder. We may never know why we are experiencing these health challenges in this life. May the Lord be with you and your husband during these challenges.

  6. This article inspired me that God will be on time for when my husband gets his music recorded. He goes before us, and He will make it happen in His timing and in His way, for His glory. Your article also gave me hope for our many prayers for our family members to come to know the Lord. We can share Christ with them but God is so much bigger than us. Jesus Christ is Savior and Lord. He can meet them in their struggles and He can draw them. He can do anything. God knows my heart for the lost. Thank you for your ministry. May the Lord bless you and guide you.

    • Amber, I am glad that I was able to encourage you through the article. May the Lord bless your ministry!

  7. Thanks,Irina for this affirmation and encouragement!! I’ve experienced this with God recently as well. His presence is sometimes the best thing we need in those unknowns of life! We just have to remember He’s with us. Praying for relief and healing for you !!

  8. Irina,

    God knows what we need & provides it even before we ask. He makes it clear that we are seen & loved. Years ago I was visiting my dad at assisted living around lunch. His hands shaking so bad food was not getting to mouth. I offered to feed him & he said yes. As I was feeding him a man on the right said “you will get stars in your crown for this”. Right then I knew deep down that God saw me & would reward me for this.

    Blessings 🙂

  9. Hi Irina,
    Great reminder to trust that God goes before us, giving us hope for the outcome. Praying that something new and innovative can be done as a treatment for your medical condition.

    I also read your article on lack of services and churches for deaf Christians or those who would possibly be discipled /mentored to become a Christian. I left a comment after that article, mentioning that I attend a missionary focused church. Living in Ontario, I’m sure there must be some resources that can be connected to deaf persons, such as, an organization to further their needs for training and outreach. ?? Blind people have the CNIB. Is there a similar Canadian organization for deaf people that would help non-deaf persons understand the culture of those living with hearing loss?

    Looking forward to your reply.
    Shalom, Sandy

    • Hi Sandy, thank you so much for your prayers. I know that the provinces have their own organizations for deaf people.
      Blessings, Irina

  10. Thanks so much for this inspiration.. I was struggling to accept my back pain ( it kept me from going to meet my Mom n sisters) as I read this it gave me understanding in this that the Lord leads and guides us in a very real way.. I look forward to what has in store for me!

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