God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God. Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it. For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.
Ephesians 2:8-10 NLT
You might already know these truths, but sometimes the things we are most familiar with or the ones we unknowingly dismiss, are the ones we need to revisit and really let sink in.
Read our passage in Ephesians 2 again and then let God’s beautiful truth saturate your heart:
You are saved by grace!
All you have to do is believe in God. He does the rest!
God’s grace is a gift!
You don’t have to earn God’s love or favor or help. In fact, you can’t! All you can do is receive the gift of His love, forgiveness, and grace.
You are His masterpiece!
God is so delighted with who you are and how He made you.
You are made new in Jesus!
You are not the sum of the mistakes you’ve made. You are the totality of God’s craftsmanship and Christ’s redemption. God calls you a new creation. He sees His beloved daughter every time He looks at you.
He has good things planned for you to do!
If you feel aimless or insignificant, you can trust that God has a plan and purpose for your life. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you each day — He’ll show you what to do.
Amen and Amen!
Will share x2 as this is The Good News!!
The Sunday Scripture is perfect for today. I love the words in that scripture. It is so true. My words for the week were from Ruth 3:18, “wait, my daughter until you learn how the matter turns out.” My Holy Spirit is wonderful and guides me along each day. I love Him so. I am 77 years old and alone as far as people are concerned, but I always lean back to Jesus, God or my Holy Spirit. as I know that they are always with me. I have a very difficult situation that I have been dealing with for 18 months now and sometimes I just would love to talk to a person in my apartment so that I could give and receive a hug. I have been married for 55 years now and my husband has violent dementia and he abused me fir 3+ years every night until the last time he nearly killed me. I won’t go into the whole story as it is Sunday and I need to say my prayers and make it a GOOD Day no matter what. Thank you again and Blessings to all of you and your loved ones. I truly depend on your community every day when I read you devotionals. Love to all of you…………………..Betsy Basile
Hello Betsy! A good Christian counselor sounds like just the person you need to speak with! I see clients of all ages and situations similar to yours. You have been through some hard things and God sees you! I see you!
Love these inspirational words, read each of the shared post! They have co tinned to uplift and encourage me. Especially during this time, as I am facing some difficult moments! Keep on sharing!
In Courage,
I’m awe struck by God’s lavish love. Jesus willingly left the splendor of Heaven to come to broken Earth & die a horrible death just.for.me. Today at church we sang “I Bowed on My Knees” by Michael English. It made us cry & shout to God. Read the words let them sink in.
… I dreamed of a city called Glory
So bright and so fair
When I entered the gates, I cried Holy
The angels all met me there
They carried me from mansion to mansion
And, oh, the sights I saw
But then I said, “I want to see Jesus”
‘Cause he’s the one who died for all
… I bowed on my knees and cried holy
Holy, cried holy
I clapped my hands and sang glory
Glory to the Son of God
… And as I entered the gates of that city
My loved ones all knew me well
They took me down the streets of Heaven (sing Micheal)
Oh, the scenes were too many to tell
I saw Abraham, Jacob and Isaac
I talked to Mark, sat down, sat with Timothy
Then I said, “Timothy, I want to see Jesus
‘Cause He’s the one who died for me”
And he died for you
… I bowed on my knees and cried holy (holy)
Holy (holy), holy
I clapped my hands and sang glory
Glory, glory, glory
… I clapped my hands and sang glory
Oh, I clapped my hands and sang glory (one more time, sing it)
I clapped my hands and sang glory
And I sang glory to the Son of God
To the Son of God
To the Son of God