The night was dark and rainy. I was working in an unfamiliar city, depending on Google Maps to tell me how to get back to my hotel. As I looked for a landmark I recognized, an arrow on my dashboard directed me to turn left, and the oh-so-familiar voice of Google’s assistant confirmed the command.
I turned into oncoming traffic on a four-lane divided highway that had businesses obscuring the median. When I saw headlights coming straight toward me at 55 miles per hour, I thought, “That’s a crazy driver.” When a second person laid on their horn and swerved out of my path, it dawned on me: I was that crazy driver.
Oftentimes, the loudest voice is the one in my head. But, that voice isn’t always telling me the truth. Though the words are never spoken, I hear them clearly. The voice of comparison whispers things like You’re not as pretty as that girl. You’re not as talented as that woman. You’re not as good as that lady. You’re not as loved as she is. You’re not as smart or as strong as her.
This voice misdirects me, and I crash into a pileup of jealousy, insecurity, strife, sadness, and fear. That’s when I most need to hear the voice of my Father, telling me that I am His marvelous workmanship, knit together in my mother’s womb. I most need to hear my Father telling me that I am delicately formed and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:13-14).
Yet, even knowing this, when I look in the mirror, I can still doubt myself. I see my flaws as if they’re under a spotlight and then I falter. I want to see myself as my Creator sees me, to hear His voice above my own inner voice. I want to believe everything that my Heavenly Father says I am and can become. I want to fulfill my purpose and live abundantly fulfilled (John 10:10). But more times than I’d like to admit, I listen to the lies instead and turn away from His love and His truth.
Recently, I used Google Maps again when driving to a friend’s house for the first time. She lived on a lake, so the roads were narrow and twisted as they wound around the water. In no time at all, I was lost — and, yet, the voice of Google Maps told me, “You have arrived.” The home in front of me looked nothing like the picture my friend had sent me of her home. Now I was lost and running late and wanted to yell, “What? This isn’t where I need to be!?”
If I’m honest, this also happens to me spiritually — a discrepancy between what others see and what I see. Especially during times when I feel disconnected from God, I look critically at myself, my family, and my house. On the outside it might appear that “I’ve arrived” at a measure of success or happiness . . . yet I feel discontent.
My current location doesn’t look like I envisioned. I want to be further ahead with my goals and feel more confident. I want to look different or, at least, look at myself differently. That’s when I most need a Savior because I need to be saved from myself. I need His Spirit — my Comforter, my Counselor, my Helper, and my Friend.
God’s Word is infinitely better than the GPS in my car. In fact, I think of it as the best kind of GPS: God’s Powerful Spirit. As Christians, when we need direction, you and I can be assured and pray Psalm 119:105-107 (MSG): “By your words I can see where I’m going; they throw a beam of light on my dark path. I’ve committed myself and I’ll never turn back from living by your righteous order. Everything’s falling apart on me, God; put me together again with your Word.”
While Google Maps and technology are forever changing with system errors and imperfect updates, God is unchanging — and His ways are perfect. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. I’m so grateful for God’s Word that directs me, and the Holy Spirit who grants me discernment and peace concerning my path.
When we don’t know which way to turn, we know we can turn to God by opening our Bible, praying, and listening for His perfect voice. His Spirit is always available to direct you and me.
Leave a Comment
So spot on. GPS-God’s Powerful Spirit. Reminds me to take time and let God direct my next move. Always trust in Him.
I appreciate you and your insights!
