Another lifetime ago, or so it seems, I was a ballet dancer.
This fun fact comes in handy for ice breakers and team building activities, but I try to keep conversations about my dancing years on the surface. Truth-be-told, pain filled those years. I used ballet as an escape. I used ballet as a way to abuse my body. I used ballet to disconnect my heart and my head from the truth of my belovedness.
During a particularly demanding run of Sleeping Beauty, I danced the solo role of one of Aurora’s fairies. The dance, simultaneously dainty and languid, showed off my feet and my fingers in a way that I really liked. One day during rehearsal, I made a small choice that I considered minor. I slightly changed the position of my arm — barely just a little. I remember seeing another ballerina extend her arm in a similar way when she performed this same dance, and I thought it looked so beautiful. But that barely-there alteration resulted in the ballet director dramatically halting the pianist and berating me for daring to change the choreography. For her, this alteration directly challenged her authority. Because, when it came down to it, I’d signed a contract and, thus, my job was just “dancer.” I was required to perform the steps according to the choreography that was coordinated with the music.
That was the day I decided I didn’t love ballet anymore.
It took me several decades to reconcile my broken relationship between ballet and my body. Surprisingly, studying theology helped this reconciliation more than anything else. You see, now I am a mother. A wife. A caregiver. I’m training to be a hospital chaplain. I teach the Bible and study theology. Out of all of the truths I’ve learned inside and outside of seminary, my biggest, most important revelation has been: the way we view God will ultimately affect how we view everything else. One example of this is how I’ve viewed God as a berating master choreographer. My duty, then, as a believer demanded that I “perform the choreography.” Discipleship felt like one grand performance. My job as a faithful follower consisted of striving to execute my steps perfectly. In time, I approached holiness, sanctification, obedience, and faithfulness through this lens of perfection. These qualities weren’t something that I depended on the Holy Spirit to direct. Instead, I worked towards those things on my own and, y’all . . . it didn’t work.
I abused my body, convincing myself that arduous work counted as a sacrifice. Theologically, I told myself I couldn’t pursue things like joy and beauty because “I was dying to myself.” I didn’t believe that my voice had meaning or that I had any real agency. My priority, my main purpose, merely consisted of donning my costume and playing my character. I did this at church, too. I kept my mouth shut, put a smile on my face, and pretended in the pews. I pretended I wasn’t in pain. I pretended I wasn’t lonely. I pretended lots of things. But mostly, I lived in a state of constant terror, worried that one wrong move might set off the ill-tempered choreographer and that my misstep — no matter how small — would result in public shame. In my brain, God was like my former choreographer. And I feared the idea that God might rebuke me for daring to, in any way, deviate outside of the role religion handed me.
But studying theology helped me realize that God is less like the director or the ticket box salesperson. God is less like the owner of the theater or the highest-paying donor. God is more like the divine dance. He is inviting us to participate in a dance party rather than a performance. God isn’t worried about us ruining the choreography or losing our footing. He just wants to enjoy dancing with us. God is inviting us to try new steps, take risks, and trust in His kindness. He wants us to invite more people to the party. God is right there on the dance floor with us, showing us what it looks like to participate in the dynamic of His grace and goodness.
In the world of theological studies (and even in everyday life), many of us are curious about the particulars — the semantics and the mechanics. Proper form and technique. Orthodoxy and doctrine. And there’s a place for all of that, sure. But God isn’t screaming at us to get our act together, work harder, or comply. He is not sitting in the director chair with legs crossed, a scowl on His face. God is leading us, smiling with us, resting with us, and teaching us what it’s like to enjoy moving together.
I encourage you to ask yourself questions like How do I view God? and Why? Because when we wonder about God, He loves to reveal who He is. God loves to replace the lies we tell ourselves with an invitation to draw closer, empowering us to depend fully on His divine grace. And as you slowly, gently, carefully, replace those lies with truth, I hope you heal knowing that God loves you, God is with you, and God is good.
Mostly, I hope you enjoy the dance.
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D.T. says
This was so beautifully written – thank you. As a lover of dance, the metaphor and your story resonates deeply with me.
Liz Daye says
thank you!
Judy says
This is a beautiful devotion. I love the parallel drawn between the choreography and life. I’ll remember this one for quite awhile. Thank you.
Judyc says
Beautifully written! I love the thought of dancing with God through this life. Thank you for your insight, that perfection isn’t what God expects from us.
Lisa Wilt says
Isn’t it wonderful to know we have a loving ABBA who loves to dance with us? This image is beautiful.
