About the Author

Now graduated from her role as a homeschooling mom of 8, Dawn Camp devotes her time and love of stories to writing her first novel. She enjoys movie nights, cups of Earl Grey, and cheering on the Braves. She and her husband navigate an ever-emptying nest in the Atlanta suburbs.

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  1. I have lost hope. Atleast some. My oldest daughter is an alcoholic. Yesterday I had to block her on my phone. She reminds of some of my past when I wasn’t walking with the lord. I’m having a hard time giving her to Jesus. My hope is that oneday I will. I pray and cry for her daily. My hope is one day I can let go.

    • Ruth, it can be hard when your children don’t live like you want them to. I pray this is a short season and what you learned from your past can help you reach her.

    • Dearest Lord, Comforter of the Downtrodden, Come along side Ruth and give her courage and endurance for this path. Use the reminders of her past to highlight Your redemption and reinforce it is YOU alone that is and gives us hope. Assure her that in Your timing her daughter can be healed. Be stirring her daughter to seek You and to grasp the truth of You in her mom’s life. Surround Ruth with heavenly siblings that will encourage her and point her to You when she is weary. Give her the strength to trust and let go. May the prayers of Your people storm Your throne room to magnify You. In the name, power, authority & affection of Jesus I pray. Blessings dear, Ruth, from another Ruth

  2. Your words this morning are everything. I didn’t realize I was holding on to some of my past. Hope is something I have always looked as almost magical and we all don’t have it. As a Christian and follower of Jesus, I feel I have hope for what may be, but there is a small reasoning of self doubt because it is me. Diving into my scriptures this morning. Thank you!

  3. Dawn, praying for your complete healing. Your words today came right from Lord! Thank you!

  4. This makes me think of the “hope candle” for Advent. Our sermon this Sunday was about this very concept. Thank you for the reinforcement!

  5. I needed this today! Thank you! I am 78 years old and broke my right hip and femur last year. I also have a debilitating back condition which prevents me from standing or even sitting for more than a few minutes. I have to lay down in the bedroom most of the day and night. I had been very strong and healthy my whole life. I also suffer seasons of depression and anxiety (in one now). I’m not able to go to church and am very lonely. My prayer life has become predictable, but I do look to the Lord Jesus for hope and peace as He is my hope and peace. I am very tired and discouraged, but I keep looking to the Lord! May the Lord bless each and every one!

    • Donna, I’m so sorry. Can you invite women from your church to come visit you? When I couldn’t get out, ladies from my church brought food and had a ladies’ night in (instead of out) at our house.

    • Donna, I am praying now that the Lord of all things will lift your depression and send you a girls’ night in to encourage you this very week. What a great thought Dawn! May the Lord also give you eyes to see the wrinkles in the predictable that make the predictable not so predictable. God surround you with joy & peace even in the not so fun times this side of heaven. Blessings!

  6. Dawn, as I read your precious words and prayed through the comments previously made these words kept echoing in my mind. Hope is a person. Hope is The Trinity!
    Blessings and prayers sent for your continued healing. I believe your biggest issue will be letting someone else get a turn holding that grandbaby! ;~)

  7. Thank you for sharing so honestly about your internal fears and lack of hope. What you shared was very relatable! What would you say helped you “over the hump” most recently–pushing through fear/discomfort to action? I’ve struggled with the same lack of hope, the result of having hope and then being disappointed. It seems less painful to not hope, to not be disappointed by (mad at) God and the suffering he allows and then his silence.

    • Kelly, I quit worrying about how bad things *could* be, and asked for honest answers about my prognosis. Then, I focused on how to make progress. I’d let my imagination take control and dwell on worst-case scenarios. It robbed me of hope. When you mentioned God’s silence, it made me think of things I’ve prayed for that would’ve interfered with other, better things if he’d granted them. Praying He gives you hope!

  8. Oh dear sister .. I feel your inside arm and outside arm pain . As I read your article I shovel down Advil for 3 torn shoulder tendons and a rotator cuff partly detached and inflammation In Bursa and severe osteo arthritis in upper humerus where I once broke bone years ago and they said amputation at the time which I refused . I have had a fixative on lower hand wrist and lower arm also when broke wrist on same arm and during that O’Neil tendon in thumb rupture .
    Broke 5 ribs last year too . Yes I hear you – at age 75 God is still walking thru the messes with me as pain travels my right arm and shoulder . But God has a peace we can lean on His comforting arms . In His time we will be healed free from pain . Oh what a glorious day that will be ! For now we use our pain to identify with others in their trials and we grow closer to Him seeking His healing and living day by day I. his power not ours with praise . Take heart . He had not forgotten you dear Child of God . ‼️ hugs

  9. I am having knee replacement surgery this very morning. I too am someone that likes to stay busier than the average person so I am struggling with the thoughts of handling my down time. Thank you for your encouraging words.

    • Dearest heavenly Father our Great Physician tend to Kathy in tangible ways through her recovery that she might see the gift of down time. Spur her friends & family to minister to her in such a way that she understands the blessing it is to be able to give especially to those who r usually the givers. May the pain of rehab be minimal yet contain profound lessons of U & UR love for her/us. In the name, power, authority & affection of The Trinity I pray. Amen

  10. “ Most of us, however, know how it feels to lose hope. To look at our circumstances and struggle to see a way out or a way forward. To lie in bed at night, unsure how to pray because you can’t envision anything that could make things right.”

    Oh my gosh did these words hit me as I lay on my couch, catching up on (in)courage emails. I am in this season right now and struggle to find the words to talk about it with anyone, including myself in my journal or God in prayer.

    This is not my normal self but I think the result of a long season of struggles. Usually, I’m good at finding hope in the unexpected blessing or everyday miracle. But it’s escaping me right now.

    Thank you for sharing your experience, which makes me and I’m sure others, feel less alone in our feelings. And thank you for reminding me that God always wants good for me and is the giver of hope. Maybe leaning into the discomfort will bring peace from unexpected places.