About the Author

Laura Kelly Fanucci is an author, speaker, and founder of Mothering Spirit, an online space on parenting and spirituality. She has written 7 books on faith, motherhood, & grief. Laura lives with her husband & 5 sons in MN, where she earned her master of divinity-and hates winter.

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  1. Our presence is always the greatest gift. No perfect words required. Yes and amen, Laura. Thank you for these reminders. May we all be and be blessed with this kind of friend.

  2. I love and agree with everything you said. The problem I’ve experienced as I’m going through my own prolonged period of grief is that people try to decide for me what’s painful and worthy of grieving. Friends will stand by you through the obvious ones like sickness and death of a loved one. But for the less obvious ones like job and relationship loss… friends are not as keen to show up and just be present. It has been an eye-opening experience and a lesson in how I can be more present and empathetic.

    • Angela, I think this is so common (unfortunately) and a side of suffering we don’t talk about enough. When suffering lasts longer than people expect (or want to admit) or when our struggles aren’t easily seen or understood. Your words are nudging me to remember this about several hard situations that friends are going through right now, and challenging me to ask how I can keep showing up for them as they need. Thank you for this reminder.

    • Angela,

      Know that I’m praying for you now. Asking God to send the right job where He wants you. May He heal those fractured friendships.

      I will continue to ask all my friends if they are doing alright. Won’t take fine for an answer. Tell me what the problem is & if nothing else I can pray for you.

      Blessings 🙂

  3. Thank you, Laura! Your words seem like a light shining on a dilemma we all face. Often. I will remember.

  4. Dear Laura, Your story really meant something very important to me. I have so many heartbreaking and very complicated situations that I have been facing for two years now. I am so sorry to hear of your cancer and will pray that Jesus will help to heal you and push that horrible disease away from you, for good. I am 77 years old and really having problems dealing with them. It doesn’t matter how much I pray and that is a lot every day. My good friends for many years have deserted me. They know my story and they don’t know what more they can say to support me so they just don’t talk to me anymore. I can relate to your words about Job and his 7 days with his friends being silent, but my friends don’t even come to see me anymore. I don’t need to talk about what is going on. I would just like to have a ” normal” conversation with them. They didn’t seem to get that before they just disappeared. No cards, no phone calls, no anything. I have 3 friends here where I live, in a facility with over a hundred people. Two of them who are in their 90’s don’t ask me any questions and the 3rd person who is a man will talk to me often and he has gone through one of my problems and has helped me in some ways. I am alone otherwise. My husband has dementia and tried to kill me so I needed to somehow get him out of the house we had lived in for 40 years. He was in denial and after 6 years, still is. To top that one off, my son who was 52 when he did this, called me one night back in early 2023 and said I was lying to him and that he did not consider me his Mother anymore and I could never see or talk to my 12 year old grandson at the. It is almost 2 years now since I have seen or heard from him. When the incident happened on 4/20/2023 where he tried to kill me, I had to get him evicted from the house Then my son saw how sick his father was and that I was not lying to him. He still did not come back to me. All my other beloved relatives are gone from the Earth, but I know they are in Heaven, and quite frankly Laura, I am glad they are not here to see this awful time I am going through. I know that silence like Job’s friends did for him is very caring, but at least they were there with him. I would love to just have my old friends be with me when they can. I know that God, Jesus and my Holy Spirit are with me, and that is wonderful, but sometimes I would just like to SEE my friends and talk to them about many things like we used to.
    Laura, as the last words you said in your devotion, “What matters is that we just show up as friends” Thank you Laura and again you and my friends from (in)courage keep me grounded every day as the first thing I do is read the devotion that has been sent to me. I do not think I could survive without them. Hope you have a Blessed week and are doing well. I am going to get dressed now and start my day…………………………..Betsy Basile

    • Dear Bessie!
      I just read your story and my heart goes out to you. My mother had dementia for the last 15 years of her life. It’s been a nightmare for her and all of us. Many don’t know the heartbreak of dementia and some poo poo you when you tell them about your experience. I’m sad for your son not talking to you and for you. We need our children during these difficult times. I volunteer for our church and I visit nursing homes and assisted living facilities. The in person visits are a blessing to me and the residents. I don’t know your location but maybe check with area churches and see if they have a volunteer team to visit these places. I’m not sure if this is allowed but you are most welcome to email me and I’d be happy to write you. ladyrose47@yahoo.com
      God bless you!❤️

