It’s a Sunday morning, and I’m sitting at the back of the gathering room at a senior-living center.
Eight people are facing a TV screen fixed to the wall. There’s a smattering of wheeled walkers in various colors, with those flip-up, padded seats where you can keep your purse and your hanky.
Behind me, I can hear a machine pumping someone’s supplemental oxygen.
It’s Sunday morning, and in this room, we are watching a live-streamed church service. I’m with my mom. She lives here now, and while living in a facility wasn’t Mom’s first choice, this is life, and she’s making the most of it. She’s meeting new people, trying new things, and showing up on Sunday mornings, like a champ, with a small group of people who – like her – love Jesus.
The pastor’s message on the TV screen is stirring, for sure. But there’s a whole ‘nother sermon being preached in the room, and I’m captivated. I scan the room and see a handful of men and women in their 70s, 80s, and 90s, leaning in.
They are leaning toward the TV, but even more, they are leaning in toward God to take note of what He wants to say to them right now.
Instinctively, they seem to know that God is continuing to grow them – just like He did from the very beginning of their lives. They seem to understand that one doesn’t reach a certain point of having “mastered” this thing called faith.
And isn’t that what we all need to know, no matter what age we are?
If we are still breathing on this earth, God is still working. God is molding us, growing us, and conforming us more and more to His likeness. It’s just what He does.
That’s true when we are in our teens and 20s … and it’s equally true when we are in our 80s or 90s.
God didn’t bring us to earth as fully matured humans, with our intellect and spirituality completely formed. Instead, He deliberately chose to grow us slowly through each stage of life – proof that He continues working in us until we breathe our last breath.
When I read the Bible, I see how true this is. Many people from the Bible “grew up” with God and served Him until the very end of their lives.
Moses served God until his death at 120 years old (Deuteronomy 34:5-7).
Joshua remained faithful until his death at 110 years old (Joshua 24:29-31).
Daniel continued to grow with God, and never wavered in his faith. He honored God even in his old age.
And Paul dedicated his life to preaching the gospel, enduring many hardships along the way. Near the end of his life, Paul said, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith” (2 Timothy 4:7 NIV).
That is what we are called to do – to grow one day at a time, one step at a time, until we have finished the race.
If you are wondering right now if God has stopped “growing” you, be assured: HE HAS NOT. He was steadfast and faithful to Moses, to Joshua, to Daniel, to Paul, and to countless others in biblical times, and throughout world history.
And He is steadfast and faithful to you and me today. He is growing us, even now.
I challenge you to pray this prayer to God today: “Lord, keep working in my heart. Keep growing my faith. Keep me close to You all the days of my life, until I take my last breath.”
And then, take a deep breath… and count on the fact that God loves that prayer. He is answering it already.
God is never done working in our hearts and lives, no matter how young or old we are.
Jennifer my late Mum loved her Dark Chocolate. Black Magic Chocolate she loved. God from the minute we are born until we die. God is always working in our hearts. Even though if not saved we don’t see it. Until we get saved. God will work in our hearts no matter what age we are. Young or Old. To keep us especially if saved in the right track to live the right way. Doing as God says as it best way to live life. God also loves and we are his beautiful Daughters God He is our Heavenly Father. For us God only wants the best for us. Age doesn’t come into Young or Old. It says in the word of God. I can’t remember were it is. But we are fearfully and wonderfully made. How true that is. So we never to old or too young to know he hears our prayers. Puts his loving arms around us and gives us that big hugs when we need it. Especially if things are not right in his eyes. I say Amen to that. Love what you wrote Jennifer. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little Enniskillen Co.Fermanagh N.Ireland xx
Yes, Dawn. You are absolutely right. We are fearfully and wonderfully made, and God has a plan for us, no matter how old or young we are. xo
Thank you, Jennifer! I turned 69 today and I know He still has much for me to do as I continue to grow and serve Him through serving others.
Happy, happy birthday to you, Linda! May this day be filled with blessings and a reminders of how much you are loved by God!
Thank you for sharing! I shared this post on Twitter.
Lisa Wilt
It’s my joy, Lisa! And thank you so much for spreading the word on Twitter. We appreciate you!
At the ripe old age of 72, I appreciate your words, Jennifer!
Yay, Irene! Thanks for being here! xo
Love the message.
Glad to know this spoke to you!
Thanks for the reminder!
You’re welcome, Peggy!
Thankful that we can always keep growing and building our faith. ❤️
I am thankful for this too. Thanks, Courtney.
Thank You Jennifer, so encouraged by you. As I read this today 3rd Oct ~ Am a very young-59 this day by the grace of God, He’s still working in me…
Blessings to you & family and to all amazing wonderful grace-filled courageous ladies here!
We never “arrive” until we arrive in our Father’s hands. I am so grateful to continue to lean in and learn from the Lord! So good!