Sending you autumn joy,
Dear Lisa….My goodness, the way you started your story, I cringed remembering something I didn’t want to. My car does not have a GPS as it is older. One day I was in Phoenixville, PA and was driving home. I kept thinking, “Why does this not look like what I usually see? ” Well, it was because I took the wrong entrance and was headed for Philadelphia. I don’t know where you are from, but Philly is a large place and I had nowhere to go and I was so upset as it can also be a crime infested city. I ended up at this very large park where you could pull over and so I did. I was crying and I had no water or medication and I had to really go to the bathroom. A car pulled up in back of me and the gentleman who is an Uber driver came and asked we what was going on. I explained and this wonderful man called the police, found a place that he got me water and said even though he was on duty , he decided he would wait with me until the police were there and he did. He was so kind to me and said everything will be fine. After a half hour they came and said they would help me get back to the right road and take me to a store to go to the bathroom before. The wonderful gentleman said, ” Now you will be fine.” I gave him some money and I said to him. The whole time you were here with me, I didn’t even ask your name. This is a mind-blowing part of this story. He said, ” My name is Emmanuel”. I almost collapsed as he walked away. It was God who sent him to take care of me. As soon as the police got me back to the right highway, I started driving and praying the whole way home. Thanking God for his help and gave him so much gratitude for His love and caring. I began crying again, I was so touched by the whole thing. I prayed all the way home and Jesus gave me the peace to make it home (over an hour) safely. Lisa, this really did happen to me and your story reminded that God is always there for me and your words have helped me to try and be calm in 4 more different situations I am struggling with, very serious things that need to be resolved, but on Saturday I turn 77 years old and I pray that I am not going to have enough time left and it is too complicated to go into. So, what you told us at the end that when we don’t know which way to turn, we know we can turn to God. Thank you for this wonderful story and I am glad you found your way twice to successfully locate your destinations. I send to you my love and prayers and wish you a Blessed Week. It was wonderful for me to read first thing in the morning…………………..Betsy Basile
Oh my. How scary. it’s awful to be in places where we are lost and scared. Bless your soul. Technology is helpful…only when it works. I pray this doesn’t happen to you again! Thank you for sharing. You are an important part of our (in)courage family! You’re also so faithful to share encouragement.
♥️ Sending you JOY!
Amen! “I need to be saved from myself”—wow— that speaks volumes. I need to quit overthinking, and fully trust God’s GPS. Thank you Lisa for this word this morning!
We have a lot in common for sure.
Thank you for sharing,
Sending you Fall JOY,
♥️ Lisa
I truly needed this today. Reminding to listen to God and not the world.
I’m grateful this encouraged you and I loved hearing from you!
Have a great week!
Sending you Fall JOY,
♥️ Lisa
What a great way to begin my day. A reminder that, yes, Jesus loves me, always and forever, and guides me every day, if I let go and allow it.
Thank you for sharing those wise words!
Sending you Fall JOY,
♥️ Lisa
I’m encouraged that your were uplifted!
I pray your week is off to a great start!
Sending you Fall JOY,
♥️ Lisa
I needed this today. I was actually up from 2am to 4am wrestling with God. Great reminder that He is the best GPS. Thank you for the encouragement.
I can relate to being up in the middle of night “wrestling with God,” praying and searching for sleep!
Thank you for sharing and for being part of the (in)courage family online.
You matter – Sending you Fall JOY,
♥️ Lisa
What a great message for everyone brought into the current landscape. Well said, Lisa Wilt.
Thank you for your kind words…and for being a part of the (in)courage family.
Hope you have a great start to your week!
Sending you Fall JOY,
♥️ Lisa
As a woman who is directionally challenged, I can relate! I love the analogy of the spiritual directional challenges too. We all have that inner voice that says we’re not enough. I am encouraged by this message to remember that we are. God designed us in His image. We have to rely on His word, and remind ourselves who we are, His. That alone is enough.
You and me both dear friend! The struggle is real both with technology and hearing God loud and clear. I loved every word of your comment and appreciate you as part of the (in)courage family.
I pray you have a good week too!
Sending you Fall JOY,
♥️ Lisa
GPS ~ God’s Powerful Spirit- so very true I/we all need to trust in him and not worry what others say or think. God is so good! Thank you Lisa for sharing!
Thank you for sharing too.
Those inner voices can be so deafening!
Grateful we have God and His Word.
Sending you Fall JOY,
♥️ Lisa
Great word! Sometimes life can feel like that road construction that never ends. Yes, thank God he is there to guide us through all the detours and always bring us back home. And he can give us peace through it all. Thank you for this encouraging message! I love your stories!
I love how you wrote about “road construction.” It hits home and it reminds me of what Ruth Graham said she wanted on her gravestone. It was something like “Construction finished.”
Until the day we meet our Father in heaven, I hope to be “under construction” being sanctified becoming more like Him.
Sending you Fall JOY,
♥️ Lisa
This is the perfect reminder to the start of my day. So many times my confidence is lacking and the belief in myself to succeed is burdensome. Your analogies are beautiful reminders to have trust in our God for leadership and traveling the path that will lead is in the right direction! I love GPS, God’s Positive Spirit, will remind me every time I get into a vehicle! Thank you Lisa for such inspiration ❤️
Your words encourage me and ring so true.
