My youngest daughter has recently been watching a TV show where two of the characters have visions of the future. It never fails, though, that their visions only show part of the picture and their interpretation of what’s happening (and what they should do to prevent it) is wrong. Every time! While discussing the show, my daughter said, “I still like it, but it’s kind of the same thing over and over. You’d think they would figure out that they always get it wrong!”
I laughed and agreed with her about the premise of the show. But then I paused and said, “Isn’t that kind of how we all are, though? Making the same mistakes over and over again?”
We’re just past the beginning of another year, another stretch of days debating the concept of “New Year, New Me,” another opportunity to look back and evaluate, and look forward and plan. In other words, it’s January.
And nothing sends me spiraling into self-doubt disguised as reflection like January.
I woke up on January 1, 2025, the same person I was on January 1, 2024 — and every year before that. And I do love that person (or at least I’m trying to), but I sure thought she’d have figured some more things out by now. Sure, I’ve grown and learned and changed in some ways throughout my life, but the things that I struggle with never seem to leave me entirely.
I don’t have visions of the future like those TV characters, but I seem to get the same things wrong year after year.
Have you ever felt that way? Have you reached a milestone or significant date and felt panic begin to creep in at the thought of everything you haven’t started or stopped or accomplished or experienced? Have you ever found yourself wondering if you’ll ever reach that goal, ever learn, ever move past that thing, ever get it right?
I feel that too, deeply—but I’m going to stop us both right there. Because, friend, we cannot start another year or season or week at the bottom of that pit! These feelings of discouragement are understandable when we struggle to see growth or progress — but, much as I’m tempted to wrap myself up in self-criticism and self-doubt and convince myself I might as well give up, that’s not who I want to be or how I believe God wants me to live. And the same goes for you.
So, how do we climb out of this broken resolution-shaped hole?
Let’s start by remembering that we’re human, a condition God is fully aware of and not offended by. And then we’re going to turn to God’s Word. One of the most human, most relatable passages in the Bible is found in Romans, where Paul confesses that he also cannot get it right:
“I don’t really understand myself, for I want to do what is right, but I don’t do it. Instead, I do what I hate. I want to do what is good, but I don’t. I don’t want to do what is wrong, but I do it anyway.”
Romans 7:15, 19 NLT
Same, Paul, same.
But here’s the thing we can’t miss: Just a few verses later in Romans 8:1, Paul says there is no condemnation for those of us who belong to God. And later in that chapter, as he reassures the reader of the absolute and all-encompassing power and strength of God’s love, he says (in Romans 8:33-34, paraphrase mine):
Who dares accuse us? No one.
Who then will condemn us? No one.
No one! No one has the right to accuse a child of God. No one has the authority to condemn us for the sin God promises to wash clean. No one can convince God to give up on us or judge us or leave us to our own devices. No one.
And while we can find verses in other parts of the New Testament where Paul shares his successes and all the ways Jesus has transformed him, these verses in Romans 8 come right after he admitted that he struggles to do the right thing. This context matters! Romans 8:1 begins with “therefore,” connecting Paul’s lamentations of his sinful nature directly to God’s pure love and forgiveness for all the ways we continue to be so very human.
Our transformation into the person God created us to be may be slow. We may relapse into old habits or lack the strength to start new, healthy ones. Some years may contain so much chaos or difficulty that the best we can do is survive.
And absolutely none of that will keep God from loving us just as we are.
God’s love isn’t hinged on our ability to get everything right. Our struggles might feel like reruns, but His grace is relentless.
So let’s be kind to ourselves, just as Colossians 3:12-13 urges us to be, clothing ourselves with tenderhearted mercy and patience — even toward our own hearts. When we stumble, instead of harsh criticism, let’s extend the same compassion we’d offer a dear friend. God’s mercies are new every morning (Lamentations 3:22-23), and that includes mercy for ourselves. (Mic drop because I seriously need all the mercy I can get. Same?)
So, take a breath, friend. This year isn’t about fixing everything; it’s about trusting God with each step, leaning into His love, and allowing His grace to transform us—slowly, steadily, beautifully.
Let’s approach this day and the rest of the year knowing we are loved right where we are, imperfections and all.
Thank you for sharing, Mary… As we end January, I’m so grateful that God’s mercy is our new every morning!
Sending you new year joy,
Lisa Wilt
I have loved that quote from Romans. I feel like it was written for me! I start each day asking God to help me be the best I can be, not hurt anyone, have good thoughts and use words that aren’t hurtful, etc. Well, it does’t take long for that to go down the drain.But, I keep trying and know that God sees my efforts- at least I hope so. Each day it is an opportunity to wipe the slate clean thankfully.
Thank you for this beautiful reminder of God’s mercy. This morning’s Abide meditation was on the story of Rahab and the YouVersion verse of the day is on the lost sheep. Seems God has something to say to me this morning. Have to love such affirmation.
Dear Mary……..What a great way to wake up and read today’s devotion. You describe exactly what I have been doing myself and then getting mad at myself for doing the wrong thing when I know what the right thing is to do. I have started to put some of your suggestions into play and they have been working. My Holy Spirit is helping me to understand and reminding me of the right thing to do. As humans, we need to remember that Jesus has gone through the same things, but He took a different perspective in solving whatever the situation requires. I feel that sometimes I am so overwhelmed, that I forget that Jesus went through some of the same things that we face. I will read your words after lunch again when I am together and can learn more. I am still a bit tired. Thank you Mary for everything. The women of (in)courage community must be angels sent to us from God to help those of us that have so many problems. I am 77 years old and it does get more difficult as you age to remember everything. Love to you for remembering those of us who are totally alone and need help……..Betsy Basile
Oh Mary! Same! Same! Same!
I try, every January, to journal what has worked and what has not in the past year. Then I review what I wrote the previous year, and try to move forward.
This year I saw that one of last year’s goals was to reach a certain weight goal. But I got within 4 pounds of that goal by May, then gained it back by December. Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! So this January 1st, I was back at square one!
But I’m not giving up. Even though every year it’s harder to lose the weight, I Am Going for it! I am! So far, I’ve chipped away 4 measly pounds. But that’s ok. I’m doing it. In microscopic increments, but it’s happening!
Thank you, Mary! I know God accepts me for who I am, warts and all!
Thank you for this! Precious sister, your writing blesses me every time. Have a very blessed day!
Madeline, Right there with you…AMEN! Let your “LIGHT SHINE”….Matthew 5:16. THANKS, Mary for your encouraging devotional!