About the Author

Holley Gerth is a Wall Street Journal bestselling author, counselor, and life coach. Her newest release is The Powerful Purpose of Introverts: Why the World Needs You to Be You. She's also wife to Mark, Mom to Lovelle, and Nana to Eula and Clem.

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  1. Such encouraging words this am! Thank you Holley! I was just having a conversation with my young adult daughter yesterday sharing some of these same truths as she struggles with ‘what’s next’ for her.
    This is a perfect follow-up to that conversation! ❤️

  2. Holley’s writings always speak directly to my heart. I would love the opportunity to win the devotional.

  3. Holly love what you wrote. I used think I was no good as got very little friends. I think I only wanted because I useful to people. Then this song sometime years after I got saved came to me. It “I am a new creation no more in condemnation. Here in the grace of God I stand.” That spoke to me that song that I am new creation no more in condemnation. We feel we have to learn to line up with the world to be accepted. Why I felt the way I did before I heard that song was because I tried nicely to make friends no wanted to be my friend. My two best friends to sister’s live now 84 miles away from me. I used to think I was no good. My Husband said Dawn all that matters is God expects you and God wants you and Loves you. Then I know God gave me that song for me to take it remember it when I feel like that. Thank you for what you wrote Holley it has really spoke to me. One Salvation Army officer told me to remember I am Daughter of the King of Kings that is Jesus. All these things have helped me. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little xx

  4. I can feel the Holy Spirit whispering to me through you today, Holley. Thank you for sharing such a powerful message. Enjoy your day!

  5. This sounds like such a valuable resource to fight against the lies that I am sometimes prone to believe. Thank you for giving us another opportunity to win!

  6. Those of us that have suffered through depression know the self condemnation that whispers to us.
    Thank you, Holly, for the truth you share with us today that “God loves us anyway.”

  7. Why is this truth so quickly and easily forgotten? Thank you for minding me. I really needed to hear this today.

  8. What a beautiful reminder of essential truths! As imperfect people we need to hear and read about how much God loves us on a regular basis. Otherwise we can fall into despair over our sin as the enemy tries to discourage us. Jesus loves us anyway! I especially love your words on having Holy Confidence over self esteem. Thank you!

  9. Reinforcement of a word received from a women’s conference over the weekend ! We are more than enough because God is enough!

  10. Holley, I love your words and have been reading and listening to you for years. You touch lives and remind us (I share many readings with my Bible study ladies) how God loves us in our everyday lives. Such an uplift.
    Thank you & God bless

  11. I have been following you for several years and I am always uplifted and encouraged by your every word! You are so honest about who you are and I can so identify with you on so many levels! Bless you for your ministry online and in your book writing! You are a blessing to me and no doubt so many others! Please keep sharing! Have a blessed day and continued success with your writing!

  12. Dear Holley………….I loved your words today, but they are a little too close to what I am dealing with for me to leave my usual long reply. Sometimes I have what I call “Sorrow Days” where no matter how long and how often I pray to The Lord or Jesus, I still need to get the tears out and try to watch one of my Hallmark movies to hopefully cheer me a bit. I will again read your devotion tomorrow and I am sure I will have a reply. You women are exactly what I need in my life. Have a Blessed Day and my love to you,Holley…………………..Betsy Basile

  13. This really spoke to me this morning. Yesterday, I had a great morning appointment with my medical provider and a really depressing appointment with the eye specialist in the afternoon. I follow you regularly and listen to your podcasts More Than Small Talk and Prayer Starters. Something always speaks to me. Struggling with medical issues, mobility issues due to bone disease, feeling overwhelmed and inadequate, lonely but active in church, widowed, the list goes on—y’all always touch on something that hits home. Had to share an excerpt from today’s message on my Facebook to encourage others. Thanks for baring your heart and soul.

  14. I just love how realistic this is and how down to earth it applies to our everyday lives. I can’t wait to read this book.

  15. This is so beautiful! And exactly what I needed to hear. I struggle with being enough, and feeling that God & Jesus truly love me. How can I doubt? I believe that is the human heart and how we are pulled away from God. It is difficult to FEEL God’s love the way you do the human connection. But these words remind me that when my human mind can’t feel it, that love is always there. Thank you for these much-needed words I needed to hear today.

  16. Thank you for the opportunity to win this devotional. Even though I know the truths, sometimes it really helps to be reminded of them. Thank you!

  17. Holley,

    Sounds like a great book. I love you anyway” wow! Never thought about life that way. That no matter what I do, mess up or go through God loves me anyway!

    Yes to holy confidence. Confidence that says with God ALL things are possible. Focusing on those truths tonight.

    Blessings 🙂

  18. What a wonderful reminder. I do often feel that I’m not enough. Thank you. Would love to read this book

  19. I need this reminder so often. Thank you for these words and your prayers for your readers. This sounds like a wonderful devotional!

  20. Thank you for your encouraging words.. I love your comparisons between self esteem and holy confidence..

  21. This is SO excellent! This applies to all of us, since we definitely struggle with who we are. This is a great reminder that we are children of God. I love the praise song, “I am a child of God!”.
    Thanks for sharing this message. I needed it today.

  22. This is a really good message, I certainly needed to read it at this moment in time.
    Very comforting…

  23. In the great minds work in the same direction category, “I love you anyway” is something I would say to my very dysfunctional family as a teenager decades ago. It’s taken me this long to internalize the depths of God’s love, and now I pray to share that love with those who need it.

  24. Every devotion I have read, every podcast I have listened to, makes it clear that Holley is a gifted communicator and sensitive to the hurts, the concern, and the longing of women to learn who they are and how much they are loved by God. Thank you, Holley for speaking to and encouraging the hearts of weary women. Thank you for helping us hold on to Hope. God bless.

  25. Holley,

    This book sounds amazing. As an author who is published late in life, I look at your books and see how many women you’ve encouraged.

    You’ve touched so many and have an incredible ministry, Holley!

    Sending you autumn joy,


  26. I enjoyed listening to Becky Keife interviewing Holley Gerth about her new book! It sounds so good and refreshing! I know I would get so much out of it from what Holley shared on the Incourage podcast. I have been struggling
    With being overwhelmed and anxious lately with my life. Holley always brings the wisdom of God that brings peace and love and hope to the believer. So glad she wrote this book!!!