About the Author

Robin is the author of For All Who Wander, her relatable memoir about wrestling with doubt that reads much like a conversation with a friend. She's as Southern as sugar-shocked tea, married to her college sweetheart, and has three children. An empty nester with a full life, she's determined to...

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  1. After moving years ago, my husband and I went searching for a church. Our previous church was such a warm, welcoming place. We thought surely we could find another like that. Sadly to say, it took a while. The first church we tried to attend, and we did it for at least 6 times, was a disaster. The last straw was when we signed up for a brunch at a local restaurant. We arrived and looked around. There were seats at several tables but no one made an effort to invite us to sit. We finally decided to sit where we noticed someone from our neighborhood. Suffice to say, after that, we never went back. We chose that church because it was very close by and believe it is important to make a connection with our community. It was not a denomination we were familiar with. After looking around, we found our church. It required a drive but it was like being “home.” Reading your experience brought back that sick feeling in my stomach. But, I am in such a wonderful place having moved back “home” and back at my old church. I, as well as the rest of our tiny congregation, make a special effort to welcome others. That passage about Jesus and the children is so special. It really gets to what is important.

    • Oh, goodness, Madeline….I never thought that this devo might be a trigger for anyone! So, hugs to you for that past pain (I felt similar from people within the church :(.). What I love for you is that pain’s redemption in you understanding how it feels to be new and using that as a blessing to others. Yes! Nothing is wasted in our lives :).

  2. “What if we lived like everyone we met was a friend waiting to be made?” I lost a dear friend last week and that’s how I remember her. We had moved to a new town and I knew very few people. She just pulled me in as if she expected us to be friends. She was a rare, fun and full of life person. Thank you for bringing me memories of smiles this morning.

    • ((((Hugs))))

      I’m so sorry for your loss, Laurie. To lose someone special is heartbreak. Praise God for the sweet memories you share, and I can tell her life made a difference in yours. xoxo

  3. I love this, Robin! We build up so much armor from past hurts, it’s sometimes hard to open ourselves to people. You remind us to draw from our inner child and ready ourselves to love and be loved!

  4. Robin l love your reading. We can learn alot from Children. As they if got something to say they will say it unless scare. Especially the under 5’s. We years ago in our Church this is funny. We had a evening service. Next thing a we girl stood up she was only 4 said when it was quite. It in December. She said will we be much longer. As we only had a evening service not like the morning’s when we also as well had a morning service and stuff for kids to do when the morning service was on. We all laughed. Her Mum brought her to the evening service as she didn’t want to be left at home with someone looking after her. She the we girl wanted to go were her Mum was going. It was boring for her at that age. Children love to be loved and have fun. We are all God Children and he is our Heavenly Father. Iike are Parents to kids and us as Adults he loves us and wants the best for us. Teaches us how to live for him and follow his word. Jesus said in Matthew 19:14 “Let the little Children come to me and do not hinder them for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these” How true that is. We are not let anyone or anything hinder us living for the Kingdom of God. Also in Matthew 18:3 ” Truly I tell you unless you change and become like little children you will never enter the kingdom of heaven ” That means we have to be like Children and look up to God do as he says. Like Children look up to their Parents Adults they know and do as they say. Even though at times they do like what there Parents tell or Adults. We are the same with our Heavenly Father. At times we don’t like what he his telling us to do. Like Parents and their kids plus Adults. God is the same they tell us things in Love to keep us safe especially if doing something we shouldn’t do. Also we are to love everyone as the kids songs that is good for us as Adults too it is “Jesus Loves All The Children Of The World Red and Yellow Black and White” how true that is we are to do the same. If we lived liked every one we met. Would it be the right way to live. As some People have some strange ideas and beliefs. We have to especially if saved ask ourselves would God want us living like them. Especially if they are not saved doing something you know not right. So we have to live the way God wants us to and is they way it says in his word. So as if we make friends with someone not saved. They want to be made into something. But they don’t know what. Because they have got depression or something else that makes them think all sorts of things. We have to live as Jesus in our daily lives especially in front of people like that. So as they can see the love of Jesus in us. We can tell them Jesus love them. If they let us pray for them. They see that in the way we live our lives. through time they can also be made into the likeness of Jesus and get saved like us. Know they are loved. No matter what they are going through. Tell them nicely and be patient with them keep showing them the love of Jesus through us. I say Amen to that. Dawn Ferguson-Little Enniskillen Co.Fermanagh N.Ireland xx

      • Robin thank you for your lovely reply to what I said. I love all the reader that write the devotionals for incourage. I learn so much from each one. They make me grow closer to Jesus. Thank you all for having incourage for women like us to read and learn what God is saying to us through them. How to apply it to our lives. With the help of the Holy Spirit. Love Dawn xx

  5. Our three-and-a-half-year-old grandson said, “Sometimes you talk to someone and you are friends. Sometimes you talk, and then you are friends.” The bottom line is to talk to people and become friends.

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