About the Author

Rachel Marie Kang is the author of Let There Be Art and The Matter of Little Losses. A writer of poems, prose, and other pieces, she is founder of The Fallow House and the Social Media & Guest Post Manager for (in)courage. Connect with her at rachelmariekang.com.

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& you will too!
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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
& you will too!
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  1. We lost my spouse in February. We were HA sweethearts and today is our 30th anniversary. I’m up early despite being a nightshift nurse, headed into court as our family home is getting foreclosed on today. Begging for some time to get a few memories out. But as I explained to our children, it’s just things. And things they can take away BUT our memories and love for each other they cannot. Pray that my knees don’t knock and I am able to stand strong without wavering.

    • Vicki – my heart is holding on to hope for you and our Glorious God does always see and is with you. You are correct in what you are teaching your children – things are only things, but I do understand that desire to want to hold on to where your memories were made. You WILL always have your memories and God to help you stay strong. I am saying prayers for you and your family and I have faith that God will see you through all of this.

    • Vicki Ann, my heart aches with yours today. Though the things are just things, they certainly are things that matter. Your family home, I’m sure, is a trove of memories and sacred moments. Sending love to you as you carry the loss of your husband and all those little losses, especially on this anniversary day that should be filled with celebration. All wisdom, grace, strength to you. God sees you. May that truth sustain you (and your children) in the days to come.

      • Dear sweet friends,
        May the God of hope and mercy have mercy on us all. These are tough to the core to read. I was poor as a child growing up after my mom died of metastatic breast cancer. Our dad worked but never enough to cover the bills. Our house was the ‘scary’ house in the neighborhood. We always had food to eat and shopped at used clothing stores.
        Back in the day bill collectors came to the house and threatened us. I was a young lady and had to tell these people that we had nothing to pay them. Lots of PTSD over living in financial fear.
        Our God is the well that never runs dry. Life is so hard. I’m so happy to have Jesus. I honestly don’t know how I would have come this far. We’re all loved more than we imagine.

    • Oh my goodness! You poor dear! My heart goes out to you on this difficult day. God knows and sees you and your children. Big hugs and prayers ❤️

  2. I am.also pinching pennies.Stretching every dollar
    That has been my life story since I got married.
    My husband was injured at work right after our engagement. He never had had a good paying job. I have had to work two jobs for many years. Now I am retired and things are still.tight. if it was not for our son thru God’s grace we would be living on the street.

  3. Rachel I would love if you had the time to include my family and I in your prayers.
    The cost of living seems to have become ridiculous over this past year, and I, as a single gal, feel super stretched thin – I am financially supporting my brother who has been unemployed and believing for a new job for over a year now; I am also helping to support my elderly parents as well as 2 other family members. Please stand together in agreement with me that God sees it all and that He has the ultimate plan for my family – That the best is yet to come, and all things are working together for our good. We are all believing for breakthrough and turnaround and I just pray for each and every single family member’s heart (and mental well-being) in this period of waiting. Thank you for hearing me. Regards, Donna

    • It is an honor to hear you, Donna. I know and believe God sees and hears you, too. May the foundations of your faith with strengthened with joy, as you provide tender love and care to your family. What a gift you are to them—I hope you see that and know that. Be encouraged in that and strengthened in that. I am believing for breakthrough with you. Keep standing, Donna. Keep standing.

  4. My husband 61, lost his job to a hostile take over by his trusted manager. I was semi retired and taking care of my disabled 86 y/o mom. I have now had to return to work so that we can pay bills and have insurance. My husband goes out everyday looking for work and doesn’t find any. There are evenings when we sit with our situation and just weep. We have been down to .31 cents in our checking account. God is always with us and we always pull through. But we are TIRED (and too old for this!). We have had to drain our retirement savings to hire a lawyer. The future is so bleak. We pray for courage every morning to just last one more day.

  5. To all of the comments posted. I am praying for God to provide all you need and comfort you in all your financial needs. We serve an awesome God and I truly believe in the Power of Prayers. May God’s blessings be with you today and everyday. He will make a way! TRUST AND BELIEVE!

  6. My 82 year old husband had a stroke 4 month ago and last week had surgery to remove an aneurysm in his artery. Our 30 year old son lives with us and was employed until January when his company closed. He has been looking for a job ever since. I am retired also and trying to keep up with the bills and transport costs to the drs who are 40 miles away. The jeep I cosigned with my son for, has a blown head gasket and we don’t have $3k for repairs, plus a $600 month payment. It will soon be repossessed. I have asked my daughter to buy food for us. I have rolled all my pennies,nickel and dimes. Today my son has a ” trial job offer “. I’m praying this is the job God has for him. I don’t know what tomorrow will bring, but I know God will be there with us in everything. Your prayers are greatly appreciated.