I think we all struggle.
Thank you for being a part of the (in)courage family so we can uplift one another!
Sending you Fall JOY,
♥️ Lisa
I absolutely love the very last sentence of this inspiring devotional…”When we don’t know which way to turn, we know we can turn to God by opening our Bible, praying, and listening for His perfect voice. His Spirit is always available to direct you and me.” How very true and so many of us needed to hear this today. It’s encouraging to know others are also struggling with spiritual issues that can be resolved simply by turning to God. Something we need to be reminded of sometimes. Thank you Lisa for putting this truth in words we can all understand and use in our daily lives. May God continue to bless your writing and give you insights to share that will in turn bless us.
You write beautifully and your words encourage me too!
I’m so grateful for our ability to uplift one another!
Sending you Joy,
A great reminder to trust in the Holy Spirit, always… God is so good!
Yes! God is good and worthy of our praise forever!
Sending you end-of-summer JOY,
Lisa speaks for all humanity in her devotional today. Her visualization skills enable me to walk with her in experiences we all have shared. Our faith in God is the ultimate Rescue.
Yes-God is our Rescuer! Our Provider!
I’m so grateful for Him and for the encouragement of fellow believers!
Sending you end-of-summer joy,
Lisa ♥️
Lisa’s messages are always so clear and the examples so true. I can see myself in the stories, both present day and with God’s divine interaction in our lives. I am so thankful that I get to work with Lisa and watch her grow and help me grow through her examples, too. Her stories are often humorous and/or poignant at the same time and make me want what she’s having! God’s direction – not what our earthly gadgets often tell us to do. Thank you Lisa!
Your words are a blessing to me!
Thank you for sharing!
Sending you end-of-summer JOY,
Thank you for sharing these truths in such a relatable way!
Hi Rose Marie, I was just scrolling through the comments and saw our names are similar. Thought that was cool! Have a great morning! -Rachel Marie
Rachel Marie and Rose Marie are such pretty names.
My middle name is also Marie.
Sending you both beginning-of-the-week JOY,
Lisa Marie Wilt ♥️
Rose Marie,
You are so very welcome!
I’m glad this devotion blessed you!
Sending you fall joy,
Thank God for the gift of the Holy Spirit! Thank you for sharing, Lisa.
You are so very welcome.
I have always loved the name Hannah. Not only is is pretty but the Biblical Hannah has such a beautifully strong story!
Thank you for being part of the (in)courage family!
Lisa love your reading for incourage. All you said it. It spoke to me. I don’t have many friends. The ones I have I hardly ever see. So I used to think Dawn no one likes you your not special No one wants to know you. All I ever wanted is a Friend apart from the ones I hardly ever see. Because one is always busy the other two that are two sisters live 86 miles away from me. Was a Friend to go for coffee go for walks in the good weather and just meet up every so often. But I have never got that in my life. The 3 friends that I have that I hardly ever see are so good to me in other ways even though I hardly ever see them. I suffer seizures and they text me to see how I am and pray for me. If I need them I can text them and tell them my problems. They will give me their advice in God love for me as they are saved like me. They don’t mind me giving them my problems and asking for their advice when I have too. But still it doesn’t stop me wanting a Christian Friend to as I said go for coffee and walks in the good weather and just meet up now and then. Because I don’t see the 3 Friends I have that often. I used to get down at times over this as my 3 Friends I not saying this for the sake of. Are not overly good looking but are popular and have alot of Friends. They like me have a good personality. They are kind caring and loving like me. I put People first and go the extra mile for them. Show them God’s love. So would my 3 Friends. I get annoyed at times as People that my Dad and My late Mum late used know would say look how lovely looking you are. You are just beautiful with a lovely personality they say. I then think why can’t I just have one more Friend to do all I have said in the comment I am writing. Why does no one want to know me or be my Friend that I see more often. Than the 3 Friends I hardly ever see. Thank fully I do get down about it to often. Or say what wrong with me that I use to say. Then one day I heard the Lord say Dawn. Look up Jeremiah 1:5 the first two lines of it. It says “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you: Before you were born I sanctified you.” That made me stop and think God knows me from even before I was in my Mother’s womb. God also sanctified me preparing me for to be the person he wanted me to be. That I am for the God today. Like Jeremiah preparing him for ministry and God has done that for me. In that every thing I do for God is a ministry for God. Living my life for God and doing as his word says. Showing my unsaved Family I am different that everything I do is for the love of God in front of them all. Showing Gods love to them. That I am loved by God as he Formed me in my Mothers womb. That shows I am loved. Don’t need to worry about having more friends or why no one wants to be or loves me enough to be. God has prepared that ministry for me to live my life for him. Showing his love and living for God. That it made me see God is my best Friend even if no one else wants to be. He knows everything about me even before I in my Mother’s womb. I am Sanctified meaning set apart for God’s special use. So I don’t need to worry God like me and set apart for God’s special use. I am special. Even if no one else likes me. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little Enniskillen Co.Fermanagh N.Ireland xx
Thank you for sharing. Loneliness is so hard. My heart hurts for you yet I am so grateful you are part of the (in)courage family. I will pray for you now and during my morning quiet time. Please know that I/we care.
