“Mom, I love you, but this is why I am a minimalist.”
I opened the upstairs closet in a last-ditch effort to find my missing box. Objects tumbled out. I’d stacked and shoved. Shoved and stacked. With raised eyebrows, my daughter looked at me and chuckled. She had a point.
During various seasons, physical clutter has claimed too much territory in my life. One junk drawer crept into two. Organized pantry shelves now overtook space on the floor. And while I’ve created a cozy, welcoming environment for guests downstairs, my hidden spaces hold baggage I’ve held onto for far too long.
Time after time, I’ve declared “THIS WILL BE THE YEAR!! There’s a time to keep and a time to throw away.” I’ve celebrated significant progress and then allowed discouragement to derail me when the year ended as cluttered as it began. And while I’ve made intentional choices to simplify my life in many areas, my extra “stuff” carries a heavy physical and mental load.
The irony is that I have the knowledge to write a compelling book on home organization; I understand the systems necessary to declutter my life — but nothing changed until it was forced to.
In 2023, my husband and I celebrated thirty years of marriage. Our kids marked this covenant day with precious words and an announcement. “Since you’ve waited decades to replace your old upstairs carpeting, we’ll split the cost of the new flooring.”
What a kind, thoughtful gesture. They sensed a need, but couldn’t fathom the amount of work necessary for me to receive this gift. (Just pretend you’re packing to move without the benefit of a new house.)
For months, I couldn’t prioritize this overwhelming task. My friend Barbara reminded me that “Clutter is postponed decisions.” That’ll preach because I procrastinated until I received this text: “Mom, we budgeted for flooring last year. If you’re not going to use it, you’ll lose it.”
Our kids know me so well. The frugal saver in me created this mess, but she’s also the same saver who won’t pass on a free gift.
To move forward required brutal honesty. Not just with myself, but a heart evaluation before the Lord. So I prayed, “Search me, O God and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts” (Psalm 139: 23 NIV).
And He did.
While I desired to halt the habits that were sabotaging my progress, I hadn’t been willing to do the hard work necessary to clear out the cluttered spaces in my heart and home.
It’s an often painful process to allow the Holy Spirit’s gentle care to convict our soul, isn’t it? The intimate nearness He offers and the freedom of wholeness are available right now, but it involves a submission to the transformative process of renewing our mind. I had run from discipline too often. If I wanted to experience newfound peace, I needed to acknowledge the work involved.
“No discipline is pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.”
Hebrews 12:11 NIV
If you’re a “Place for everything, Everything in its place” kind of girl, you may not understand the struggle of stuffed spaces. But when we reframe “clutter” as anything that gets in the way of living fully alive for God’s glory, then we realize we’ve all experienced the impact of clutter. Doesn’t wisdom suggest that if something isn’t drawing us closer to God’s goodness or His calling for us, we should let it go?
That’s my struggle. We can hold on to anything we want, but we must be willing to pay the price — in space, time, energy, and money. Because no matter how much we shove, shift, and hide our clutter, the cost takes its toll.
What might decluttering look like for you in 2025?
Could it be emotional or digital clutter that prevents peace within your home?
Financial clutter where debt hinders generosity?
Relational clutter created by a frazzled “to-do” list that limits your margin for others?
Or maybe spiritual clutter where bitterness, idolatry, or pride create barriers to a right relationship with the Lord?
It’s been a year since that “use it or lose it” text from our kids. My brother and I ended up installing the floors ourselves. Part of being honest meant acknowledging that I didn’t get here overnight and I wouldn’t get out from under it overnight either. (Plus I needed tough love to make progress.)
In the decision-making process, I’ve started asking, “Does this help me accomplish my work, enjoy my life, encourage others, or draw me closer to the Lord?” If not, it’s clutter. Full disclosure, I invited my minimalist daughter to speak the truth and hold me accountable. (I’ll let you know how that goes.)
Clearing the clutter of our hearts and homes is a journey and not a one-time destination, but a continual journey. While I witness the fruit of discipline that comes in the day-to-day as I choose to lay my preferences aside, it’s not only hard work, it’s transformative.
It allows room for my soul to breathe and I’m so proud of myself. I’m amazed at the peace it brings.
Do you desire that too? To declutter your heart and soul?
What’s one thing that you need to let go of that no longer serves you or Him well?
Join me in the comments as we reflect and imagine how our lives would feel if we decluttered that one aspect.
Well, my response could go on for pages. Been there, seen it , done that! In 2014 we moved from a sprawling 6 bedroom New England farmhouse complete with a barn that was bigger than the house. It was so hard to get my priorities straight. But to put all the emotions and reasons in a nutshell, two things stuck out to help me accomplish the “purge” First, I did things on my terms- I didn’t lose things because of a wildfire, hurricane, flood, etc. I had control. Second, my daughter pointed out that if I something did not make me smile and bring all sorts of joy and good memories, I really did not need it (case in point- the collectibles from my husband’s side of the family that belonged to people I never knew, that I did not know the history of and things my husband didn’t even want.) I am so much happier the less possessions I have. This gives me more time to focus on the important stuff and that has meant a close relationship to God, and more meaningful friendships. I think what you wrote is a good reminder for all of us.
