About the Author

Kaitlyn is a Virtual Assistant, book launch manager, and storyteller who writes about discovering God's goodness in the ordinary and faithfulness in the difficult. She loves good books, deep conversations, and iced vanilla lattes. Kaitlyn is the author of Even If Not: Living, Loving, and Learning in the in Between.

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  1. Kaitlyn,

    I’m writing a devotional book currently called RHYTHMS OF REFRESHMENT and it talks about waves. Thank you for sharing your story.

    Sending autumn joy,
    Lisa Wilt

  2. Kaitlyn,

    Thank you for sharing this. I’m sad that the waves have been what seems relentless for you. What you wrote in this post was real and raw, and I feel connected to your pain. I wrote down Psalm 93:4 to keep right next to me to remind myself that he is greater! The prayer you wrote helped me to shift my focus off of all the scary, hard, and painful things happening right now.

    ♥ Christine

  3. Hi Kaitlyn,

    Thank you so much for sharing. The LORD on high is mightier than the noise of many waters, yea, than the mighty waves of the sea.” Keep trusting in him.

  4. Thank you for this reminder. I’m thankful that He is with us through every storm and reaching out to us with His love, strength and peace.

  5. Kaitlyn thank you so much for your excellent word. I know I only sharing a comment not. Just meant to but was so busy tiredness set it. We can have the waves as God’s cleansing water over us. Making us clean if we have done something we shouldn’t have that wrong in God’s eyes. When we go to God and truly repent of it to God. God is there also through the waves of anything we are going through in life that we need help for from God. The waves of our lives seem to get higher and higher. They don’t seem to cam down. But if we go to Jesus he can calm them down. Not be scared. Wonder will it ever came down. Look at the disciples in the boat that day that Jesus fell asleep. The waves got that bad the disciples got scared. Then woke Jesus and said to not care that we’ll die. Jesus said ye of little faith. Jesus calmed them down. They look in amazement. Said to either even the wave obey him. We can have that when we put our trust in Jesus. When the waves of our problems see to be never ending. Jesus will calm us down not to worry trust him everything will be ok. Not like the disciples who had no trust when the waves got higher and higher they through they were going to die. So we are to stand on his promises from his word and prayer. Leaving all in his hands. I say Amen. Can’t remember were that to do with the disciples in the boat to do with the waves on the boat is. But it a good example. We are human when things happen we can go and most do into panic mode. Forgetting to go to Jesus in prayer and stand on the promises in his word. How many times have we been told to do that. Thank you for your excellent message loved it. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little Enniskillen Co.Fermanagh N.Ireland. Xx

    • Thank you Kaitlyn for your reply to my commitment. I love what you wrote to do with the waves. I loved it and it spoke to me. God also spoke to me as I said about the disciples in the boat with Jesus. Keeping you all ready incourage in prayer. As all you that write the reading what you right is just brilliant. I pray for your lives outside these reading. Thank you for them all. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little Enniskillen Co.Fermanagh N.Ireland xx

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