Our inner voices can seem so loud in the silence but you have a friend “across the pond.” I visited your beautiful country of Ireland when I was in college years ago and still remember the peace amidst all the green, lush fields. Our Creator is so lavish in His love for us.
YOU ARE LOVED, dear friend,
Sending you end-of-summer-beginning-of-fall JOY across the miles,
Thank you Lucy I love you all incourage. I love the readings I learn so much from them. I grown closer to Jesus through them. I am the only one saved in all my Family. My Dad not saved nor my sister’s and their Families. I have to live Jesus in front of them tell when I get the chance I am praying for them. I want to share this with you. I got a T-Shirt made saying I am blessed on it. With a scripture verse on it. I was with my sister’s one day. One of them not saved lets see what your T-shirt says. Then nosiness got the better of her she wanted to on her phone look up the verse to see what it was. To do with the saying I had on my T-shirt. I quietly said to myself. You don’t know because your not saved that is witnessing to you. So I said nothing and smile. As she read it. So things like that witness to people that are not saved like my sister. Thank you for all you said. I pray for you all. If don’t meet this side of earth we’ll meet in Glory. I am glad made us Sister’s in Christ. Amen Dawn Ferguson-Little Enniskillen Co.Fermanagh N.Ireland xx
You are a witness to your family. I absolutely love the story of your T-shirt with the scripture verse. You are planting seeds both with God‘s word and with your kindness! And you’re absolutely right we will meet and glory as one big family until then, we’re grateful you’re part of our (in)courage family.
Sending you Joy,
Thank you for sharing your encouragement and wisdom with us today (and always), Lisa. I wanted to let you know that yesterday in church someone talked about turning to God when they had no one else to turn to…and it made me think of this line in your article: “When we don’t know which way to turn, we know we can turn to God.”
One of my favorite things about working with each guest author is being surprised by the many ways their words show up in my own day-to-day life. Trusting you are encouraged today as you see the impact of your words have on others. Our (in)courage community is grateful for you—and so am I!
Rachel Marie,
Thank you for allowing me to be part of your writing family!
God speaks in so many exciting ways!
You have an incredible ministry. (Keep up the inspired work.) I’m just grateful to be a contributor in some small way!
Sending you fall JOY,
Lisa Marie Wilt♥️
This content is very relateable for a lot of people. Thank you for the reminders that we all need.
Have a blessed day and thank you for sharing your feedback with our (in)courage family!
Blessings for a great week!
Sending you JOY,
This is an incredibly encouraging devotional! I often lean on my own direction in pursuit of my goals rather than relying on God. Thank you for reminding us to listen to that “still small voice” that is God’s direction for us.
Yes! Me too! It’s so easy to favor our own goals…our own will!
You’re so right.
God has the best direction!
Sending you JOY,
So true and timely! Yesterday’s church service focused on Imago Dei, we are created in the image and likeness of God. We are his marvelous workmanship, let us not forget this.
Mary –
Imago Dei – gosh, how I need to remember that phrase when I look in the mirror…especially when I’m tired with no makeup.
Thank you for sharing.
I pray you have a blessed week,
Lisa, thank you! Timely message and gentle reminder. “I want to see myself as my Creator sees me, to hear His voice above my own inner voice.” Suffering from a broken bone, I must lean into Jesus and strain to hear His voice.
I love your heart for people and the Lord
I pray your bone heals perfectly and quickly. Did you know your new healed bone will be stronger than before? Crazy but true. (It’s one of the things I remember from pharmacy school.)
