Throughout my life, I’ve watched the Lord come through for me in ways that are special, intimate, and uniquely personal. I want you to know that He will do the same thing for you. His character is to give us beauty for ashes, joy in place of mourning, and praise instead of despair (Isaiah 61:3). He is a good, good God.
In 2017 my husband, Darian, and I were looking for a piece of property to build our forever home on the lake outside of our small town. We had been looking for roughly two years. During that same time, my brother was going through some struggles of his own. He was making decisions that were not helpful to himself or his family. We had been earnestly praying for him to recognize what he was doing and make a change in his life. Through phone calls and conversations he had with friends and family, we found he had come to those realizations.
As a family with open arms, we were all expecting him to make a full 180 in his life. Instead, on July 20, 2017 we received the tragic news that my brother had passed away. I’ll never forget the day the phone call came. I was out scouting the land to potentially build our forever home on. I had driven my Jeep to a piece of property overlooking the lake when my phone lit up with my brother’s number displayed. I knew right then that something was wrong. It was in that place, admiring such a beautiful view, where I received the devastating news.
The Bible says in 1 Thessalonians 4:13 (NLT), “And now, dear brothers and sisters, we want you to know what will happen to the believers who have died so you will not grieve like people who have no hope.” Grief is real. It hurts. On this earth we will feel sadness. Yet, when we know our loved ones are in heaven we relish in the hope that we will see them again. I’m so thankful for the Lord. Even in such sorrow, He holds you near. He’s close to the brokenhearted and He binds up our wounds (Psalm 147:3). I can’t imagine grieving without the hope the Lord brings. I don’t know how people live without Him.
The Lord brought me comfort, especially during that next year as my heart was healing. In the midst of many tears, wondering what I could have done differently and wishing it were all a bad dream, He had people praying for me, calling, texting, and checking up on me. He made sure I knew He still had not left me nor forsaken me. He was so good to me in those moments, which is just like God – He surpasses our expectations and is faithful to show us His extravagant love.
As the weeks moved on, Darian and I agreed we didn’t want the piece of property I was parked on when I heard the news. It also didn’t fully fit the criteria in our hearts. We had a very particular list we were praying would be part of our forever home. Darian and I wrote every specific detail we were praying for down on a piece of paper. The list was vast and seemingly impossible. It spanned from being on a cliff with a cove to having space for life groups and family to gather, pine trees and a ceiling high enough to fit my towering Christmas tree.
Wouldn’t you know it, exactly one year later, on the anniversary of my brother’s passing, we signed the papers on our new home. It had every single item on the list. I had to laugh when they told me the closing date, July 20, 2018. God is so good. In John 10:10 (NLT), Jesus tells us, “The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.”
Jesus in all of His goodness redeemed that day for me. He took a day that the devil tried to steal and destroy and turned it into a day of rejoicing. It did not bring my brother back, but it did show me, even in the darkest moments, that God loves me, sees me, and is for me. I will see my brother again someday and what a glorious day that will be.
But while I’m here, I’m so thankful for a God who loves me enough to redeem the hard days. He will do the same for you.
God redeems! Amen!
Sending you New Years joy,
He sure does!
Thank you for the New Years wishes!
Live Uncommon!
On memorial day 2016, my brother went missing and wasn’t found until October of that year. We may never find out exactly how he died, but we do know that it was drug related. I feel your pain and I have also wondered how people survive grief without God.
I’m so sorry for your loss. The hurt is real, but yes, so thankful for Jesus. I hope you get the answers soon.
Live Uncommon,
Amen! God is so good! I was hospitalized for a week in December 2024 (last month). It was due to a manic episode of bipolar. I was just overwhelmed by fear. In the hospital I was terrified and fearful for about 24 hours. It was the darkest/scariest time in my life. I knelt and prayed in the hospital even though I felt like God couldn’t hear me anymore. The next morning I woke up and I wasn’t scared or terrified. I knew God was with me. I started going to all the hospital classes and learning beautiful lessons God was teaching me: like let Him guide me step by step, submit to my husband and keep the house clean, and don’t judge anyone (God is the only judge). Since coming out of the hospital I have assurance of Salvation, and I have been spending a lot of time with the Lord each morning… getting up about 5:45am so I can spend about an hour with Him every day before work, and it’s been so awesome. What the enemy meant for disaster in my life, God truly used it for good. Praise God. Also I’m so sorry for your loss of your brother. May God bless your ministry.
