For many years, I made grand New Year’s resolutions. I would resolve to go to the gym more, eat healthier, learn a new language, get more sleep, and read the whole Bible — all in one year.
But within a few weeks, I’d give up because it was all too much. I felt like a failure because I wasn’t able to keep the promises I made to myself. Then I’d repeat the pattern the following year.
However, several years ago, I stopped making resolutions because I found them inherently problematic. While resolutions work for some, they can be overwhelming for others because they force you to think too big. Resolution-makers tend to be overly ambitious. Suddenly, just because the calendar turned over, you’ve committed to walking 15,000 steps a day, drinking a gallon of water daily, starting a hobby, reading the Bible in 365 days, and going to bed earlier every night. That’s a lot to handle all at once.
If you are great at keeping resolutions, that’s amazing. I celebrate with you! But if you’ve repeatedly blown your resolutions, I’m here to help you develop a manageable method for building good habits into your life.
First of all, if you’re a resolution-breaker, know that you’re not alone. A multitude of studies show that the majority of resolution-makers abandon resolutions within the first two months; many don’t make it two weeks.
If resolutions aren’t working for you, there’s a more effective strategy. It lies in the power of small changes, bite-sized habits, and immediate goals.
Try this. Pick one doable thing you can do tomorrow to make life better. Focus on the present-day commitment, rather than fixating on whether you can persevere for 365 days in a row. Over time, by showing up daily, a habit will form.
When you’re ready to tackle another goal, build another practice into your life — until it, too, becomes a habit. Continue the pattern, folding in new habits as you’re able.
That’s the wisdom behind Zechariah 4:10 (NLT) which says, “Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin.”
The verse comes from a vision God gave to Zechariah during the rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem. The task of rebuilding was monumental, and there were many challenges, including discouragement caused by the people comparing the new temple to the grandeur of the previous one. (Raise your hand if you’ve ever compared your progress to someone else’s.)
But God reminded the people not to undervalue the start of their work, however small it seemed. The beginning was worth rejoicing because it marked the first steps of progress toward fulfilling God’s promises.
The same is true for us.
Even a habit that starts small can grow into something significant under God’s guidance.
That’s the philosophy I eventually adopted. Because of that, I’ve been able to grow in all of those habits I mentioned earlier. I regularly go to the gym and consistently eat healthy foods. I’ve read through the Bible in a year(ish) many times. I have a 778-day streak on Duolingo, an app where I practice Portuguese and Indonesian. How? By building doable habits into my life – one “small beginning” at a time.
This year, remind yourself it’s okay to start small. If you want to finish the Bible in the next year or two, commit to what you can do today, like reading for 10-20 minutes. Then, be deliberate about doing it again tomorrow. If you want to walk 10,000 steps a day, start with 5,000 today. Add steps until you reach your goal.
Give yourself a little bit of grace and time. Celebrate the gratification of reaching an immediate goal. It will give you the boost you need to keep going, day after day.
In this new year, focus on progress, not perfection. Trust that God can use your small beginnings and grow them into something beautiful.
Such great advice Jennifer! I’ve not been a resolution maker for a long time. I figure if something needs to be changed or improved in my life God will nudge/sledgehammer/convict me at whatever point on the calendar He chooses. It’s my responsibility to respond to His callings to be becoming more Christ-like each day. His Spirit is the enabler or I am doomed to fail. This coming Friday is international quitters day as it is typically the day of the year most resolution makers quit. The Trinity never gives up on us so we do not need to be part of the statistics of quitters! Blessings & continued growing in Christ-likeness! (((0)))
Ruth, That’s actually what my husband, Scott, says as well. Why wait for the flip of a calendar, right? If something needs to change — but it January 1 or August 22 — make that change.
Happy New Year.
This is great advice! And very encouraging. Thanks!
Gail, It’s been so helpful for me personally to tackle one healthy habit at a time — and think of it day-by-day. Hope that works for you, too. Happy New Year!
I love the idea of breaking big goals into small steps. It’s so practical that I had to share it! Congratulations on all your accomplishments.
Sending you new year joy,
Lisa Wilt
It has made such a difference for me, Lisa. I hope it works for you as well. I’ve now been able to read the Bible in a year, increase my daily steps, eat better, drink more water, etc … because I broke it down into those bite-sized goals first. Best to you in 2025!
Jennifer, these are great ideas! Thank you for sharing them!
You’re welcome, Irene. Thanks for being here! Happy New Year.
