Take heart, daughter.
These are the words Jesus says to a woman who has endured bleeding for twelve years. She has pressed through a crowd. She has sought Jesus. She has touched the edge of His cloak. She is unclean. She shouldn’t be here. She is breaking all the rules. But she can’t hold back. Because she also knows what it’s like to be isolated and anxious, hopeful then devastated, discouraged and desperate to keep believing that God has healing in store for her.
Have you ever felt that way? Maybe you haven’t bled physically — but you’ve bled emotionally. Maybe the wound came from someone you love and should have been able to trust. Perhaps depression drained all the joy from your heart. Life circumstances might have cut you and you’re still trying to recover.
What I love about this biblical story is that Jesus doesn’t say, “Get well soon” or even “Be healed.” Everyone who knew the details of this woman’s story thought her biggest problem was losing blood. Jesus alone looked at her and saw that the biggest risk was that she could lose heart.
Losing heart means we stop believing things can get better.
Losing heart means we can’t seem to keep our grip on hope.
Losing heart means living tired and numb, going through the motions.
Losing heart means becoming disconnected from the truest parts of who we are.
Losing heart means we start saying, “This is just the way it is.”
We will all be tempted to lose heart at some point in our lives. It might come after years of something hard. It might happen suddenly because of an unexpected loss. It might not be one thing but many, a slow accumulation of hurts that steal our strength. Are you the woman pressing into Jesus today?
“Jesus turned and saw her. ‘Take heart, daughter,’ he said, ‘your faith has healed you.’ And the woman was healed at that moment.” (Matthew 9:22 NIV)
Jesus is turning toward you today. He sees your pain. He is saying to you, “Take heart, daughter.” These are words of affection and protection. They are an affirmation and invitation. They are full of tenderness and belonging.
What’s causing you to lose heart today? Whatever you’re facing, it matters to Jesus. He has seen all you have endured. He knows how many nights you’ve stared at the ceiling, trying to sleep. He has heard every prayer that feels like it’s still unanswered.
Jesus knows how hard it is sometimes to just keep trusting, keep pressing forward, keep believing that change is possible. He looks at you not with criticism but compassion, not pressure to hurry up your healing but infinite patience, not disapproval but deep love.
The woman who approached Jesus did what she could until Jesus did what only He can. She showed up. She dared to try. She took steps. So if you are in a season of waiting for healing, it is okay for you to do what you can too.
In my life, that has looked like saying “I’m not okay” to trusted friends, going to counseling, moving my body in healthy ways, looking for resources to help me learn and grow. It means asking, “What is the next small step I can take toward Jesus today?” and then doing so even on the days I don’t feel like it.
Of course, there are also meltdowns and detours, slip-ups and setbacks, moments when I want to just give up. That’s part of being human for all of us. What matters is that we keep going until the moment when we finally experience the healing we’ve been seeking. It is coming. I type that with hopeful tears in my eyes. It is not meant as a cliché or spiritual band-aid. I know full well it doesn’t take the bleeding away. But I’m choosing to keep believing today, and I’m inviting you to do the same with me.
Take heart, daughter.
Jesus spoke those words to a woman in a crowd; He is still speaking them to your heart now.
If you’re losing heart because you’ve been hurt by someone in your life, Holley’s online course Heal After You’re Hurt can help you heal and move forward. Find out more here.
Thank you.
Simply that.
Beautiful and encouraging! Thank you, Holly!
Thank you,Holly!! Much needed word of encouragement today!! I have felt like I am losing heart many times, but Jesus is always faithful. And even though I know that in my head, I can still grow numb and fearful that THIS time He may not show up! Thanks for this reminder that He never wants us to lose heart!!!
Beautiful! Thank you Holly!
Such helpful words. Thank you. It touched my heart.
Beautifully said and true.
