About the Author

Sharon Jeong Ide spends her days as a wife and homeschooling mama in Houston, TX. You can find her musings on faith, motherhood, and books on Instagram. She writes historical fiction, striving to capture the goodness of God in Korean-American stories from the 1900s to today.

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  1. Well, this was just lovely. I appreciate the encouragement to realize that while Jesus is obviously the One we should imitate, there are others He has put in our lives to encourage us to live worthy of the call. Thank you.

    • So gracious of God to not leave us on our own, but grant us the Spirit and other Spirit-filled believers to urge us on!

  2. Sharon excellent. Yes our invitation should be to cultivated to do what is Holy for our lives in word though and deed. We can do things in our lives that don’t cultivate what is Holy in our lives. Because it seems lovely to us in that moment. Even if by ourselves. The temptation to do it gets the better of us at that time. We say to it yes it no harm is it? You if saved have to think would God want me to do this? It can become a tasty morsal at thee time. So tasty at the time that we give into it. Then later regret it sorry we did it knowing it wrong in God’s eyes full stop. We have then a heavy heart. We have to then go to God in prayer and true repentance. Tell God we are sorry we gave into it. Knowing it was wrong in God’s eyes. When we pray in true repentance. We have to ask God to help us never be tempted to do it again. Know who tempting us to do the wrong and sin. No one but Satan the Devil. If the unsaved are doing it if there are they see no wrong in it. We can at the time see no wrong in it ourselves. Even our unsaved Family when ask us to join them in doing what they are doing that day. You don’t like to say no at time. Even though you know it is not cultivating what is Holy. You say yes to keep them happy and pleased them. So as they will not think you are odd boring and don’t want to be with them in the thing or things they see as fun no wrong in them. You don’t want them saying be odd be boring we were kind to ask you join us. They are annoyed if don’t join in. They can blackmail you and tell you even your Niece’s and Nephews are going as well. They be sad if you don’t come with us they say. That is them blackmailing you. You don’t want to let them down by not joing them. As your Niece’s and Nephews could ask we’re is our Aunt. Why didn’t she want to come too. So you say yes for a quiet life. So as they don’t say things about you for not going. But in the end you have to do what right in God’s eyes and pleasing on to him. Not as the world that are not saved do. The Devil Satan is behind them persuading you to join them and not be talked about for not going. As The Devil Satan just wants you to sin and do what wrong in God’s eyes. He doesn’t care if God not pleased with you. He is just happy if you say yes to it for a quiet life. The he can laugh say yes I got you to do something on Godly and sin. Then Satan the Devil has that smile on his face. So we have to do as 1 John 2:15-17 say especially if saved. It says” Do not live the world (meaning like the unsaved do) or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life is not of the Father but is of the world. And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he does the will of God abides forever.” How true that is and it speaks volumes. So even if the unsaved don’t like you our your Family for saying no. You’ll not be joining them to do what they are going to. As you know it wrong in God’s eyes for you say yes to it. Even doing something by yourself. The Devil Satan would want you to do it. He will do all to get you to do it to sin. Then laugh at you say yes they that say they are Godly people. I got them to sin. By giving into the wrong in God’s eyes. You will feel better and knowing you have done what is right in God’s eyes and not sinned. When you say no don’t do it. Know your Heavenly Father God is pleased with you for not giving into it and saying no. No matter what everyone else says and think about you at the time for not joining them. You might not get your reward for doing what is right in God’s eyes this side of earth. But you will get it in Glory one day. I say Amen to that. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little Enniskillen Co.Fermanagh N.Ireland xx

  3. Thank you so much for this timely devotion. I am teaching in Sunday School tomorrow from Colossians 3:2, “… setting our minds on things above”. This is such a practical application of that verse! Who we listen to and spend time with really matters. May we be influencers for Jesus, while looking to Him as the Ultimate Influencer.

  4. Beautiful, beautiful words and perspective. Such a sacred story of community and culture woven through your words, Sharon—thank you for sharing them here at (in)courage today!

  5. Beautiful words! ❤️ Thank you for sharing. May we all show love and do good and be more Christ-like.

  6. Yep. In general, you’ll end up “tasting” a lot like what you’ve been marinating in the most. (TV, music, talk, reading, advertising, focus of thoughts, etc.) So it’s VERY worthwhile to marinate in the good stuff and avoid the bitter or the fake-sweet or the poisonous!

    (I’d also argue for trying to soak in the good stuff from a diversity of Christians – reading the books from Christians from other centuries and decades as well as from the last little while, hearing from Christians from multiple geographies and communities and denominations and economic levels – since all the humans have blind spots, and the wider the range of strong Christians you absorb, the less likely you will be to also just fully absorb a particular set’s blind spots, whether those blind spots are due to the culture around them, or from other reasons)

    Thank you for this reminder – it’s definitely time (a little past time, to be honest) for me to check on what I’ve been catching from the people/sources/entertainment around me…

    • Absolutely.

      One of my favorite saints of old to hang out with is Frances Havergal. Nothing like reading the works of incredible women of faith to show us how we’ve grown complacent in our culture.

  7. Your writing blesses my heart. The joy God gives when we seek Him far surpasses what we see around us. Thank you.