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At (in)courage, we empower women to be like Jesus. Our writers share what’s going on in their life and how God’s right in the middle of it. They bring their joys & struggles so that you can feel less alone and be empowered by the hope Jesus gives.

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(in)side DaySpring:
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  1. I’m celebrating God’s faithfulness as my daughter announced on Christmas Day that she is expecting our second grandchild! To God be the glory!

    Counting God‘s faithfulness, and sending everyone end-of-year joy!

  2. This has been a year of much physical pain and limitations. Yet, this has been God’s continuous promise to me: “I AM the Lord YOUR God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, ‘Do not fear! I will help you!’” Is 41:13 And so He has!

  3. This has been an incredibly hard year – job loss, health issues for both me and my husband. My prayer this year turned to surrender and following God wholeheartedly- His will, His way, His timing. He brought me to the place and position that I actually enjoy and has been the best fit for me. I’m so grateful. But here at yearend, I’m dealing with a very scary health issue…..please pray with me as I continue to pray as I have this year – His will, His way, His timing.

    • Praying God leads you in the best way through this challenge, and to the best practitioners of healing arts. Ask Him what about the situation you can control, whether you can make any changes that will physically help your body activate the healing process. Eating choices, movement, managing stress, sleep… above all enjoy His Word and fellowship with Him for He never leaves you. Make yourself a Blessing Book, where you only write down how God blessed you today. See Him at work in your life. And immerse yourself in God’s truth and promises. That you can control!

  4. To all of you at the (in)courage community. God has helped me to keep praying for all the emotional suffering I have been going through for the last 6 years. In the past, I was too impatient, but with so much help from you women who I love and your daily devotions, I have learned so much and I now try to be more patient as I know God has His own timeline and it will be solved at some point, but He tells me to keep praying over and over, so that is what I am doing. as Rebecca wrote — His will, His way, His timing. I could say so much more, but I am getting ready to go to church so I will sign off with, Love and gratitude to you all and may we enjoy a much calmer year in 2025……………………..Betsy

    • We must find our calm and peace from the rock solid promises of God’s unchanging Word. He is faithful beyond our understanding. The world can do whatever it wants, we will not be shaken when God is our hiding place.

  5. My 2 sisters had some life changing health diagnosis earlier this year and depend on me a lot for emotional support. I love them, yet I myself get emotionally and spiritually exhausted. God has been so good to give me his comfort so I can continue to offer comfort to them.

  6. In Courage,

    I have a 45 yr old niece who gave birth to a baby girl. The poor little had to be moved to another hospital where there was a NICU unit. Fortunately after a few weeks there the little got to come home healthy.

    God has shown me that I should take more time for Him in prayer & Bible reading. I get so tired from work , volunteering, weekly chores that I let that slip these past few months.

    My hubby was worried about being fired from work. Through God I was able to calm him down & make him see that God wouldn’t do that after 1 mistake. He loves us so much they need you to keep working on weekends.

    Blessings 🙂

  7. This says it all…..”God is and has been steady, unshaken, present, and compassionate in the midst of all that this year has brought” \0/
    I’m so grateful for the many times I open the “incourage.me” blog and read something that was just what I needed to move forward in my day. Made me smile, cry, shake my head in relating and got to share with a friend or family.
    Thank you sisters in Christ for sharing your hearts and faith in pain and joy. Thank you for sharing scripture in the good, bad and hard times. Thank you for reminding us “God never leave us \0/

    Wishing you and yours a wonderful blessed 2025 xoxo

  8. My family has seen God’s grace and healing this year. My husband was diagnosed with Leukemia on Dec. 22, 2023 and started treatment early Jan. 2024. Throughout it all, God spoke to us. Telling my husband not to worry because he still has plenty of time left to travel and live. God gave me Jeremiah 29:11 to hold onto while I was worried and unsure of how my husband would do and how I would take care of our family. Now, after treatment and a stem cell transplant, my husband is Cancer free! Praise the Lord!

  9. I’ve had a lot of health issues for the past couple years and I am just now starting to get some answers. So, I’m thankful for His direction and presence being near and with me through it all.

  10. My husband chose to divorce me after 26 years of friendship and love. The final papers were signed this year.

    God allowed my heart to break little at a time so I could bear the loss.
    Our love, our adult children, grandchildren, our future and service together, little by little God is restoring all things, every detail He does not miss, I know this when God holds me, He holds all things.

    To years of great loss, Greater is Gods Faithfulness and our Fathers love is enough to carry on.
    For what is lost in the present day is not loss in our redemption.

    Colossians 1:16&17

  11. This was a year of making many life-changing decisions. I saw God leading me through each season. From clarity about my marriage to clarity about career and even friendships. I enjoyed supernatural friendships this year!

  12. I find this to be an uplifting and inspiring experience to try to remember all God has done for us, I am excited about being a part in this group.

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