On November 8, 2013, I got engaged in New York City with dream-come-true views of the Manhattan skyline and Brooklyn Bridge.
Before basking in the beautiful, breathtaking sights, I had to survive a full day of surprises. Delightfully, the first surprise involved pizza — my favorite food. We started the day in Midwood Brooklyn, stepping into Di Fara Pizza, an unassuming corner pizzeria with fluorescent lights and outdated floors. Crowded in the longest line, when we finally got to the counter, the cashier pulled out a pen and pad to take down our order.
This was the point we realized we were in for an experience. . .
Legend has it, Domenico “Dom” DeMarco, founder of Di Fara Pizza, has made pizza the same way since he emigrated from Provincia di Caserta in Italy to Brooklyn, New York and opened the pizzeria in 1965. When I say Di Fara Pizza is Brooklyn’s best pizza, it’s not sentimentality or a stretch of the imagination. Truly, as declared by New York Magazine, Di Fara Pizza is, “The holy grail of classic New York–style pizza,” while the New York Times says, “Domenico Demarco defined the New York slice.”
Still, Di Fara Pizza is Brooklyn’s best pizza not just because of how the pizza tastes, but because of how it’s made.
That day, as my then fiancé (now husband) and I stood there waiting for our order, we watched Dom unhurriedly spread slow-cooked sauce on the pizza pies, unhurriedly sprinkle mozzarella di bufala (mozzarella made from buffalo milk), and unhurriedly scatter snipped basil and hand-sliced pepperoni atop each pie. I say “unhurriedly” because Dom prepared each pie at a speed countercultural to the fast-paced mode of most New Yorkers.
To give an idea of just how unhurriedly Dom worked — we waited well over an hour for a total of three slices of pizza.
By the time we got our three slices, I was hungry and hangry. We ate our pizza on-the-go because the unexpected long wait made us late for the next scheduled surprise. I grabbed a slice from the box, folded it in half, and took a bite as grease gathered in the nooks and crannies of crust and melted cheese. My goodness, that slice of pizza was, indeed, the best we’d ever had. We felt bad that we’d complained about the wait and were kicking ourselves for only ordering three slices to split between the two of us.
Fast forward to November 2024, just months after our ten-year anniversary, my husband and I made our way back to Brooklyn. During our visit, we placed an order for pick up, this time a whole pie. With just one bite, we sat in the car (yes, again) astonished that — even after the passing of Dom in March 2022 — Di Fara Pizza hadn’t changed.
Surprisingly, reflecting on Di Fara Pizza and Dom’s legacy inspired me to ponder my faith in God in some deep and delightful ways. Here are a few things I learned that I hope will encourage you, too.
God stays the same. I’m amazed that Di Fara Pizza tasted exactly the same as it did over a decade ago. But my life is so very different… My body has changed due to health issues (I’m now gluten- and dairy-free, but I gave myself this one exception). My marriage, in simplest terms, is well beyond the honeymoon stage. And yet, as I contemplate how much my life has changed, I ponder the consistency of God — how God is the same today, yesterday, and forevermore. There’s a kind of reliable comfort in that, like coming back home to your favorite food.
God is intimately involved. Part of what makes Di Fara Pizza so treasured is the legacy of Dom’s approach to making pizza. It’s been said he believed that only one person should make the pies. He didn’t hand off the tedious work of spreading the sauce or turning the pizza by hand in the hot oven. He did the work himself, each day showing up to make pies, up to 150 pies a day. It reminds me of how God is intimately involved with each of us, deeply dedicated to even the seemingly trivial details of our lives.
God’s plan is always worth the wait. I still kick myself for complaining all those years ago. While Di Fara Pizza continues to be family-owned and operated, I’ll never get the chance to have a pie made by Dom himself. Sometimes in my life (okay, most times), I still feel like newly-engaged Rachel, huffing and puffing at the pizza counter, wanting the line to move faster and the pizza to come quicker. One lesson that I’m working on learning this year is to trust God’s plan (and timing), even when it feels foggy, frustrating, and slow.
God’s goodness is too good not to share. Currently, Di Fara Pizza has 53K followers on Instagram, 4.2K reviews on Google, and 4.1K reviews (with 2.5K photos posted) on Yelp. Di Fara Pizza has been featured in a variety of YouTube videos and articles. Many pizza makers in New York City name Dom, and his signature style, as inspiration for their pizzerias. Affectionately cherished, it goes to show — when something, or Someone, is proven tried and true, others will unapologetically share the good news.