    • Besty my heart goes out to for all you have gone through in life. We think we are bad with all the problems we have. But there is always someone worse than us that we hear about. We then say no I thought I was bad but they and what they are going through is alot worse than me. You Besty we have great big God who loves us. We might say when we don’t see our prayers being answered. As quickly as we would like.
      Where are you God. Why are you not helping me when I need you. You Lord know what I am going through. I need you help you see all I going through please help me Lord. I need your help now. We beg God to help us and answer us now. But God is there he could be putting you through a test to see how strong your faith is in him and will you always keep your eyes on the Lord no matter what you are going through. God will come through for you maybe not a quicky as you like him too. But you have to believe God is there for you when you pray and he is listening. Keep standing on the promises in his word saying them over yourself. No matter what you are going through. Like Psalm 23 The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want” That is so true the Lord is your shepherd you shall not want. We are his sheep he is our shepherd. A shepherd looks after his sheep. God does the same for us. Even though at times Besty we don’t see it. I had hard time in my life we all do and maybe not a hard as yours. One song I sing when going through a hard time it is. “What a friend we have in Jesus all our sins and griefs to bear what a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer” how true that is. You remember that. If you don’t get your reward for keeping your eyes on the Lord. Not letting what you’re going through get to you. You will get your reward in Glory with Jesus one day. Plus remember the people in our world being persecuted for knowing the Lord in parts of the world. Then some Mothers having their kids taken of them for believing in Jesus. All very sad. As well as what your going through at 77 years in life. So when I remember things like that and there are more worse things too. That go on in our world that people do that are not right. I say Dawn no matter what your going through what they are going through is worse. I thank the Lord when saying my prayers. For waking me up to enjoy another day in his beautiful world. Like Psalm 118:24 “Says this is the day the Lord has made we will rejoice and be glad in it.” I also say Psalm 150:6 “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord praise the Lord” how true those verses are not matter what we go through. If I lived beside you Besty I give you a big hug and pray with you. I will keep you in my prayers. I know I will never get to see you this side of earth but in Glory with Jesus. I will give you a big hug. Jesus is with you no matter what. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little N.Ireland xxx

      • Dear Dawn……………What a nice reply and the words you gave me when I needed them. I have read them over and over and know what you are saying is true, but sometimes I am scared to ask God what is going on. I do not wish to anger him, but on the other hand, He knows what I go through every minute of every day I need to stop blaming myself for what happened as I did everything I could do to not make this happen, but my husband and my son kept telling me I am a liar. I am not and why would I make something up that is so awful. He was my husband for 54 years. Neither of us wanted to get married, but he made it happen with what he did to me on 4/20/2023.it’s too late now, but I never had a chance to have a happy marriage with a man I loved and he loved me. My mother and father were so happy together. Thank you again Dawn for helping me out and I needed that hug. I send one right back to you………………….Betsy Basile

        • Betsy and Dawn, thank you both for sharing your perspectives. Too much suffering, just like Job. I struggle so much to understand, let alone accept, how much God seems to allow some people to suffer in this life. I know that nothing we can say or do will relieve that pain, but I do believe that prayer is powerful. So please know I am praying for each of you today! Like Job’s friends, just sitting in the silence when words are not enough.

  5. Dear Laura!
    How I love this story!!! I just recently lost my mother. She was 96 1/2 (she always made sure everyone knew she was that 1/2). I felt so lost and alone. We were 2,000 miles apart when she passed. I had visited her one month before and since my sister (her executor)appointed me the final director of funeral or Celebration of Life services I’ve been lost! My family all live nearby and so it makes sense to have her services here so all may attend. But I digress. A friend across the street just lost her sister and we got together just to hold hands and hug, talk, celebrating her sister. Then my mom died and she came to hug me and talk. In our loss her presence in my life reminded me I had been isolating the past few years. Although I’ve been in contact by phone, cards, and social media, I need to see my friends in person. I’m a hugger and I’ve been told my hugs and words of love, condolence and encouragement are always a blessing.
    My word for this year is In Person! Show up in person to socialize, encourage, support, celebrate my friends!
    Thank you for sharing!

    • Leann, what a beautiful testimony to your love for your mom. She sounds like an amazing woman! And yes, when we get to share our deepest emotions and experiences in person, we remember how we were made for community. How incredible to hear that God is nudging you in this very direction right now. Prayers for you!

  6. Besty my heart goes out to for all you have gone through in life. We think we are bad with all the problems we have. But there is always someone worse than us that we hear about. We then say no I thought I was bad but they and what they are going through is alot worse than me. You Besty we have great big God who loves us. We might say when we don’t see our prayers being answered. As quickly as we would like.
    Where are you God. Why are you not helping me when I need you. You Lord know what I am going through. I need you help you see all I going through please help me Lord. I need your help now. We beg God to help us and answer us now. But God is there he could be putting you through a test to see how strong your faith is in him and will you always keep your eyes on the Lord no matter what you are going through. God will come through for you maybe not a quicky as you like him too. But you have to believe God is there for you when you pray and he is listening. Keep standing on the promises in his word saying them over yourself. No matter what you are going through. Like Psalm 23 The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want” That is so true the Lord is your shepherd you shall not want. We are his sheep he is our shepherd. A shepherd looks after his sheep. God does the same for us. Even though at times Besty we don’t see it. I had hard time in my life we all do and maybe not a hard as yours. One song I sing when going through a hard time it is. “What a friend we have in Jesus all our sins and griefs to bear what a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer” how true that is. You remember that. If you don’t get your reward for keeping your eyes on the Lord. Not letting what you’re going through get to you. You will get your reward in Glory with Jesus one day. Plus remember the people in our world being persecuted for knowing the Lord in parts of the world. Then some Mothers having their kids taken of them for believing in Jesus. All very sad. As well as what your going through at 77 years in life. So when I remember things like that and there are more worse things too. That go on in our world that people do that are not right. I say Dawn no matter what your going through what they are going through is worse. I thank the Lord when saying my prayers. For waking me up to enjoy another day in his beautiful world. Like Psalm 118:24 “Says this is the day the Lord has made we will rejoice and be glad in it.” I also say Psalm 150:6 “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord praise the Lord” how true those verses are not matter what we go through. If I lived beside you Besty I give you a big hug and pray with you. I will keep you in my prayers. I know I will never get to see you this side of earth but in Glory with Jesus. I will give you a big hug. Jesus is with you no matter what. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little N.Ireland xxx

