I awoke at four in the morning to my body thrumming with a fever, and immediately I could almost feel my heart sink within me. There is never a good time to get sick, but this is the busiest season of my year.
Later that morning, I found myself curled up on the cold tile of my bathroom floor.
Jesus, I whispered softly. I can’t be sick now. How am I supposed to get everything done?
I crawled back into bed and slept for two days.
Everything felt like too much. I had zero margin. I was living at max capacity. And in a month that already was slipping through my fingers, I now found myself feverish and ill.
But being sick didn’t stop the tasks from piling up or one day turning into the next.
When sickness comes, or margins get too thin, or life feels too hectic, it can so often feel like we are alone. We’re told Jesus never leaves us or forsakes us, and I believe that, I do. What impacts me most in these moments is not just remembering that Jesus is with me and around me, but knowing that He is actively interceding for me.
Jesus actually prayed for us. For you. How astounding is that? We read very clearly in John 17 that Jesus spent time with His Father, crying out on behalf of His disciples, and all believers – present and future – making very specific requests for them. Jesus was committed to praying for others. Jesus was committed to praying for you.
John 17 walks us through Jesus’s prayer. He asked God to fill believers with joy. He asked God to protect those who believed in Him from the evil one. He asked for us to be sanctified by the truth, which means Jesus appealed to the Father to declare us holy and purified.
Jesus was praying for you — that you would become set apart for God. That you would choose to say no to the things this world offers to bring satisfaction, and instead lean into what God knows will truly satisfy.
I can’t help but think that since Jesus took the time to pray these words, it must be very important to the heart of God. Many of the words in the prayers Jesus prayed weren’t recorded in the Bible, but this one was.
But not only did Jesus pray for you then, Jesus prays for you now. Jesus is praying for you.
Romans 8:34 promises that in this very moment, Jesus is at the right hand of God, interceding for you. Can you imagine if you heard the voice of Jesus in the next room over, praying on your behalf? But it’s not a thought that only lives in your imagination. It’s reality. Jesus prayed for you two thousand years ago, and He prays for you presently — continually.
If margins are tight or life is feeling too much, remember this: the One who died to set you free is praying for you right now.
If it feels like the world is constantly urging you to seek fulfillment in it, pray what Jesus prayed: to be set apart. If you struggle with living under a weight of anxiety and sadness, pray what Jesus prayed: to be filled with joy. If you sense the enemy coming against you, pray what Jesus prayed: to be protected from the evil one.
Then watch how God moves and answers this prayer as you pray it for yourself and others — just as Jesus prayed it for you.
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Thank you Jesus Christ Saviour of the world. Praise the Lord and Amen ❤️
Thank you Jesus Christ Saviour of the world.
Thank you. I needed this, today of all days.
So thankful for the timing of this for you, Ash.
This is a comfort to me! I am in so much pain right now – dr. Is trying to find the problem. Thank you Jesus for praying for me! ♥️
Jan I will be praying for you. I am as well. I’m struggling the feel the Lords presence with me. It just feels so much like abandonment. I know in my heart it’s not true and so I choose to believe he’s sitting with me. I’m just sure not feeling it
Praying God can make His presence know & felt by you. Asking Jesus to give the MDs a discerning mind to find a solution to your pain. May you trust God in the waiting.
Blessings 🙂
I am so sorry for the pain you are in, Jan. Grateful this brought you company. I’m praying for you today.
Prayers that God can give doctors the knowledge to heal your body.
Abba Father, Please give the MDs a discerning mind to find a remedy for Jan’s pain. Give Jan peace & comfort as she awaits your perfect timing.
Blessings 🙂
Amen! Beautiful reminder!
Romans 8:34 is one of my favorite promises in the Bible. It’s so encouraging. I just had to share your devotion this morning.
Sending you autumn joy,
It is such a beautiful promise!! Thank you so much for your encouragement today, Lisa.
This is such a comfort for me to read. It never occurred to me that Jesus prays for me.
Isn’t it wild to think about?! I’m so glad it brought you comfort today!
I am in a period of uncertainty about the future. Thank you for the reminder of just how much God cares.
