Christmas is coming. I know! But it will be here before we know it, and with that knowledge, plus the fact that our family has four birthdays during the season (September, October, November, and December), I need to start my preparation work as far in advance as possible to help me be able to actually enjoy the holidays.
So bear with me, because I’m going to talk about Christmas a little bit today. In October.
My birthday was last week (yep, I have the October birthday in our house), and to celebrate, my husband took me to a local dinner theater’s performance of White Christmas! We drove out to the theater through the colorful leaves bordering the freeway, the chill in the air that only autumn can bring, and were transported to the holidays the minute we stepped foot inside. And I was thrilled!
See, I’ve been shopping all year long. I keep a spreadsheet for Christmas gifts and another sheet for ‘holidays other than Christmas’, and I track what I buy throughout the year so that it doesn’t get buried under the bed or lost to the abyss of the basement storage shelves. This way I can shop the best sales and deals at any season, and be ready for birthdays and Christmas giving ahead of time.
After reading that, it may not come as a surprise to hear that my love language is gifts. I clap like a little kid when someone gives me a thoughtful gift that shows me they really know who I am — especially outside of my birthday or Christmas. Receiving a gift on a plain old non-holiday day makes me all mushy inside because I know I’ve been thought of by someone I love. It’s not even the actual gift itself; it’s that I was present in someone’s mind and on their heart strongly enough for them to take action. That’s why I turn to mush.
I think that’s why I’ve always loved Psalm 139, especially verses 17-18 which say:
“How precious are your thoughts about me, O God.
They cannot be numbered!
I can’t even count them;
they outnumber the grains of sand!”
Constantly on the mind of the Savior. I can’t even.
When I was a camp counselor, I would take my girls down to the beach. I’d have them lick their fingertip, stick it in the sand, and then count the grains of sand on their fingertip. Baffled looks on their faces, I’d then tell them to try to count the grains of sand on just our stretch of beach. Then the sand underneath the lake. Then the sand on all the beaches on all the lakes (and here in Minnesota, we’re known as the land of 10,000 lakes!). Then outward to the oceans, and those beaches…
There’s no way to count all that sand. It’s literally impossible.
And God says He thinks of us MORE than there are grains of sand. Always on the mind and heart of the Lord? Good gracious. It’s too much to take in.
Even deeper than the wonder of someone who gives the perfect gift just because we were on their mind, God was thinking of us yesterday, today, and forever onward. You are always on His mind. He was thinking of us when He sent the gift of Christmas over 2,000 years ago, and we can receive that gift at any time of year, on any day, at any hour.
Wrapped in strips of cloth and tucked into straw, He is a Gift that keeps giving to us in ways big and small. A lovely snowfall that keeps you cozy at home? Gift. A meal on your table each evening? Gift. One or two dear friends in your life? Gifts. Family that loves you unconditionally? Gift. A church home, a steady job, a perfect red leaf on the sidewalk, a warm bed… these are some ways He sends His love. And as we receive them, unwrapping each gift as if it were a shiny box with a big bow under the tree, God delights in our joy and thanks.
While I don’t know if receiving gifts is your love language, I do know our God loves sending them to you. We only need to open our hands, our hearts, our homes… and receive.
If you too would like to get a head start on your holiday shopping, our friends at DaySpring have got you covered with their Gift Guides! They have it all: a gift guide for the introvert, for the busy mom, for the guys in your life, for the kiddos, and more. There are also gift guides by price point — I love a good holiday helper to keep me on budget!
Find all the gift guides right here, and get a head start with thoughtful, meaningful, beautiful gifts from DaySpring.
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Oh, Anna, I love your enthusiasm for the holidays, and I love the reminder to be thankful for all the gifts that God brings into our lives.
As someone who doesn’t start their holiday shopping until October (if I’m lucky), and has a hard time figuring out what to buy my loved ones, I am in awe of your shopping spreadsheets and your readiness going into the holidays. I suddenly feel woefully unprepared!
May your season be filled with meaningful gifts that “speak” to your heart!
Hey Jill – you got this!! Warm wishes right back to you during the holiday season.
Like you, I pick up things all year long when I see them on sale. But unlike you, I’m not as organized with spreadsheets. I have one area of shelves down in the basement that I call my gift shelves. And when birthdays and special occasions roll around I go down to my gift shelves. It’s such a blessing to not have to run out and buy a gift when I’m rushing… That’s when I can’t find anything. Thank you for sharing… I intern shared with devotion on Twitter.
Same here, I enjoy looking for sales & bargains, especially 75% and when I do, I stock up with lots of goodies to always have on hand to give to others to brighten up there day. I never have to run out to get last minute gifts because I plan ahead when on sale. So many needs out there and we enjoy helping/sharing with others. I keep everything in a certain spot/room to get to it easy, no spreadsheets for me but I’m very organize and try to plan way ahead when possible since our grandchildren keep us very busy as we babysit them every day and on weekends they want to do FUN activities with us or sleepovers, etc. Let’s SHINE our LIGHT for others…God Bless! Thanks, Anna for the devotional, enjoyed!
Clearance shopping is my JAM!! I hunt those low prices all year, ha! And bless you, as grandparents, for helping with those little ones. I know how much it means as a parent and to the kids to have grandparents around!
I, too, love getting gifts. Enjoy giving them as well. As I’ve aged (60 next year) I realize just how generous God is towards me. Always finding more & more reasons to be thankful. Even in the midst of trials I can Praise the Lord. Like you it’s hard to Fathom that God would sing over me & I’d be always on His mind.
Hurricane Helene came through our area, (Upper E. TN & NC) area. While there is some devastation in some areas, I am blessed that nothing really happened. So blessed that now I am going to get needed clothing & blankets for NC. Already helped feed the linemen working in our area & got supplies for one county. So blessed to be able to help out.
Blessings 🙂
I have always loved your books and podcasts. I love giving gifts too. This time of year I’m trying to figure out how I’m going to make the next diy advent calendar to give away to someone who needs it this season. Last year I made a puzzle one. I love your books on fall and christmas. I needed this reminder of looking for God’s gifts everyday as I’m struggling to get motivated to go to work today. Thank you for sharing!