About the Author

Laura Kelly Fanucci is an author, speaker, and founder of Mothering Spirit, an online space on parenting and spirituality. She has written 7 books on faith, motherhood, & grief. Laura lives with her husband & 5 sons in MN, where she earned her master of divinity-and hates winter.

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  1. What a great point – to slow down and soak in God’s presence, rather than trying to manufacture more holiday joy through busyness.

  2. This year I am staying home by myself. I am not traveling to spend the holidays with either of my children. It will be Christmas Eve service at my church. I went to a community Christmas concert last week. I’ve went to the light display at the local botanical gardens. I plan to watch the Call the Midwife Christmas special. Weather permitting, I may take a drive to the ocean. That is it. I get it! And I think quiet, contemplative times is what i need. And I do not feel guilty at all! I am relieved.

    • Madeline, that sounds awesome! I live alone and do most of my shopping on line, yet I still feel rushed during this time. I’m going to try and take time every day sitting quietly on the couch waiting for the Lord to speak. Blessings to you❤️✝️❤️

      • Right there with you, Claudia. I keep having to remind myself to sit down & do that “holy nothing”!

    • I am deeply inspired by your being comfortable in your own skin, and making decisions to create your own peace and happiness not dependant on others needs and approval. It sounds so peaceful, and so loving towards your children and yourself.
      What made you make this decision?

  3. That’s my December this year, actually Nov too! “God told me to sit on the couch. And do nothing” because….
    We are having electrical work work done in our charming but very old house. Dust, dust and more dust. Furniture moved and pictures taken down. Boxes of stuff in the garage. It looks like we just moved in! The most difficult part though is our electrician’s schedule. He has another job so we are on his schedule. So it could take longer. The good news…
    New lights and I might just redecorate. AND a bit of rest might do me good. Thank you God \0/

    • Isn’t it something how the unexpected parts of life can intersect with what God is calling forth from us? Praying for a peaceful Advent for you!

  4. This is lovely. I never get it right either. Even this year. It’s only December 5th and I already feel myself slipping into busy-ness. Lord, please save me from this path!

    • Right there with you, Irene! I always take hope from the fact that every day offers us the chance to start anew. It’s never too late!

  5. Dear Laura……………..My goodness!! I was surprised when I read your devotional as I thought, “Does Laura know me?” You have described my years almost to the tee except I am 77 years old and am dealing with not only Advent, but a husband with violent dementia and our 1 son who dismissed me as his mother and told me before he hung up on me that I could never, ever again see or speak to my at that time 11 year old grandson who is the love of my life. So the past 2 years I was so heartbroken and had to move twice and had 2 very serious operations. Advent seemed to sneak up on me and especially this year with Thanksgiving being so late. None of the things I mentioned have been resolved. I am an over achiever which it sounds like you might be too and I prayed so many times, I think that Jesus has heard my problems too many times, but I also got a similar whisper in my ear from my Holy Spirit who is always here with me. He said, Betsy, you don’t need to do everything this year. Just sit down and rest your body and mind. It really has helped me a lot. I have finally gotten some peace. So, I have thought that I will do exactly what He told me. There is still so much I need to do, but it will still be there when I get to it. Laura, I hope and pray that that operation was successful and that you are feeling better, but we both need to follow our Lord and things will work out. Thank you Laura for your words today. They have given me more encouragement that I was not losing my mind and it is OK to just relax until I am feeling like I can maybe do 2 things today and leave all the other stuff until another day instead of pushing myself to do all at one time. I wish you a Blessed Advent season leading up to something we can really celebrate (the birth of Jesus). I must say and I don’t remember who it was that sent the devotion that day, but she also addressed something that has been bothering me. Many people just think I need to buy more presents this year, but they forget. 12/25 should not be thought of as a day to see how many presents you get, so the (in)courage woman said these should be called “Holy Days” not holidays. So I then knew that someone else felt the way I did. Thanks again for your words Laura. I will definitely read this one over and over. I am smiling. Love, Betsy

    • Thank you, Betsy! Grateful to know we are not alone in our struggles or in our support for one another. Praying for a peaceful Advent for you.

    • Betsy thank you for being real and vulnerable. I saw myself in some of your words. I am thankful for the Lord calling us to rest in Him and experience His beautiful peace.

  6. How true ..I have always finished cards gifts baking planning by end of November and then as a family we all just enjoyed the season of concerts and walk g around to see lights etc. started this when my daughter was born 1975 and today I follow this still. This year Canada has postal strike hurrah I didn’t do Christmas cards.. so had more free time.
    So when you curl up on that cosy couch how about putting a nativity figure set nearby to ponder the story while you sit in that quiet time. I have an Avon white set on table the tv sits on I. Front of my chair.. it’s a great stress reliever and it’s amazing what that time with God in 5 minutes with a cup of tea will do for your heart ✝️. merry Christmas Joy to you ☕️

  7. I love this column, Laura, and I’m totally with you…we love Advent, but not December. I’m with you…let’s do less!