Aliza excellent reading. It has spoken to me. Of the time 14 years ago I diagnosed with seizures. I am on seizures meditation for them. I don’t drive anymore. But don’t miss it. I know Jesus was praying for me. I have trusted God to be with me every day. I have the Armour of God on and I apply the blood of Jesus over my life. Plus say Psalm 91 over me. Believing all to be true. I thank God for every day I can get up get dressed and go to my Dad’s to do his Home Help for the Love of the Lord and the Love of my Dad. I pray for my 83 year old Dad to come to know the Lord as his saviour. God gives me the strength to do it. God was so good twice in my life. We had one time a dog. My Husband went to walk the dog. When he came back I was on the floor. I fell down the stairs with taking a seizure. God was protecting me because I had his Armour on from Ephesians 6. As I just had a very black eye. No broken bones. So I thank God for projecting me. I knew that Jesus was praying for me. Then another time we had cat call button’s she loved me. But was one of those cats that. If needed to go out to the toilet. Buttons would never use a litter tray. She had to get outside to go to the toilet. She tap you nose or tap the door to get out. This day I said to my Husband in the early hours of the morning. I let her out. I took a seizure in the kitchen all I did was hit my teeth and black eye. Had to get implants in. I could have done more damage broken something. But I knew God was projecting me. Then another time. This is when I was small about 7 years of age. I didn’t suffer seizures then. My Dad said she ok well send her to school tomorrow. I was of with pain in my tummy. The next day my Dad said send her to school she looks ok. I was I thought getting better. My Mum said no well given her one more day of. I was outside riding my bike. A Doctor that was friend with my Mum and Dad. Call to see them. God was good hid prayers were with me at that time. Mun said good to see you. What has you here. I just thought I call saying I was passing. My Mum said yes good to see. Then the next five minutes. I fell of my screaming in pain. The Doctor said were the phone her appendix have burst. He phoned the Hospital said get theater ready told them why. I screaming in pain. Then the Doctor said take her in your arms to my Mum. Get into my car we going to Hospital. My Mum did that he told me Mum my appendix had burst that is why I was in so much pain that day. So we got to the Hospital in the Doctors car. I was rushed to theatre. They were taken out. I believe Jesus was praying for me. He had to this day sent the Doctor that my Mum and Dad to visit. As Jesus knew what was going to happen. If he had not called I not be here today. Now 53 years old. Married to a wonderful man who adores me. He is saved. He says in that to do with my appendix. If God has not sent the Doctor to visit my parents that day. I would not have ever met you. I glad and thank full God did. As your the best thing ever happened to me. I still to this day thank God for sending the Doctor to visit my Mum and Dad. So it is true Jesus is praying for you. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little Enniskillen Co.Fermanagh N.Ireland xx
Jan Psalm 103 v 3 comes to mind for you. I will pray they find what causing your pain. I feel for you. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little Enniskillen Co.Fermanagh N.Ireland xx
There is certainly something encouraging to know people are praying for you. It’s also empowering to hear those prayers even if it’s awkward & maybe embarrassing to hear them. Yet to be reminded of Jesus’ continual prayer for me/us takes the awkward away. He makes all the difference! If there was a penalty flag for piling on blessings upon blessings Jesus would be buried in penalty flags! Thanks for the reminder, Aliza!
It’s comforting to know that Jesus is praying for me-for everyone down here. Last weekend our area (Upper N.E. TN) got hit with hurricane Helene. I didn’t deal with much over 3 days, but so many others did. They can use all the prayers. Our lives have been turned upside down with many people needing items, food & water. The miracle out of this is the goodness of God & His people. One couple drove from Colorado to come cook for autistic children & others. We are seeing the love of Christ in action here. My prayer is that people will choose to be different & changed. I will leave you with Micah Tyler’s “Different”
I don’t wanna hear anymore, teach me to listen
I don’t wanna see anymore, give me a vision
That you could move this heart, to be set apart
I don’t need to recognize, the man in the mirror
And I don’t wanna trade Your plan, for something familiar
I can’t waste a day, I can’t stay the same
I wanna be different I wanna be changed ‘Til all of me is gone And all that remains
Is a fire so bright The whole world can see That there’s something different So come and be different In me
And I don’t wanna spend my life, stuck in a pattern
And I don’t wanna gain this world but lose what matters
And so I’m giving up, everything because
I wanna be different I wanna be changed ‘Til all of me is gone And all that remains
Is a fire so bright The whole world can see That there’s something different So come and be different,
oh I know that I am far from perfect (oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh)
But through You, the cross still says I’m worth it (oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh)
So take this beating in my heart and Come and finish what You started When they see me, let them see You
‘Cause I just wanna be different, yeah I wanna be different I wanna be changed ‘Til all of me is gone And all that remains
Ooh, is a fire so bright The whole world can see That there’s something different
So come and be different I just wanna be different So could You be different In me
Blessings 🙂
Praise be to the One who died for us! Holy is His name! This is beautiful! I never tire of hearing praise for our Heavenly Father and our Precious Jesus. Thank you for this . Always continue to praise, Amen