About the Author

At (in)courage, we empower women to be like Jesus. Our writers share what’s going on in their life and how God’s right in the middle of it. They bring their joys & struggles so that you can feel less alone and be empowered by the hope Jesus gives.

(in)side DaySpring: things we love
& you will too!
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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
& you will too!
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  1. Ruth Mills says

    Amen, Jennifer! You inspired the following text to my Titus 2 daughters: As a young girl I was not one to dream about a future wedding day like some of my friends. I also wasn’t caught up in the romance of being sent flowers. I was more interested in more lasting, even if less tangible, gifts of time spent & promises kept. A buddy summarized it saying I’d rather get a warm pair of socks I wanted/needed than a dozen roses. Eons ago I read an article that said women who enjoy getting flowers have a higher self respect level & that we should care enough about ourselves to not wait on a man to give us flowers but to treat ourselves to them as well. Hang with me here… As I read Luke 12:28 “If God cares so wonderfully for flowers He will certainly care for u” I was struck with the awesome truth that God Himself sends me/us flowers. He delights in spending time with us & He is the ultimate promise keeper. The wiring of my/our brain/tastes/desires has always been bent toward the God who loves us best. May we see the lavish provisions of our God in the eternity promises & in the flowers of the field that r here today & gone tomorrow. Blessings (((0)))

  2. d from Canada says

    I’m with you Jennifer!
    From the tiny squirrel that stopped me in my tracks on my forest walk,
    a pregnant doe taking refuge from the heat under the shade of my backyard, to the black bear running down the road in front of my vehicle making me laugh out loud…. it’s all God’s handiwork & beauty on display revealing His love for us!
    Thank you for your loving post.

  3. Betsy Basile says

    Dear Jennifer…I read your Devotional today. It was a very important one. One thing our minister always tells us is to look out your window and see all the things that God created. I have been doing that for at least 16 months. It really encourages me to have a good day even if I was thinking it wouldn’t be. You women at incourage are really Angels sent to us from God. I can’t even express all that you have done for me. I read your stories every day, first thing. Then I look out the window and tell God what I am looking at and I always remember to say, Thank You. I feel that is very important. The recipe looks fabulous. Thank you again for everything. I need to look out the window now. Blessings to all of you and your loved ones………….Betsy Basile

  4. Courtney Humble says

    I think the biggest takeaway from this question is just the reminder that there is beauty and joy in the small things. Not everything has to be a huge wonder to hold value or be special. Every little bit is precious.

  5. Gail says

    I’ve been sick in bed for a week and this morning I’m enjoying watching the hummingbirds on the feeder outside my window. Last night my husband helped me outside to see that my daisy garden had bloomed and we also watched a little bat flitting around eating the bugs. All beautiful gifts from my Lord.

  6. Lydia F. says

    For me it’s been cardinals and dragonflies! Thank you for these reminders of God’s beautiful kindness. I’m in Houston and after hurricane Beryl we were without electric power for 7 days and it was a struggle, but I saw God’s presence amid my impatience through beautiful and unique dragonflies and the pretty cardinal songs each morning. God bless!

  7. Beth Williams says


    It is so easy to not notice God’s extraordinary kindness all around us. We rush here and there doing things. We don’t stop “to smell the roses”. Lately I have been trying to acknowledge each little kindness He shows me. If I make a light or get a good parking spot at work I say thank you Jesus.

    I admit to not being a flower person. Give me warm socks, nice hot meal, etc. I can appreciate God’s handiwork in the flowers,, Smoky Mountains all around me.

    BTW: Salad looks yummy.

    Blessings 🙂

  8. Hope says

    God has sent his rain & cooler temps to our drought-stricken area. Lantanas are blooming, butterflies are flitting about, green grass is lush & his creation again reminds us that He is faithful in every season.

    Can’t wait to try the salad.