Madeline – First I am stuck on the fact you had a huge barn. That’s been my dream, but I’ll move on 😉 I know I’m happier as I slowly get rid of those things I don’t need but I can’t ask the question of “what sparks joy?” because too many of my pretty, unneeded things do so that’s where I have my daughter to hold me accountable too. 🙂
If you did it, I can too.
I was smiling as I read this, Jen, having the benefit of knowing you and meeting at least some of your children (including your daughters). You spoke so much practical truth with spiritual roots here. Thank you for getting honest with yourself and pulling back the curtain on what that looks like. (And, how sweet to see how well your kids KNOW you. 🙂 )
oh friend – thank you. And you know those daughters can speak the truth when they know us that well (and especially one of mine….she is sometimes too honest haha)
I need to let go of my need to perform, to work, to feel like I’m contributing. It’s not that these things are bad but due to a really difficult upbringing my drive is for approval, to feel “normal”, to be loved or admired (at times). It brings me closer to God because I pray a lot but it also brings much strife, worry and concern. Thankfully I’m a minimalist but even as a minimalist I still have stuff to purge. Holy Spirit enable to have the discipline and make time to purge whatever is a hindrance in our lives. In Jesus mighty name I pray. Amen
Rebecca – thank you for your transparency on releasing the performance mentality. You are not alone in that. Such a common struggle for so many women and aren’t we grateful the Holy Spirit can enable us to take those steps forward.
What a refreshing change to know that I am not the only person who desires to challenge myself to let go of fear of opinions, and quirky ways I might have in my personality. I will need the Holy Spirit to greatly help me for the entirety of my journey and for my growth and development.
Let’s start with the fear of opinions from my spouse. I don’t want to disappoint him in any way. I truly appreciate his hard physical labor over the years to help raise our three daughters. Now, I need him to see my heart and be gentle and kind with his words. I need him to offer that physical strength in the house since I am limited by Rheumatoid Arthritis.
God knows about the room in our house where my spouse stores his things. We need to address that room as well as my closets and my drawers in my bedroom. We both can be helpful to each other. I am a day closer to peaceful conversation with my spouse.
I want to unload some thoughts and ideas about how we should use very kind words and not dispute matters in negative emotional outbursts. We do want to live our lives to please our Lord and Savior, Jesus.
Thank you for listening.
Your Sister in Christ
You are definitely not alone in this, Brenda. Thank you for sharing your desire for more peace in your home and using our words to speak kindness and encouragement. We definitely all can pray for more of that in our own lives because words can be blessings or curses and we sure desire to bless others.
I’ll be praying for what you shared.
In Him
Thank you for this, you describe the area of my life that weighs me down the most. It also comes at a time when I have to purge again. Please pray that my sentimental self would look at my stuff through God’s eyes, and let go of the things that no longer have a place or purpose. I feel like God would have me to intentionally let go of things, and trust Him in the process. And I need to get started and “Just do it now!”. This has encouraged me, I’ll probably reread it several times in the next 3 weeks!
I’m with you on struggling to release the sentimental stuff. It’s so very hard to release those items that used to hold such special memories but we don’t really need them anymore.
We can JUST DO IT together. 🙂 Also, I’m trying to just take photos of some of the sentimental stuff before I get rid of it but my daughter tried to get rid of the only baby blanket I ever sewed for our eldest son and that went too far. haha That’s for his soon to be son. 🙂
Great call on the blanket!❤️
Thank you for this wisdom- trying to sift through emotional baggage on my own & this has put a “bee in my bonnet”
Hi Jen
I need to declutter my closet. I hang onto things thinking I’ll wear them and the reality is I end up wearing about 10% of my closet. Last year during lent I gave away 54 items and I need to do the same thing this year. I didn’t even miss them.
Sending you New Year’s joy,
Lisa Wilt
Lisa – getting rid of 54 items is AMAZING!!! I so need to do that as well. I am up and down with weight and I keep holding things because Im sure I’ll fit into them sometime again but it’s been well over a year and I’m not close so it’s time as well.
I needed this reminder as I continually try to downsize from my divorce over a decade ago. I have gone from a house to a two-bedroom apartment to a basement apartment to a one-bedroom apartment. Finances can also be a thing, so I’ve always told myself that’s why but it’s not fully accurate. I have become somewhat minimalist by default since my divorce. I keep telling myself I need to keep purging. Of course, it’s emotional even all of these years later but I have thought of getting rid of things now that I only have 600 square feet. Funny thing is I’m the happiest I’ve been and my mom has told me how content I am. Now to just get rid of all of the extra stuff, including some boxes at church now that my dad has told me he’s serious about retirement.
Heidi – I’m so sorry for your divorce and while it sounds like it’s been awhile, I know that still holds strong emotions. So wonderful to hear you’re happier and more content now than ever. That’s wonderful.