  7. Thank you for these words. It is important to help and support one another in any way we can, even if it means just showing up and being there. I pray for your continued healing.

    • Thank you, Courtney! Grateful for your prayers and your reminder of how much showing up can make a difference.

  8. Laura,

    Loved the analogy of Job’s friends sitting with him. Being there for morale support. There are times & trials we go through that warrant a simple hug or I’m here for you. Years ago I was in the throes of aging parent dementia/psych issues. The best thing people could do for me was pray, hug & just be there. I had a dear friend who I could call & talk to as she was going through similar trials.

    Working in a hospital Step Down unit I check on my patients daily. Ask them how they are feeling & if they need anything. Sometimes they want to talk & I stay & listen others I walk out. It’s making sure they know I care & showing God’s love.

    Blessings 🙂

  9. Yes, the story of Job and his suffering is a wake up call to us all. Most if not all of us at one point or another seem to come to the conclusion that bad things come our way because we’ve done something wrong and this is God’s method of chastising or correcting either ourselves or someone we know. And that still could be true in some cases because scripture says that God will correct those that he loves. In the case of Job though, we see that all the calamities came to him even though he was a perfect and upright man, but Satan came personally to the throne of God and asked permission to bring great tribulation into Job’s life. The Devil himself also said that Job was an upright man, but then accused him of having life too easy because God had a hedge of protection around him. The idea that Satan had was that Job only served God and did right because things were going so merrily along. The assumption was made that if God allowed undeserved troubling times to come, then Job would certainly turn against God and forsake doing the right things in his life. It was amazing to see that Job stayed true to God even though he had great confusion and questions about what was going on. I like most of the original post on the life and trials of Job here, but there was a point about the “friends” that came to visit that I’m not in total agreement with. I like the scripture that says that a person who judges a matter before they hear the situation, it is a folly unto them. Yes, it did seem like the group of acquaintances that showed up with Job must have been good friends to spend a whole week sitting there saying nothing. It gave the appearance that they were in this with Job and feeling his pain. However, when they opened up and began to “share” with Job, NONE of them had anything positive to say. It would have better if they had just got up and went back where they came from. Instead of being there FOR Job, they apparently spent that entire week coming up with extravagant ways to prove that Job’s bad decisions and actions were the express reason for him being in the horrible predicament he now found himself in. If God is sending judgement on someone, He doesn’t need your help to make it effective. I do believe it is okay to question God, but not in a disrespectful or dismissive way. Unless God sends you to be His mouthpiece and revealer, don’t make yourself out to be the all-knowing understander of someone else’s situation or circumstance. Maybe they and we should have the attitude that what we see happening to someone else could, except for God’s unmerited favor, be occurring in our own lives. Scripture says it rains on the just and the unjust. With the number of lives touched by the effects of hurricane Helene as it went up from Florida through Georgia, NC, and Tennessee, it is apparent that all sorts of people, all ages, races, beliefs, and so forth in many cases suffered great loss. Do we blame these people for what happened in that area? I think not. In short, I don’t have a lot of praise for what these who came to “comfort” Job actually did and said. They could have been supportive, even if they may have had their own theory about why all this happened to Job. We don’t have to console known sinners, but Job was known on Earth, in Heaven, and in Hell to have an unblemished record of RIGHTEOUSNESS! All of this was a result of an evil request made by Satan based on falsehood and lies about Job’s character. TRUE FRIENDS and people close to God at all would have probably picked up on these FACTS! In conclusion, I only had one point of contention with Job. He made statements that I know he knew better in actuality. He said the Lord gives and takes away. And then he said, though He slay me, yet will I trust Him. In Job’s dilemma, the one to get credit for the takeaways should have been Satan. God gave Satan permission to take everything but Job’s life. God had prospered Job and He restored and even increased what he had in the end. You think Satan gave any one little beneficial thing at all? So, it was God who GAVE and Satan who took away!