I think that’s how it is with all the trials we face. With God, we come out stronger on the other side with trials refining our faith.
(Though heaven knows during the trial I cry out to God.)
You are in my prayers, friend.
Thank you for being part of our (in)courage family,
Such pertinent words of encouragement! Women today are bombarded with misdirected words. Thank you, Lisa, for a gentle reminder to set our compass on the Lord and His Word!
You are so right. We are bombarded and I can be my own worst enemy.
I’m grateful for God and His truths.
Thank you for your encouraging words,
Sending you JOY,
Well written and a well deserved publish! I am so proud of you! ♥️
Thank you for your kind words.
I’ll take the encouragement and direct any glory to God alone who is deserving!
Sending you JOY,
So beautiful and so true. Love the words and the meaning behind them. Thank you Lisa wilt for sharing this god is so very good.
You’re welcome, Kim! I’m grateful you’re part of our (in)courage family. And I pray you have a phenomenal week. Enjoy this gorgeous fall weather, sending you joy,
Lisa! ♥️
As I read this beautiful devotion, I sit in a beautiful location filled by the words that she offers. We are often so caught up in our day to day living as a wife and mom and our work that we lean into what society tells us is measuring success by and measuring up to the world’s standards. Lisa directs us to look to God our maker and protector for guidance to how we live our lives and how we show up in our homes, for families and in our workplaces. Thank you for the encouragement.
September 16, 2024 at 1:05 pm
You write so beautifully, Amanda… It must be a reflection of your spirit! It is such a beautiful time of year. I love to see our Creator in his creation too!
Thank you for your inspirational comments!
Praying you have a blessed week,
Lisa Wilt
These are definitely words of comfort as we traverse our current world. God is definitely a stabilizing force in our lives.
I am grateful for your words of encouragement as well!
We serve an amazing God!
Sending you an abundance of joy… Have a great week!
Lisa Wilt
You write so beautifully, Amanda… It must be a reflection of your spirit! It is such a beautiful time of year. I love to see our Creator in his creation too!
Thank you for your inspirational comments!
Praying you have a blessed week,
Lisa Wilt
God’s Powerful Spirit! Yes! He’s the ultimate GPS. What a beautiful and relatable picture of our own tendencies to compare and God’s promise to be our compass. May His voice be the one we turn our ears to most—today and always.
So lovely to have your words here at (in)courage, Lisa! We’re so glad you’re part of the community.
You have an incredible ministry!
Thank you for allowing me to be a part of encouraging other women through the (in)courage family!
I’m so grateful for God’s Spirit and his guidance!
Sending you fall joy,
Amen! I will remember this truth every time I turn on Google maps. Thank you 🙂
Gosh-technology is good when it works. And life is good when I’m walking in the spirit listening to God’s truths.
I hope you have a fantastically blessed week!
♥️ Sending you JOY,
Once again Lisa has taken a popular use of something and woven it’s significance and use into our spiritual journey.
You have a way with encouraging words.
God is using you!
Have an incredible week!
Sending you JOY,
This devotional is so true to life and practical for me. Sometimes I’m my own worst enemy and more often than not, that’s when I find myself disconnected from God. Your writing reminds me to tap into God’s Powerful Spirit for direction! Thank you for these words of encouragement.
Gosh, I think it is universal in our flesh to become disconnected from God and end up in the wrong place.
Staying connected is a walk of faith. It’s a daily walk!
Thank YOU for sharing Missy!
Sending you JOY,
My friend, Lisa has an amazing talent for using our frustrations, insecurities and disappointments to point us toward God. I frequently need these reminders to focus on God and not my frustration.
Me too! God has to use the ordinary to grab my attention and share extraordinary messages.
I’m so grateful He directs me!
Hope you have an incredibly blessed week♥️
Sending you joy
My friend, Lisa has an amazing talent for using our ordinary frustrations and frustration and disappointments to point us toward God. I need these reminders to focus on his direction and not my own. It’s not always easy for a strong -willed person like me.
What you said is worth repeating…and it showed up twice. Technology glitches are forever a part of this new world!
Sending you Joy in the midst of technical glitches,
I read this devotional out loud to my son, and although he has no concept of what a GPS is at age 2, sometimes his constant changing of his mind and direction feels similar to the GPS “autocorrecting”. We can constantly compare ourselves to others, like Lisa said, but Gods word is constant and we can listen to His perfect voice.
