“Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid.”
Isaiah 12:2 NIV
My son and I fight a lot. It’s not easy to admit, but we see the world so differently. He is strong. I am not. He is outspoken. I am not. He is opinionated. I am opinionated. Since he came screaming out of me sixteen years ago, he’s been a fighter. After all this time, I’m weary.
In my weariness, I get defensive. I get angry. I want to demand my voice be heard. I want to make him see my point of view and why it’s right.
I tend to force things. I can be stubborn. I want what I want. I’ve spent a lot of my life “forcing” things. I’ve done this with jobs I wanted. I push and push and push because I’m afraid of not getting what I want. I’ve done this with things, opportunities, and people.
When I’m afraid, I force my way forward.
I’m reminded of so many figures in the Bible who forced things too. Sarah was afraid of not conceiving and forced her husband to sleep with her servant, Hagar. Moses used force, Judah used force, and Peter used force — all when they were faced with a fearful situation. But, when I react to my fear by forcing my way forward, I usually end up hurting myself or others.
Life doesn’t have to be a battle. We don’t have to fight to get ahead or fear falling behind. Instead, we can surrender. We can let go of life on our terms. As fear rises, we can refuse to put on our boxing gloves and instead lean on Jesus.
I usually deal with my fear by using my own strength. When I sense my soul tensing up for a fight, I’ve learned to listen to the invitation to relax. I can enter my fear with Jesus. Like a litany, I live these words: soul, be still.
Don’t force the doors of opportunity to open. Don’t force people to relate in ways that only work for you. Don’t push to get your way. Trust that the Lord is always present and will always lead you to love and be loved.
by Anjuli Paschall, as published in 100 Days of Strength in Any Struggle
Our book, 100 Days of Strength in Any Struggle, will take you on a journey of learning to see God clearer and to know Him deeper in the middle of your struggles. As you experience pain, move through daily challenges, or get bogged down by anxieties big or small, you’ll learn to find Him right in the middle of it, ready to strengthen you and give you rest.
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Prayer is my weapon of choice. When feeling frustrated or angry I turn to God & ask Him to fix the situation. A few years ago I was praying for a full-time job. God gave me one but it wasn’t exactly what I had in mind. Kept on praying for a change. About months later a better suited position came available. It was given to me. Had I given in to my anger I may have quit & missed out on a good opportunity. The bonus is that I work 10+ hrs. daily for 4 days then get a 3-day weekend each week.
Blessings 🙂
Thank you for your honesty & your advice Anjuli
~ much appreciated
Wow, that’s me. How do I change to being more like Jesus which I thought I had accomplished. Daily I try doing all I know I should & want to so I can have faith & trust more in Christ, but apparently I not there. Maybe I have to have more contact w/people to be encouraged not to have things my way. Life is tough, even when I ask for understanding & wisdom.
Thank you for this devotion. I’ll share it!
Today’s reading speaks to lots. God to me this for you. I can get Angry very quickly. I only get Angry when people annoy me accuse me of doing something that I have not done or don’t believe me when I am telling the truth. They don’t do more to help me. Like with my Family to help our elderly Dad. Then my Anger gets worked up. I have sometimes taken it on my Family. But most of the time taken it out on myself say to myself they could do more and not expect me to most of it to help our elderly Dad. I end up going haaaa. They could have done this when visiting our Dad and not left it for me. I do enough Monday to Friday doing his house and washing. Then at times I take my Anger out on my Husband what they have done. The Lord has said to to take a step back do wha Jesus would do. Deal with my Anger like he would just point out nicely to my Family say why didn’t you tidy up after doing something for our Dad. That you made a mess instead of leaving it for me to do the next day. As it make more work for me and I have enough to do. I suffer Seizures and the Anger I feel for this can with all the stress make me have a seizure. I can be stubborn too especially if I tell someone something they don’t listen to me. I be stubborn until they do. Like my Husband if a job needs done around our house. I will be stubborn and go on at him until it is done. Even though he will do the next day. I want it done the day I say it to him. I am stubborn if I know I am right he is not. Until he sees he is and sees his mistakes. So God is changing me to make me not do these things so today’s reading was class and it spoke to thank you for it Love Dawn Ferguson-Little Enniskillen Co.Fermanagh N.Ireland. Xx
Dawn I’m praying for you and trusting God will help you as you are an amazing daughter of the King❣️
Bless you and your sweet husband.
Peace He came to bring.. abundance of peace. Breathe deep and thank Him for all things He brings you through blessings
Wow! Needed that exact message today!! Thank you!
Right now I’m going through a very stressful time. My husband of 33 years is in the final stages of COPD (emphysema). He also has a kind of dementia brought on by the stress of being unable to do anything for himself. It’s changed the loving man I married into an angry demanding person who wants what he wants and wants it now without regard for how his demands affect me and my autistic son. I really enjoyed this devotion!