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At (in)courage, we empower women to be like Jesus. Our writers share what’s going on in their life and how God’s right in the middle of it. They bring their joys & struggles so that you can feel less alone and be empowered by the hope Jesus gives.

(in)side DaySpring: things we love
& you will too!
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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
& you will too!
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  1. To the (in)courage women. This is such a beautiful and inspiring devotion today, the 2nd Sunday in Advent. While this season is very difficult for me, I can always depend on your words to cheer me and make me glad for this season as we are celebrating the birth of Jesus, our Savior. Today’s words I will read over and over and I will feel so Blessed to have found all of you women who literally have gotten me through some very serious situations. I have a way to go to get everything solved, but you give me the will to just keep going step by step. Thanks again. I have to leave for church now, but I could say much more if I had the time. I hope all of you have a wonderful Sunday in advent and I look forward to your future daily devotions,,,,,,,,Love, Betsy Basile

  2. Love this incourage. When we read it all that you have wrote in today’s devotion. It does make Love’s Thinking Glow in our hearts. That God knew what he was doing when he had his son born. Jesus was not born in Place or anywhere fancy. But a stable with farm animals. That amazes me. It always makes me think God knew he didn’t want his son born in any fancy place. To show it not about what fancy things. It is all about Love. God Love to the world to show us Jesus is human he doesn’t need fancy place to be born or fancy things. As that is not what life is about. It is showing that you can show the Love by being kind and caring. Not because of fancy things or fancy home. Just being humble like Jesus who was born in stable and didn’t want any thing fancy. It goes to also show me that when they knocked on the doors of people homes. They said they were full. That means they didn’t want Jesus who is saviour of the world. There are alot of people who have to have fancy things fancy home to live in. They will have it all. But if ask to put away the fancy things and let the most perfect fancy thing into their lives. They will say no as don’t want to give them up all their fancy things to have the most beautiful fancy thing in their heart that is Jesus the Saviour of the world. They see the fancy things as more important. If we’re ask to give them up they wouldn’t. As Jesus is the most beautiful fancy thing we can have. We that have Jesus have the most beautiful thing in our lives and heart. No fancy things will ever come close to that. Having Jesus is a million times better than any fancy. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little Enniskillen Co.Fermanagh N.Ireland xx

  3. In Courage,

    My pastor read those same words. His focus was on what the shepherds did when they saw baby Jesus. They got on their knees & worshipped Him. They probably traveled over 2+ years to get there. Question asked of all: how much effort & time do we put into knowing Jesus. He gave us everything including His only son. Think about worshipping & having a deep knowledge of Jesus.

    Blessings 🙂