For me, finances plays a part of why I hold onto things too because I think I’ll need it or certain I could sell it (but then I don’t)
Thanks for sharing,
Dear Jen………………I do believe that my Holy Spirit specifically sent your devotion to me today. I have been struggling for 2 years now. Due to having to evict my husband out of our house of 40 years and then needed to sell the house as we both needed money. I don’t think most people think of how much you collect in 40 years. I had to move from a large 4 bedroom house to a small 2 bedroom apartment. You might be able to imagine how much I had to donate to Thrift stores as you can’t fit all your “stuff” into a 2 bedroom apartment. It was thousands of dollars of clothes, shoes and my beloved collection of Christmas decorations. I cried the whole time I was sorting through box after box that I had shoved and stuffed in every possible place in the house. My husband has dementia and tried to kill me, but that story is too long and for another day. One thing I will say is that my emotions are cluttered as well. I have 1 son (54 years old and 1 grandson who just turned 14 ) My son called me one night and informed me that he no longer considered me his Mother as he said I was lying about his father’s condition and that he and his wife would never let me see or talk to my grandson ever again. He was only 11 then, so I have not seen or heard from him for 3 years. I have been trying to deal with this, but my grandson is the love of my life. To get back to your words and why they are so important to me today is, I had to move again, this time to a one bedroom apartment and get “rid” of more stuff. Well I have so much clutter in this apartment, I can’t even sleep in my bed as it is stacked with just all kinds of stuff; however, for 10 days now, my Holy Spirit has been whispering to me to at least move back to another 2 bedroom apartment here in the facility where I am now. Back and forth in my mind, do I or don’t I. We have here a group of us that call ourselves “The Procrastinators Club “. We laugh about it, but it is so true. This is where Jen. your words have sunk very deeply in my heart and mind. I absolutely have to do it. I worry too much about where in this one bedroom apt. can I stash all these things? The Holy Spirit and you, Jen have brought me my decision and I am going to take the 1 two bedroom apartment that is open here. It will calm my emotions and I will have enough room with all the extra closets and cabinets to “PUT” my things instead of pushing, shoving and things will look so much better. Thank you Jen..I feel like you are an angel that was sent to me to tell me that I am not the only person who has been struggling with this. I know it will take awhile, but I know I can do it. I am 77 years old and have no family to help, but some of the younger employees here said they would help. There still are some GOOD people out there. Love to you and hope you love your new flooring……………..Betsy Basile
Oh sweet Betsy – Thank you for sharing your heart and I’m honored if the Lord used this in any small way to encourage you. Im sorry for the emotional energy that it puts on you. I do understand that and my momma heart aches for you and with you as I read about the severed relationship with your son. I will definitely pray for reconciliation with that because I can’t imagine how painful that is.
I love that you have some friends that call you the “Procrastinators Club.” Since you mentioned you don’t have family to help, could your friends in that “club” and you band together and take a few hours to help you sort through and get rid of some of the items you don’t need?And then definitely say “yes” to the offer of some of the younger employees. I’ve found I definitely need others around to help me as I go through items because I hold onto too many special things that I no longer need. I know they need to go out out and not just in a closet but it’s so hard.
I’ll be thinking of you as you step forward with this. Much love to you.
Jen I’m right there right now going through my home along with my husband to get rid of the junk! I love the way you said if it doesn’t have memories or make us smile get rid of it! You are so right!
I feel if we lived near each other we’d be great friends!!! I have 3 grown children & 4 granddaughters. I love this stage in my life to be retired & able to do things with my husband of 50 years! God has been very good to us. My husband is a cancer survivor & I’m so thankful each day to have him by my side.
Lord bless you Jen in 2025 & as you declutter, I know, believe me I know – it’s a challenge!
Well Barbara – if you’re ever in NC, feel free to swing by. I can always use more friends. 🙂 So wonderful to hear about the extra years you’ve had with your husband. What a gift.
I stumbled upon this email in a bit to declutter my inbox but for some reason decided to quickly read it. It has so resonated with my heart and at the very core of what I have been asking for the Lord to reveal to me in my life’s mission. The words ‘if it doesn’t assist me in my mission as I help others or to draw me closer to God is something that I will now measure everything from. It makes it so much easier to be discerning about how we spend our time or where we put our energies. There are many things that ‘Clutter’ and it is time for a clear out across the board!! Thank you for sharing
You’re so welcome, Manda. I’m honored you felt some of these words resonated with you. We all definitely have clutter and you’re right clear out across the board.
Interesting read. I think decluttering is an area I need to work on in my life. Also, I think as human we carry around a lot of clutter: figuratively and not so figuratively and it’s important to clear out those spaces around us and within ourselves to have a more enjoyable life and a better walk with the Lord. ❤️❤️
Absolutely , Courtney – I am clearing clutter both physically and emotionally on my way to more freedom.
Thanks for joining us here.
I have a spare room(supposed craft room) that is a disaster area. That coupled with the closet in my bedroom and the bathroom linen closet, boggle my mind.
Strangely the rest of my home is pretty neat and always clean. It’s those hidden spaces that hold me hostage and may say more about me than I care to imagine. Normal on the outside, pure chaos on the inside. Calm and pulled together versus absolute mess where no one can see.
I feel there is a correlation between me and the mess. I’m working on it. I have been for years. One step forward, two steps back.
I hope this is the year that it’s all gone.
This is fantastic and so timely for me. Thank you.