Seeing you epiphany joy,
Lisa Wilt
Dawn Ferguson-Little says
Lisa I don’t know if you have ever heard this song. It is quite an old one. It is “Dance Dance wherever you may me for I am the Lord of the Dance said he.” You get on YouTube if not heard it before. It shows us that in the song like you said. It is good that Abba wants to dance with us. We can dance like him. In the song it says the fisherman James and John danced with him. ( Meaning Jesus.) Had to share that with you from what you wrote in your reply to day. What you wrote was so true very good. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little Enniskillen Co.Fermanagh N.Ireland xx
Dawn Ferguson-Little says
Liz beautiful every word you wrote. So true as you said the way we view God affects how we view everything else. Especially in our world and all the people in our from Babies Kids and Adults. No matter what skin colour or religion they have with there beliefs. If saved it makes you want to live as God’s word says. As it affects how we view everything. When taken the time to spend with God reading his word and saying our prayers. We then in our view everything from God’s perspective. We want to live as God would want us to doing his will for our lives. So everything we do in our lives is about God in word though and deed letting God’s Holy Spirit speak to us. That the unsaved see we are different. If they ask why? We can tell them everything we do is about living and pleasing God in our lives. Hopefully they will want that too for their own lives. Then get saved and everything they do will be about living and pleasing God. Not as the world do that are not saved. That think the lights of the world are the brightest and things of the world are bright too. When they get saved they then get to realise they are not. The best light is living for Jesus and following his way. Like the strar ⭐ that led to the Shepherds to baby Jesus in the manger. It shone brightly over the manger. To show them and the unsaved world the brightest star ⭐ is Jesus and following him in lives. How true that is. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little Enniskillen Co.Fermanagh N.Ireland xx
Dawn Ferguson-Little says
Lisa I don’t know if you have ever heard this song. It is quite an old one. It is “Dance Dance wherever you may me for I am the Lord of the Dance said he.” You get on YouTube if not heard it before. It shows us that in the song like you said. It is good that Abba wants to dance with us. We can dance like him. In the song it says the fisherman James and John danced with him. ( Meaning Jesus.) Had to share that with you from what you wrote in your reply to day. What you wrote was so true very good. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little Enniskillen Co.Fermanagh N.Ireland xx
Laurie says
Thank you for a beautiful devotion. In my late 60s, raised in the church, parochial elementary school, etc. However, it is only in the last few years that I’ve come to realize and accept that what’s really important is my relationship with God, not dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s.
Melanie bufford says
Liz, thank you so Much for this article. I love analogies, they help
Me remember things. As a little girl I always wanted to be a ballet dancer and to this day I love tulle! But today I have (at best) two
Left feet and I wouldn’t ever let someone see me dance – ever! With that being said, I have, through lots of Bible study learned how much God loves me! Some days I doubt it, mostly when I’ve failed at something, but I always know I can sit In the quiet and let His love lavish me, His grace is more than enough! Thank
You again for this message! Love you sweet lady! Happy new year! I
Hope this year is the best one yet!
Liz Daye says
Thank you for your kind words, friend. Grateful for you and your encouragement. Love you!
Rebecca says
I can so relate…-“ worried that one wrong move might set off the ill-tempered choreographer and that my misstep — no matter how small — would result in public shame.” In my mind, not only would my imperfect misstep result in public shame it would result in public demise and being cast out yet again. Unfortunately, my past, resulted in my view of God being one who is rigid, narcissistic and any love is conditional love resulting from perfect obedience, in their thoughts or minds, not of my own thoughts or beliefs. I was molded not by God but by people who had a preconceived notion of who they want me to be, not of how God created me or how He purposed my life and mind. I’m so thankful that He’s worked out much inner healing and I know Him as a Sovereign God, unconditional loving Father who is pleased to love me and spend time with me just as I am and whose praying alongside with me for chains to be broken, enslavement to end and hearts, mind and body to be healed – I’m His Chosen Beloved Daughter. Thank you for this devotional today! May the Lord bless you and keep you, may His face shine upon you and bring you peace. Happy New Year!
Emily says
“But God isn’t screaming at us to get our act together, work harder, or comply.”
This line really made me pause and ponder. It’s such an important thing that I’m still working on letting it sink into my heart and life. Thank you!
Jenny Erlingsson says
This post brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for sharing your story and the truths revealed through it.
Rachel Marie Kang says
Jenny <33
Patricia says
Thanks for the share.
And it is a sad indictment on most of the way we have been brought up, that we see God as a ‘screamer’ instead of a lover. How can this be?
If as little kids, we grew up in loving relationships, we would understand God is not that task master waiting for us to slip up and confront us with our mistakes. That is how we are brought up to feel.
This perfectionist society full of pretence and ‘shine’ is the problem. Society is broken.
Our emotions are built on family and loving men and women bringing up loving kids.
How we are hurt by parents, loved ones, strangers, workers, bosses makes us think that God is also like that.
Society needs to protest against discrimination, violence, prejudice, abuse and focus on love.
We need to read the bible and learn God’s ways again.
Beth Williams says
My mantra growing up was “I’m a Christian because I go to church. I did the youth choir, youth group hand bell choirs. Outside of church I sure didn’t act like a Christian. It didn’t seem to bother me. It took years a great preacher to make me realize that God wants a relationship with me. He wants to commune with & shower me with His love. Nothing I do can earn His love. It is a gift of grace given freely by Jesus. Now I spend my time trying to show this love to the world.
Blessings 🙂
Melody says
I really appreciated this post. Very timely, rich and written so well.
Thank you!!
Rachel Marie Kang says
Liz, thank you for this stunning sharing of your story. What a gift — the way your words dance upon the page!