Dear Jennifer………..WOW, what a great idea. My problem is similar, but my job before I retired for 45 years, required multi-tasking which I became very good at; however, I was much younger then. Now I am 77 years old and am still trying to do the same thing that I did at my job. When I turned 70, I realized that I couldn’t do that anymore without dropping one of the balls. I continued to make myself do the same thing I did when I was working, and I loved my job. What I do now is get started on one thing and then I see something else that needs to be done and go to that; meanwhile the first thing I was doing gets lost in the shuffle. So your words today Jennifer have given me the perfect way to stop this. Instead of trying to do 5 things at once, I am going to write down before I go to bed, the things that I didn’t get to and put them in order at the top of the list. I really believe that this will work for me and will help me not to blame myself for not getting everything done that day. I always take time to pray to Jesus, but one thing I don’t do is take time for myself after lunch to sit down and get a nap. I suffer from long haul Covid for 2 years and one thing is severe fatigue and both my hands are stiff and numb at times. Again, I have to check my email, but not every time I see there is a new one. I believe I need to turn off my computer a couple of times a day so I can’t see there is something new there that I think I have to answer right away. My word for this year is “Breathe” and I think your solutions will help me get there this year. Thank you so much, Jennifer and I wish you a Happy New Year and if we all work together, we will finally get over those so many New Year’s resolutions that were not really doable. Love, Betsy
I am so thrilled to hear of your plan. Did you try it this morning, Betsy? How did it work for you?
As one of my favorite speakers Ryan Leak said ” if you want to start making better decisions, start by making one. One will lead to two.”
Wow. That’s goooood. Thanks for sharing.
Very true. I love the practicality of this message. Thank you!!
You’re welcome, Felicia. Thanks for being here. And Happy New Year!
Love the reminder to start small!
A suggestion for knowing the Bible is listening to the Bible in a Year podcast with Fr. Mike Schmitz . His short commentary after each episode really helps understand (especially those drier or confusing parts) God’s messages.
Love this! Thanks for the recommendation.
Jennifer Happy New year to you and your family. I don’t make new years resolutions. As I believe if God wanted you make them he tell you what ones he wants you to make then you have to ask God to help you keep them. Satan the Devil would do anything to get you to not be able to keep them even with God’s help. Sure Jennifer God is always is helping us change to take smaller steps. A baby when we watch them start to walk they have to get there balance first they don’t run right away they have take baby steps until confident they can walk properly. That takes time as when they get on there feet for the first few times they are very wobbly and fall over lots of times. Then in our world we see the Mother and Father of that baby sometimes also helping the baby learn to walk and get there balance by taking them by the hands. Then we see there are things like the furniture and toys the baby holds on to as well to help them learn to walk and get there blance. It is like that with us and Jesus. We have to take small baby steps like the baby until we get confident with God taking us by the hands to help us grow to be a better Christian for him. We will like a baby be wobbly and get it wrong make mistakes. As it a learning curve for us to as followers of Jesus. We have to also remember Jesus is the teacher we are the pupil he is teaching how to live the way he wants us to that is as his word the Bible says for our lives putting it into practice. We have to take those smaller steps and not run before we can walk the way God wants us to for our lives. One day at time listing to Gods Holy Spirit speak to us how God’s wants us to live for him. Then put into practice into our lives. It all a learning curve for us as followers of Jesus all the days of our lives. Yes there will be days we will mess up and get it wrong. But we can come to Jesus say sorry got it wrong. Jesus will be the teacher and teach us how to get it right and put it into our lives so we can live it out. Especially in this world that needs Jesus in it. That they see everything we do is living for Jesus as his word says with his Jesus help. I say Amen and to that. Yes it can be hard but with God’s help we get there and our lives change. We see our lives changing to live as God wants us to that is as his word says for our lives. I am still learning to walk one day at time with Jesus. If I mess I go Jesus say I messed up. Ask Jesus forgive me for messing up. Then I ask Jesus too show me were I went wrong and how to put it right in my life to live as he wants me to. Keeping you all in prayer incourage. Dawn Ferguson-Little Enniskillen Co.Fermanagh N.Ireland. Xx
Baby steps is right. Love that, Dawn! And thanks for prayin for us here at incourage. We really appreciate your comments and your prayers.
Brilliant (and a much-needed reminder!!)
Thank you, JDL!
Thanks so much, Nikki!
I really love this and relate!! I’m definitely a small steps over time girl. Perfect message for me as I enter a 21 day prayer/ fast.
God bless you in this fasting period, Dawn! May you sense God’s wisdom and love for you.
This really resonates with me and couldn’t have come in a better time! As we speak, I’m sitting here thinking about my resolutions while waiting for my dumpster rental to get picked up. It’s a little overwhelming to think about all the things I need to improve on, but I love your thoughts on doing things little by little. A big one for me is losing weight this year, but instead of focusing on that overall goal, I feel much better thinking about setting a goal of working out twice a week. I really appreciate your thoughts!! I’m new to your blog, but I’ll be coming back! Happy new year!