I sat in my counselor’s office. I had many things I wanted to talk about, but before I could bring up any of the topics I wanted to discuss, I heard myself saying, “I am afraid to date. I’m afraid I won’t be safe. And I’m afraid I’ll make bad decisions. I don’t know how to look for someone good.”
My counselor took out a piece of paper, scrawling a word in capital letters near the top. In large letters I saw the word EVIDENCE. She drew a line down the middle of the paper and held it up to me. “See this?”
I nodded.
She told me to look for evidence in a guy’s life: how he talked to his friends, the music he listened to, how he spoke to a barista. She told me to pay attention to everything: “Be alert and look for the evidence. The evidence doesn’t lie.”
I took her wisdom to heart. And I’ve realized that looking for evidence isn’t only wisdom for dating relationships — it’s also a way to see God.
I think of her words: be alert and look for the evidence.
Am I alert when it comes to seeking God? Am I looking for evidence of His love? When I truly think about it, get my trusty notebook out, and jot down the signs of God’s fingerprints, I am astounded by all the ways He shows me He loves me.
I see the love of God in the eyes of my nephew and niece. I see the love of God in the friendships He has given me. I see the love of God in the way He’s redeeming some hard parts from my past.
Be alert and look for evidence of God’s love. I think you’ll be surprised by what you find. God’s love is as close to you as the air you breathe. He delights in you and sings over you. Sometimes we just need a reminder to wake up and look.
“The Lord your God is with you,
the Mighty Warrior who saves.
He will take great delight in you;
in his love he will no longer rebuke you,
but will rejoice over you with singing.”
Zephaniah 3:17 NIV
By Aliza Latta as published in 100 Days of Strength in Any Struggle
You can’t do this life on your own . . . and you’re tired of trying. You need evidence that God is still present and good when everything around you tries to convince you otherwise. You need help and encouragement to keep going when the one next step is simply too much. We get it.
What if you don’t have to muster up more grit, determination, and wisdom on your own but could tap into the source of true, unfailing strength? Here’s the good news: You can.
You are stronger than you think because God is closer than you know.
100 Days of Strength in Any Struggle will take you on a journey of learning to see God clearer and to know Him deeper in the middle of your struggles. As you experience pain, move through daily challenges, or get bogged down by anxieties big or small, you’ll learn to find Him right in the middle of it, ready to strengthen you and give you rest.
I will look for the evidence!
So true and such a good reminder, I shared your devotion!
Send you autumn joy,
Lisa Wilt
We all are stronger than we think. Because God is with us. Giving us the strength to the thing we need to do in his name. That we think we can’t do. As Philippines 4:13 say “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” How true that verse is. We do believe it to be true at times. But when something happens we need to do. We are quick to forget God word and stand on verse like that one. As we go can go into panic mode forget to trust God no matter what. Saying he promises over our lives and believing that God will do what his word says and praying to him. When God word is true at all times and God will do all he says in word. We need faith to believe that. We are stronger than we think because God is near. Then we can see the Evidence of God love and how he has helped us through the suction we were in. When it all over no matter how long it took us to get over it. Or what it was about. When we look back in weeks or months gone by we can say yes God was there and help give me the Evidence to see his love in it. Even though we might not see it at them. I had to do that in my life from time to time. Then weeks later I then have said yes God was there giving me the strength to do it and help me in my situation. As Philippines 3:13 says. I then thank God for being there and helping me through it all. Thank you Aliza for an excellent devotional. Love it. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little Enniskillen Co.Fermanagh N.Ireland xx
Sorry for scripture mistake at the bottom of my comment when it should be Philippines 4:13 not what I have put by mistake. Please forgive me. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little xx
Thank you for the reminder. It’s important to be on the lookout for how God is all around us.