Dear Holley……..You have no idea how much your devotion that you gave us means to me. I needed someone to talk about this. My hurt comes from my family and someone (my 52 year old son and husband) that has rejected me and broke my heart telling me I can never see or talk to my 13 year old grandson ever again and my son has called me a liar over and over again about his father who has “violent type of dementia” and came close to killing me. They both blame me for all of this, but I stayed for 3 and a half years to try and convince him to follow his neurologists directions. He did not stop drinking but increased it and flushed the medication down the toilet. I was abused every night for 3 years and of course he denied that too. I have no more family. They have all left the Earth to a better place. It has been almost 2 years now that I have been fighting this battle. I pray all the time and I know that Jesus is there for me and my Holy Spirit nudges me and gives me signs on what to do. He is wonderful. Here is where your devotion really has touched my heart. I always believe in Jesus, but being a human being, sometimes (I am 77 years old) I do get overwhelmed and have what I call “A Sorrow Day” where I cry and pray the whole day. I know deep in my heart that I should not do this, but sometimes I am so weary from doing the right thing that I have trouble doing the every day motions. The story you told about the woman who was bleeding and approached Jesus and was healed hit me right in my mind that I have to do that and not give up. Things will eventually be fine. I do believe that, but at my age I fear I am too old. I needed your story and I will continue to read it again and get myself on the right path with the help of my Holy Spirit and Jesus. You women at (in) are just to me angels sent to me from God. When I get up in the morning, the first thing I think of is to put my computer on and read the devotion of the day.Without them, I am not sure where I would be. Honestly, as you are all humans like me, it seems to sink in that I am not the only one who sometimes feels this way. Thank you so much Holley. I keep going back to the book 100 Days of Strength in Any Struggle. I have many of your (in) courage books and bible studies that when I have time, I go to. My other major problem is that I had Covid last October and have long haul covid where my hands are stiff and hurt most of the time and the fatigue is something I can’t seem to get over, but now that I have written this, I realize that I have never prayed to Jesus about this. Another thing your words, Holley have helped me to remember. I will surely pray to Jesus today about this. I am sorry for the long reply, but I trust your community and it helps me to make the day better. There are more serious things I have to solve, but I will not bore you anymore. My prayers and my love to you and I hope you and our family have a good week as summer starts to wind down. Betsy Basile
This is so much to be walking through, Betsy. I know that Jesus cares deeply about all that you’ve endured and where you are now. I’m saying a prayer for you today too!
Sweet Jesus please come near to Betsy. Comfort her with your love & hugs. You know what she has been through. Send people to her to encourage & uplift her. Guide her steps to a loving church family that can be there for her. Show her that she is never ever alone. All she needs to do is commune with you through prayer. AMEN
Blessings 🙂
Holley, your words are spot on! His words are comforting! Thank you for the reminder. I have been in those painful places. I’m okay right now. I’m always gathering tools for facing the next crisis. I will remember this and I will checkout your course! Take care!
You are wise to gather what you may need! I’m glad this was helpful to you and I hope you find that that course is too.
Holley, this is exactly what I needed today – I’m in the middle of toxic family garbage, and my brother has cut off all contact between me and my 90-year-old mother. I need to take heart that God’s in control. Thank you!
Praying for peace that passes understanding, deep healing, and reconciliation in your family, Elaine.
Thank you for these healing words inspired by our sweet Saviour Jesus. I need to read them; I need to “take heart.”
Thank you Holley…I shared x2 as I think your devotion helps women of all ages to remember, how much we are loved!
Sending you Joy,
Lisa Wilt
Thank you for reading and sharing, Lisa!
I needed to hear that! My relationship with my mom is so broken and I’m trying hard to fix it. Evrytime I try to talk to my mom she says things that aren’t true and she is always the victim. I have deep, deep hurt today. I want a relationship with my mom but she doesn’t want one back. She ways everyone to turn on me and stomp me underfoot so she’s the great golden one. She wants those that I’ve reached out to and told my story to, to hate me. I am full of hurt and sorrow
That is so deeply painful, Sage. Sending you a hug and saying a prayer for you today.
Beautiful and encouraging words!
I feel like I needed this reminder. I have been dealing with some health issues over the past few years both old ones and new ones and it can be very tiring.
loved this thanks
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS HOLLEY!!!!! I really needed this! 2 years ago I had finally left my abusive husband after 35 years of marriage. I had a great job, my own place and freedom. Then I had a tooth infection, which was pulled. A month later I has a massive eye infection and almost lost my sight but I was healed. The weeks later, right before Christmas 2022 I had a gran maul seizure. My heart stopped in the ambulance but 2 more seizures jolted me back to life. I was in a coma for a week and in the hospital for another month. I don’t remember all of 2022 and most of 2023. I lay my job, my place, my freedom and my independence. I had to move back in with my husband. He’s actually been much better and he has taken care of me for the most part. April 2023 I couldn’t read, write, spell, feed myself, etc. While I’m getting better it has been a long long road. The drs told me that 80% that have this rare thing don’t live and of the 20% that do live they are never the same. I’m getting back to “me” again finally. Praise God! You’re message has really hit the spot for me. While I’m still “bleeding” I know that God’s got me! I know that He has, and will not, let me go! There are many days I just want to give up but your message has really inspired me and gives me a different perspective into “holding on”. THANK YOU AGAIN! I praise God for you! I praise God that I’m still here to do His great work!
Thanks Holly for sharing and encouraging us with the word of Jesus, very up-lifting devotional.
Cheering you on, Marcy, you can do it! May you feel the arms of Jesus holding you and walking with you through this difficult season in your life. No matter how enormous the problem, when God is with us there’s nothing that we need to fear. With His strength, we’re also mighty. Lifting your situation up in my prayers! Stay positive and don’t lose heart…God Bless!
You always know the right words to pen. I had bouts of depression back in 2022. Lost heart some. Thankfully Jesus & my loving husband were there to comfort me give me some hope. We must all remember that Jesus not only sees our pain but understands it fully. He is going to fix it in His perfect timing.
Blessings 🙂