Amen and amen, may we always, unapologetically, share the Good News. . .
Friends — which of these life lessons are you currently learning? Comment below and share a little bit about what God is showing you — I’d love to hear your story!
Oh I am drooling. I was born and raised in Brooklyn. And my favorite food is PIZZA. Next week, my 71st birthday I will continue the tradition of having pizza as my birthday meal. I now live in rural Maine so the pizza of my youth is a memory to savor. And like you, I am gluten intolerant. So it will be a gluten free pizza for me. Growing up I had my go to pizza place and it sounds just like the one you visited. The same slow process, one person behind the counter making pizza. I had a slice every day either before dinner or afterwards. I thought it was a touch of heaven on earth. And now, reading this, it makes such sense. God stays the same, is intimately involved, God is worth the wait and too good to share. Thank you for such a delicious insight.
Haha, Madeline! This was the sweetest comment to read. And so fun to hear you know (and lived) this experience, too. What a true treasure. I miss the days when food was prepared as such. Grateful to hear these words spoke to you, and I’m wishing you a fun-filled 71st birthday with the best pizza you can get your hands on!
I’ll be honest, at first, when I read the title I thought pizza and God, hmmm!? But then, wow! The perspective is amazing. This was my take away (that will, by the way, stick with me for a LONG time so thank you) God cares so much about us that He prepares each of us carefully, with TLC like the pizza being prepared for its customers. God takes His time, not rushing, causing us to have to wait longer than we’d like sometimes. The other takeaway is just like the pizza place has such a great reputation and the ‘word’ is spread, our God has a reputation for being AMAZING and we keep coming back and spreading His word and His name for others to be able to experience God’s greatness!!
Thank you thank you! (Now I have to have pizza, lol!)
Susen! I’m so glad you entertained the possibility of pizza and God : ) Honored to hear and know you’ll sit with these lessons for a long while. Sounds like you and I are in the same boat . . . remembers God’s care for us and letting God take the time needed with us so that we become all we were meant to. I’m waiting long on a lot of things, but trying to remind my heart that that doesn’t change one thing about God’s goodness. Hoping you get your hands on a yummy slice of pizza sometime soon!
Dear Rachel………..Your words today brought me to tears, as I was married to my husband ( Italian on both his father’s and mothers side ). I am Pennsylvania Dutch. We grew up in an entirely different environment. I learned how to cook Italian and my husband learned to love my kind of food as well. Your pizza story and the picture was just so warming to me and I could actually taste that pizza. Pardon, my drooling. What a truly wonderful engagement story and your husband must really love you for planning all those surprises. We were married 52 years when I noticed that his mind was failing. I managed to get him to a neurologist, but he refused to accept their diagnosis and what he needed to do to slow the progress of this awful disease. Instead of stopping his heavy drinking, he increased it and flushed the medication down the toilet. My son did not believe me and told me I was a liar and no longer, my mother. Heartbreaking things one after another. I prayed so frequently, but now 6 years later, his dementia has progressed to the highest tier. I stayed with him for 3+ years and kept trying to get him back to the doctor, but to no avail and his doctors could not understand why he would not help me. He was 52 at the time. Those 3+ years were very bad for me as he drank so much all afternoon and ate no dinner which through into what they called “Dementia rages” where, every single night he abused me physically as well as emotionally until in 2022, he tried to kill me. That was the end and I was forced to have him evicted from our house of 40 years for my safety. There is so much more, but I have bored you too much. This is where your words written towards the end of the devotion really hit me. The one lesson I am working on this year is to trust God’s plan and timing even when it feels foggy, frustrating and slow. I know God has each of our plans, but as human beings, sometimes we just can’t fight through this. This always reminds me that Jesus went through these difficult times as well and then I get mad at myself. My son has not let me see or even talk to my 1 grandchild for 3 years. He is 14 now. I just can’t seem to forgive my son for doing this. I know his wife hates me, but my son has changed into her over the years. Thank you again Rachel for your wonderful story and the picture of that pizza was definitely Italian. We used to go to South Philadelphia for true, real Italian goodies. I will keep trying and also to be more patient. Your words, Rachel have definitely given me courage and strength to move on. Love and prayers to you and your family today. Betsy Basile
Praying for you and your family Betsy, what a heartbreaking situation.
