About the Author

Tasha is a Korean American melancholy dreamer, wife to Matt, mom to three wild and wonderful humans. She writes about everyday life and cultural and ethnic identity, and writing has always been the way God has led her towards the hope of shalom. Her first book, Tell Me The Dream...

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  1. Oh, Tasha, what an awesome question to ask ourselves no matter our age or season of life! Thank you for sharing! Blessings (((0)))

  2. Timely as I had a similar conversation with friends about getting teased in elementary school for the food I brought from home. I was raised in New York in a traditional Sicilian home. While other kids brought Peanut butter and jelly or ham and cheese, etc., my lunches were so different. All I wanted was pb and j! Looking back, I am so glad I didn’t get what I thought I wanted. My children however loved the idea of bringing different foods to lunch. They loved being unique! And taking the opportunity to share with others.

    • I can relate to that, Madeline. I’d love to hear about what traditional Sicilian lunches you had. How beautiful that your kids love sharing their food (and themselves) with others.

  3. Tasha, I am sorry for the struggles you have had…but I feel that we that are born white are being condemned and put into a box that not all of us belong in. God, created us all, and also created us to be the ethnicity we are. Perhaps, we all need to pray for tolerance and patience with our differences in skin color and nationalities. Some of this is still new and strange to us. I am sure in Korea, life is centered around being Korean. I would not expect it to be any other way. I am hurt that that because our country that centered whiteness as the norm, was because most of us were white. As any other country out there, has their specific country centered on their specific color, being born white in America is not a sin I need forgiveness for, nor should I be condemned for it. I pray blessings for all of us…no matter what color God created us to be.

  4. Tasha I needed this so much! Thank you, because even as an adult I still don’t feel normal and struggle to understand God’s purpose in that. ❤️

    • I’m so glad this resonated with you today, Tiffany. You aren’t alone and I pray you can begin to walk the long and beautiful road of embracing all of who you are and exactly who God created you to be – this brings glory to God.

  5. Dear Tasha…You have hit on one of the things that really upset me. I don’t understand why people think of citizens like you and your family as Korean is not normal. This not right for people who feel that way and I would say that you should stick to what you are, what you eat, what your activities or traditions that you follow. I am 76 years old, so it has been a very long time since I have had small children, so I am not quite sure how much you have to do there, but what I think is most important is as the children get older, they will really enjoy the way you do things as when I lost both my parents, I was heartbroken that all the family parties and Holiday celebrations were done. I believe that your kids will thank you at some times that you kept your traditions alive. Of course, we also know that God says ” I am what I am”. I will pray for you and your NORMAL family that it may take time, but as you know, God has his own timeline and I have found throughout my life experiences that sometimes it is hard to wait for Him to tell you that He loves you and your family and what you are doing if fine with him. Tasha, I thank you for your story today. I live in a facility for older people and I hear them speak about, Why are these( I won’t say the word they use) black here at our place. It makes me feel so bad and I try to make friends with them and they soon tell me that these people tell them they don’t belong here so they hide. This is awful. Now not everyone is like this here, but enough that make me pray for those very nice people just like us and hope that people will stop this I call prejudice. I am glad you put this story out there as sometimes we need to hear it and think how we would feel if people did not appreciate let’s say what Italians do. Love you and I send you a hug if I may and I know patience is sometimes very difficult……Betsy Basile

  6. I love your perspective! I often waded through feelings of normal vs. unique as a mixed-race young woman. I love this poignant question: Why chase normal when you can flourish as one loved exactly as you are? I hope I can raise my three mixed-race daughters who have different passions and personalities to flourish in their God-given identities.

  7. My husband and I have practiced No Tech Tuesday for years. Once when we had a granddaughter and her friend staying with us, they sang to us! It was much fun. And they did not fuss about not using their phones. That was several years ago. We read, paint, listen to music. No phones, no iPads, no TV. And sometimes we just talk all evening! Pretty amazing to be doing this for about 10 years now!

    • Kathy, thank you for sharing! It has been such a joy for me, too, and I imagine it’s a habit I’ll keep. I love that you’ve been doing this for 10 years.

  8. Tasha,

    What exactly is normal? It may be eating kimchi, creole style food, etc. God created each of us uniquely. We should celebrate the diversity of His creation. Today I’m going to rest in who I am. A child of God deeply fervently loved. Great post.

    Blessings 🙂

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