Bless your soul. Having a 2-year-old toddler is a challenge and an ever-changing challenge for sure!
God’s greatest blessing is being a mom…but it’s also hard.
Thank you for sharing!
Sending you fall JOY,
♥️ Lisa♥️
Such an important reminder for all of us!!! I love knowing that God is our CONSTANT, never-changing father.
Thank you for this beautiful reminder. ❤️
You are so right and I love how you wrote that! He is constant and never changing. In a world filled with change and unpredictability, this is a such a comfort.
Sending you JOY,
♥️ Lisa♥️
This is so true. God will guide us if we listen. I like the comparison to GPS. I have gotten lost trying to find a trailer park and it led me to a shopping center. Lisa makes relatable comparisons from the Bible to the every day world. Great devotional!
Gosh, technology can be such a blessing and such a frustration. I’m still learning to make it a servant rather than become its master. Technology has a place which is to serve God alone.
I love Lisa’s writings. I’ve read every one of her books. I love all the stories of her life and how God has always been there for her. He can be there for you too. You just have to believe in Him and follow His commands.
First of all… Great name! Not only do we share our name in common, I agree with everything you said! Thank you for sharing!
Continue Joy,
Thank you Lisa, for another divinely inspired message that resonates with my heart and soul. Whether it’s one of your books/audiobooks, a blog, article, presentation or a one minute devotion on the radio, your message always redirects me right where my attention needs to be!
You are so very welcome… It is an absolute joy to share.
I’ve heard it said that sharing Joy multiplies that joy and sharing sorrows divide sorrows. I could not agree more!
Thank you for sharing!
Sending you joy, ♥️
Lisa has a beautiful and profound way of using her everyday experiences to illustrate Gods presence in our lives.
Thank you for sharing how you see God and his presence in your life!
You are such a treasure… And you encourage me!
Thank you for sharing! Have an incredible week
Sending you fall JOY
Wonderful read! Thank you Lisa Wilt!
So grateful for God’s direction!
Sending you fall joy!
Thanks for sharing!
You’re very welcome
Thank you. It is hard to capture the Holy Spirit, and you have for me. I appreciate your insight.
You are so right!
I appreciate your reaching back!
Have a great week!
Sending you joy,
This is so good, Lisa. What a good reflection. When we take direction from God, we won’t get lost. For the times I forget and think I can do it on my own and wander off the path, I’m grateful He is always there to gently guide me back.
You and I have so much in common… We both serve a mighty God who is mighty to save!
I hope you have an excellent week!
Sending you fall joy,
Such a perfect reminder and the reflection I needed to read today! God’s way is the truth, the way and the life!!
I’m so glad you were encouraged. It’s amazing how we can lift each other up in the body of Christ.
Have a blessed week!
Sending you joy♥️
Lisa’s words are so relatable! I’m often lost and God’s Powerful Spirit leads me back home!
You and me both… So grateful that God is constantly directing me… I just have to listen to his spirit and quiet thr blare of the world!
Have an incredible week!
Sending you fallJOY,
Lisa is so gifted and talented at writing from the heart and sharing in a way that we can all relate to in our own lives! Thank you, Lisa, for encouraging us that God is our ultimate GPS!
Wow… Your words encourage me! I’m so grateful that we serve a mighty God is always watching over us, guiding us, and loving us!
Sending you joy!
Lisa, Just what I needed to read today. I will never think of GPS the same and use my driving time to lean on God’s Powerful Spirit. I love how you write and bring the reader into your journey with such inspired words. I will share an acronym that I like – FROG – frequent reacher of goals. I have a couple of frogs in my office to remind me to stay focused and to be inspired by challenges. God Bless You!
I had never heard that acronym for FROG. Thank you for sharing! The acronym I have heard is fully rely. on God!
I hope you have a blessed week
Sending you end–of-summer joy,
I like that one too! Thanks for sharing.
Love this!! ❤️ We are so imperfectly human and thank you Lisa for your transparency and sharing your insecurities and mental shortcomings. It’s so encouraging to know that we all go through misguided moments when we listen to our own thoughts. Thank God for His word and for your direction to Psalms 119 & 139! I will remember to refer to that when I’m feeling insignificant!! (So………..daily!) to God be the glory for you and your messages of hope! Thank you Lisa!
Yes. We are imperfect but loved perfectly by our Heavenly Father.