Sweet Betsy, it seems you and I are learning to be patient together. I thought I was patient, but turns out I’m just as angry, anxious, and impatient as the next person. The image of Dom (the pizzeria owner) forever stays in my mind. The image instantly makes me think of how God carefully tends to and takes care of each one of us. So fun to hear of your Pennsylvania Dutch roots and growing up with authentic Italian. I currently live in New Jersey and am certainly getting my fill on all things Italian! : )
God stays the same is what I’m clinging to now. Several of my family members are facing upheaval in their lives with health issues, both physical and mental, and as they rely on me for support, I need the consistency of God’s peace and strength. On a side note, I’m finding comfort in reading your book The Matter Of Little Losses again. As I’m reading and journaling in the book, my mind and heart find rest.
I totally hear this, Maura. It’s so easy to lose our footing. Even easier to lose our footing when others around us lose their’s too. Hoping you not only encounter the consistency and kindness of God, but begin to embody them yourself. Also so honored to hear The Matter of Little Losses is speaking to you. Today is its one year book birthday, so your note came as timely encouragement!
Loved this article as she describes the realness of life that caused her to reflect on all things good!
Thanks so much, Kae!
Wonderful article filled with great reminders! Also, I think I’m learning that through it all God is there. Through, good and bad, joy and heartache and even when things don’t make sense.
So glad you like these reminders, Courtney! I think I’m right there with you in learning (again) that God is near through it all. Especially when it doesn’t make sense. Grace to you this week!
I know this is late, so I pray this still reaches you. I saved yesterday’s email in my inbox because I love NYC and its pizza. The life lesson that we are currently walking through is God’s plan is always worth the wait. My husband and I moved to a house in 2018 that was about 30 minutes away from our kids, jobs, and most of modern civilization. We thought that the 30 minutes wasn’t a big deal at the time, and the house was beautiful and brand new. Fast forward to 2024, our daughter was now expecting her second child. The distance started to become a problem after the first few years because we were so used to being a part of each other’s lives on a daily basis. After praying for guidance my husband and I felt that God was leading us to put our house on the market. Now, keep in mind interest rates were at their highest point in years, we were going into fall, hurricanes, elections, holidays, etc. The cards were definitely stacked against us. We had a few interested parties early on, and then nothing. We had resolved it to be not part of God’s plan, and we were fine making do where we were. We committed to making the drive to see our kids, and now 2 grandsons as much as possible so that they didn’t have to pack everybody and everything to come to us. Then we got a serious buyer. We were so shocked after months of no activity that we almost couldn’t believe it. We had stopped viewing possible new properties online and now had to quickly jump on appointments to see potential new homes, the inventory in our price range is scarcely low. There was one property for sale right under our nose, frankly and right next to our daughter’s home. It was a nice size property, but the house appeared to be very small and the price a bit higher than we wanted. We started looking in the windows (it’s a new construction home) and seeing that it was lovely inside. We made and appointment to see it and fell in love with it right away. My heart was scared to hope that we could have this house, right next to our daughter’s family, close to work, and modern civilization. We are now through all of the negotiating, inspections, financing, etc. Our closing date is at the end of this month, and we are in awe of what God has done!! We haven’t crossed the finish line yet, but we have faith that God got us this far and he is faithful to complete his plan for us.
So honored to hear a little bit about your current season, Christine. I recently relocated to be closer to my family (after having two boys in the last few years). I understand so much of what you’re sharing here and hope for goodness to unfold from this, even in the waiting. Grace to you today!
I had to smile at your post and not just because of the very good points you made. You see, I live in Cary, NC, and Di Fara set up shop right in downtown Cary, not 3 miles from where I live. We’ve walked to it before. Good New York-style pizza. No, you’re right, the best. You made my day with this post.
Now you just gave ME a smile! That makes my heart so happy! I just moved back up north after living in Charlotte for the past ten years. Cheers to pizza!
The Alabama song I’m in a Hurry” fits me to a tee. Always rushing from one thing to the next. God is teaching me to slow down & savor life. Stop & smell the roses. Look around & see His beauty. His plans are far better than anything I could asked or wanted. Yes you may have to wait a while, but it is definitely worth the wait. Just like Di Farra pizza. Sometimes life is worth the wait!!
Blessings 🙂
I’m in the foggy, frustrating and slow place… but I KNOW His timing is always perfect. I KNOW His ways are better than my ways and His plans are always better than my plans. But my humanness causes me to feel a daily stress from not being in control. (Control… such an illusion anyway!) Please pray that I can truly fall into the peace that only our Father can provide ❤️ Thank you!