Such a great story of His healing power in your life! Thank you for sharing.There is nothing like spending time in His presence.
Live Uncommon,
Your words resonate with me. I’m sorry for your loss of your dear brother, yet so grateful God’s guiding hand brought you comfort, healing, and to your new home. God makes His presence in our daily lives known in the most profound ways, as I’ve experienced in my life as well.
You are so right, He works in the most profound way. I am astounded by His goodness.
Live Uncommon,
Yes!!! The Lord has done that in my life as well!!! He has redeemed relationships that I thought were lost to me!!! Including my own daughter!!! Praise him for his loving kindness!!!
Praise God! His redeeming power is unlike anything else. I’m so glad to hear about your daughter.
Live Uncommon,
Dear Tyra………………………..WOW, a very sad, but in the end joyful feelings and knowing that God was still with you and to choose that day for you and your husband to sign the papers on your forever home that you had been searching for. I truly feel that I couldn’t accept the site you were looking at when you got that very upsetting and emotional unexpected phone call. If I had taken that one, I would have just kept grieving for my brother and it would have been very difficult to not continue to mourn. God has done this for me too. In 2001, I had to have a very serious and complicated operation. It was 9+ hours on the operating table. I had a very difficult time in the recovery room overnight. The next day, they took me back to my room. My the husband was waiting and the head of the department was there talking to him. He asked the nurse to give me some medication. She did and 1 minute later, I coded. They got my husband out of the room and every one came running. I only know this from what my husband told me later. I ended up in ICU in a drug induced coma for 2 weeks, although the whole time the doctor said I would not survive that first night. He gave me the wrong medication so he waited overnight with my husband. Well, here is where something miraculous happened. Many people I tell, think I just dreamed this, but I know it wasn’t a dream. At some point, Jesus appeared and my Holy Spirit was whispering in my ear. Jesus said to me, “my beloved daughter, it is not your time. You have so much to live for and you help so many other people, but it will take strength and I will give that to you and my Holy Spirit whispered in my ear. You must fight, fight, fight and We will be with you.” Well, I did fight even though the doctor said I couldn’t survive what happened to me. So hear I am, Tyra, replying to your story so I did live. As they started to bring me out of the coma, everyone, especially the nurses taking care of me were shocked. I was foggy after going through the 9 hour operation and the 2 weeks in the coma, but something kept tapping me on the hand. Later, I could remember the whole experience. God is a good, good God as your words tell us. Sometimes He does things that we don’t even realize at first that He had done whatever seemed odd at the time. Thank you Tyra for your sad story and I hope and pray that you and your family are enjoying your dream home. Yes, I think you will see your brother again. I love the (in)courage community of women. All of you are special to me and I have many books that I try and look at some, every day. It is only 3 degrees here in PA today. We haven’t had this kind of weather for decades. Love to you……………Betsy Basile
Betsy, wow! What an incredible story of God’s healing power and goodness in your live. Thank you for sharing it. Try to stay warm!
Live Uncommon!
What an absolutely beautiful testimony of God’s goodness. I’m so sorry for your painful loss, but I’m so thankful for the ways God does, in fact, redeem everything our enemy tries to use to take us down. Thank you for sharing your story with us!
That is so true. God does redeem everything the enemy tries to steal. Thank you for your reply!
Live Uncommon,
So sorry for the loss of your brother. Christians have the hope that we will see our loved ones again. God’s love is super extravagant. About 10 years ago my dad was in assisted living. I went to visit him at lunch. He was having hard time (hands shaking) getting food to mouth. I offered to feed him he said yes. The man on the right side said “You will get stars in your crown for this”. Wow I knew God saw me. A year later I was working a part time job. They let me go one day. Two weeks later Jesus gives me a much better part time job that has since turned into a full time benefitted position. I have been there 5 years now. It’s amazing the timing God has.
Blessings 🙂
Congratulations on such a great job with the benefits you were hoping for. God is so, so good!
Live Uncommon,
Angel, I am Sooo sorry for losing your brother. But, you are totally correct…I don’t know how people Do survive grief w/o God!!!Prayers for “mind” healing also!
Thank you for the prayers. Jesus is so good. I’m thankful we don’t have to “survive” anything without Him.
Live Uncommon,