  7. Thank you for your words of encouragement that show it is God’s attributes that are bountiful, His goodness and love. That is the abundant life, not the amount of money in our bank account. We may not have money to go out to dinner, but we can dine with Jesus any time. [Revelation 3:20]

  8. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE this devotion! As a single mom, pinching pennies is something I am all too familiar with. Sacrifices that need to be made, robbing Peter to pay Paul…but God knows. Even though the penny pinching, He is good and faithful. ❤️

  9. I can relate so much. A few weeks ago I was in line at a food pantry. I asked myself, “Are we really this broke? How can this be when I have a degree and my husband is a first responder?”

    The goal post keeps moving. We are not over spenders. We are just paying bills, mortgage, and essentials. We budget, and if there are extras, my parents help us for the unexpected. We have always tithed 10%, but right now, all we can do is 5% and sponsor a Compassion child. There is guilt. There is shame.

    I don’t want more, just enough to be able to breathe. We are on one income because I feel so strongly God has called me to homeschool my kids. The economy is making it REALLY REALLY hard!

    What’s priority? Being financially relieved or sacrificing finances to do what I feel God calling me to do- that is to home-educate my children?

    I don’t have an answer, but I know God is faithful. 🙁

  10. Felt this one to my bones. When my big(ger) kids were little bitty, we too worked in ministry for pennies. There were months I’d pray that, among others, the $25 check for a morning of childcare (once a month) wouldn’t be cashed for a few days to either scrounge or until payday. I see YOU, friend, and love you so. Thanks for sharing your heart here in this way.

  11. I am currently living with a relative and looking to purchase a home that I can afford. Please pray that I have wisdom and finances to purchase the right home for myself and my two cats. Thank you and God bless you.

  12. Thank you for the beautiful article…We’ve just invested a significant amount of money in some overseas residency paperwork. Our hearts feel called to New Zealand. We have family there. But it still feels like a major leap of faith. Until a stranger at church shared a prophetic word – Jesus is in the boat with you. We’re not sure of the details, or the time frame. But we’ve invested a lot of money, daydreaming hours, prayer and worry over the whole prospect. Prayers appreciated. And if we get there, here’s hoping there’s a guest home for friends we’ve made along the way

  13. Thank you for your support and for sharing your Faith in your story. I am thankful for your honesty and your compassion toward others in similar situations. I pray that you and your sweet family enjoy togetherness. I pray that you will continue to set the example you are living for your own family.

    We learn a lot while questions are felt in our hearts. I am disabled to work any longer due to Rheumatoid Arthritis. This is year 11 for me. My husband did not like the changes. My children still need help from me at times. It hurts me to say, “my bank account is in the negative right now.”

    I know some of the changes have been because my marriage is unique. God has given His Guidelines but a wife cannot force anything on their husband.

    I am thankful that I know God is Good ! He is an Awesome God. He is a Good, Good Father. Patience and a great attitude helps those who are waiting for their prayers to be answered.

    God Bless (In)Courage


  14. I am sincerely going Through the same thing, barely making it, living from check to check so this devotional made me feel less alone, thank you for your honesty, financially I’m really struggling, I’m trying to find a new job, please pray I get one soon

    • Ashanti, I’m in the same position. I’m praying for you!!!

      Abba, Holy Father, please encourage your daughter’s trembling heart. Lift her head, dust off her feet and reassure her of Your provision. Please bless her financially this week I pray. I also pray for a good job quickly, with good benefits to be offered soon! We look forward to how You will answer these prayers! In Jesus mighty name I pray. You are the God of the impossible. Amen!

  15. Rachel thank you for this timely message and encouragement. We’re really struggling financially. I’ve been unemployed since the end of April and it’s so hard not to stay discouraged! I’ve applied to over 80 jobs and only interviewed for a few but ghosted several times after the interview and as I keep applying the salary ranges just keep dropping. We still try to live generously and modestly. Please pray for a job to come through before the new year, if the Lords willing.

  16. It is encouraging to read all that you have written. First followed you after hearing you on Makers & Mystics & The Breathe and the Clay. I am trying to stay the course in ministry and arts (working lots but not really paid much), yet it is tight as our family grows and my oldest daughter is planning her dream wedding and the next youngest is looking at how she can pay for a car and education – we are unable to offer them everything they dream of and have to point them towards the Provider to meet our needs and have wisdom in how to spend what we do have – making sacrifices. It is a struggle to know if it is a sacrifice of our dreams that will help us …

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