About the Author

Anna works full-time for DaySpring from Minnesota, where she lives with her husband and four kids. Anna is the author of A Moment of Christmas and Pumpkin Spice for Your Soul, and she shares the good stuff of the regular, encouraging you to see the ordinary glory in your everyday.

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  1. I. Just. Love. These words here you have written to touch my heart. Thank you for offering grace this morning to my overburdened almost cracked-open heart.

  2. Thank you Anna for sharing your heart. About Neighbours Gardens intended. I remember a lady now in Glory with Jesus. She always keep her garden in good shape. She used have a Cherry tree daffodils Roses. Pick some to make her house nice the daffodils and Roses. She say thank you God for all the beautiful colours in my garden and the birds that sing in it. Then she say look at all the different kinds of birds especially the Robins. With there breast so lovely and red. For helping them to grow the tree and the flowets. But when she got she couldn’t attend them and go outside to in joy them. It would get her. As she thought it was being untended and not loved. When I was we used to play under my Grannies big chestnut tree when alive and collect the chestnuts. Have a game to see who’s chestnuts were the biggest. The leaves were just beautiful and it lovely the green leaves with a bit of orange through them. We had cherry tree when growing up. Both my Neighbour in Glory and my Mum when alive. Use to look at the cherry tree and when it blossomed say how lovely. Then when the leaves of flowers would fall of like a big pink blanket on the lawn. Says how lovely the law looks. IYou hear the birds singing as well. I remember singing at Sunday School and at Church especially at Harvest. “All things bright and beautiful the Lord God made them. Each flower that opens he made their colours and each bird that sings he had their tiny wings.” That is so true God made them all. Like the cherry tree the daffodils and the roses birds with all there different colours. It amazing how God made them and so beautiful. God makes us beautiful by caring for us as Christians too. With love in our hearts. So we could share his beauty like all ithe tree flowers and plants in gardens that are so beautiful. Then the birds that sing in them I say Amen to that. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little Enniskillen Co.Fermanagh N.Ireland xx

  3. Oh, Anna. Such wonderful words to read this morning. I just moved into a new home that has been much neglected for many years- inside and out. I look at the bushes and trees needing trimming, the leaves needing to be raked, etc. I now have that garden. I have moved up the road from where I used to live. My husband kept the fields, the gardens and the lawns looking so neat and trim. The new owners have left it all go wild. It drives me crazy at times since they are a young couple who work from home. I wonder often why they leave it as such. When I am inside the house, I look at each room that needs more than a quick coat of paint, especially the bathroom and kitchen. The house was built in 1960 and has never been updated! But as long as the weather is nice (and it is only a matter of time before it isn’t), I take lots of opportunities to be with friends, volunteering, and the like. Maybe that young couple is doing the same?

  4. Dawn,

    You and I share a lot in common. When I look around, I see all that there is to do, I don’t always extend myself grace … Although I’m getting better. We all need Grace so I shared your devotional the on Twitter.

    Sending you autumn joy, Lisa

  5. Well said, Anna! I have no right to throw stones either! I will try to be more loving and accepting.

  6. Beautiful words. I think we all can wonder and let our curiosity run a little. A lot of the time I’m bad about assuming something. We just need to remember to extend grace. Everyone has a different life and story and that is part of what makes us all unique.

  7. Anna,

    We have good intentions like the neighbor’s garden. Then life happens. It gets busy. We can’t find the time or the energy to keep up what we started. Everyone needs to extend grace to others & themselves as well. It is more important to be present & enjoy time with or help family members out. The house projects, gardens, etc. can wait. For now extend grace to each other.

    Blessings 🙂