I appreciate your honesty too. Thank you for sharing!
Sending you end-of-summer JOY,
Wow, this really touched me. What a great reminder to see ourselves as God sees us.
I just woke up this morning. As I look in the mirror, I need to remind myself of this morning as well. It’s so easy to pick on ourselves.
So wonderful that God sees us as his Beautiful daughters!
Sending you joy,
I love this story as it has many messages. One, it brings our relationship with God in simple terms. Second, the metaphor is easy to relate to and most importantly we are reminded to keep close to our Lord with open eyes and arms.
I love how you said that. Keeping close to God sounds easy, but as I run through my day, sometimes I forget. I need constant reminders. And God does wink at me with sweet reminders.
Thank you for your thoughts, Billie,
Sending you JOY,
Love this–GPS- God’s Powerful Spirit will never steer us wrong. We must pray and read His Word to know the direction He would have us go. Thanks Lisa!
You are so right, Lori! God will never steer us wrong. We just need to rely on his word and his still small voice!
Thank you for sharing,
Lisa, I love your words of wisdom. I really believe you were speaking to me, I am that insecure person who feels everyone is better than me. No husband, no children to help or encourage me feel alone at age 76. But, not alone because I have Christ to talk to. Thanks again!
Sometimes it’s easy to think that if we have a husband and children, they will complete us. But the truth is only God completes us. There is joy in Jesus. We can’t take our eyes off of him and listen to the voice of comparison!
Sending you Joy,
Yes! I’m so thankful that God has a beautiful plan even when we can’t see it!
Me too! And I love that he invites us to be a part of that beautiful plan!
Sending you end of Summer joy,
Thank you so much for these words. This is definitely something I need to remind myself of on a regular basis. I will remember, GPS, Gods Powerful Spirit. That is something I will always have with me, when doubt tries to creep in.
I love how you just describe doubt as creeping in. That’s exactly what happens in my life. Staying so close to God that I can hear his whispers can be hard. But so worth it!
sending you autumn joy,
Oh lisa your words are beautiful and really speak to my heart! So thankful for your words of encouragement!
You are very welcome!
Have a blessed week!
Sending you autumn JOY,
Great devotional, Lisa! So good to see your beautiful face and smile as you continue to be an awesome ambassador for the Lord. Sweet memories from years ago when I was at the Methodist church in Independence and also from the Dr’s office when you would come in to detail the Doctors at the Blue Ridge Clinic.
Hi Sandy,
So good to hear from you after all these years… It’s a small world! Are you on Facebook? I’m going to reach out and try to friend you. I do some Instagram, but not as much. Thank you for reaching back and keeping in touch!
Sending you autumn Joy,
What a powerful message, it’s so relatable as well! Your words really speak to me, I look forward to reading more.
I’m so grateful you were blessed.
Have a great week!
Sending you autumn joy,
Amen Lisa!!!! I love all your inspirational writings. They speak to me. They give me hope with God at the head, leading us along.
Thank you for your kind words. I’ll take the encouragement and I’ll press the praise on to our Heavenly Father!
Have a great remainder of your week. Sending you autumn joy,
What a wonderful reminder of God’s Powerful Spirit! We get caught up in the things of this world and are not looking at life through the proper eyes. God and his instruction never change. I need to be better at keeping my focus on him daily.
You are so right… God remains constant and his direction is always available to us.
Sending you Autumn-joy,
Such an amazing author!! Your words are so encouraging and really make you think about the path you are going down and that if we trust in the lord we will never go in the wrong direction
Lisa’s devotionals are so relatable and encouraging! Life often brings circumstances that cause us to be distracted by the noises around us. What a great reminder that we have our unchanging Father as a perfect guide. Praying for faith to follow his Word above all.
Looking forward to more encouraging devotions like this one!
I agree with you. I can get so often distracted by the noises around me in the world. Keeping her eyes fixed on Jesus so he fixes us as my goal… Even though I fall short.
Sending you autumn joy,
Lisa, your words really speak to me! As humans, we sometimes think technology will solve all our earthly problems but need to realize our Father is really who we should follow to guide us in life.
I’ve heard it said that technology makes a good servant, but a poor master! When technology works, it’s great but boy when it doesn’t, it can steer us wrong!
I’m so grateful for Jesus.
Sending you autumn joy, Lisa
Beautifully written
You are very inspirational with your thoughts on Jesus and the scriptures,