We are in the throes of summer where I live. Summer signals backyard barbecues, watermelon juice dripping down kids’ arms, Fourth of July fireworks, and peach cobbler with homemade ice cream. Just about everything feels sweet in summer except for the fact that I have to put on a swimsuit.
I’m not proud to admit this, but last summer I nearly drove myself crazy searching for the perfect swimsuit. I scrolled for days, saving suits to Pinterest boards, reading reviews, and ordering suits off Amazon to try on at home. (I mean who wants to get stuck in a dressing room trying to squeeze their body parts into polyester?)
Now that I’m in my later forties and what I fondly call “the sweaty season of life,” my body feels a little out of whack. Despite an active lifestyle, I’ve gained extra pounds that I can’t seem to keep off. My skin is sensitive. And my hormones are definitely frolicking all over the place, depending on the day.
As a mama to three girls, it’s always been important to me to keep a tight rein on negative scripts about my body. I don’t want to model for my daughters a sense of shame about body image.
The world apart from Christ manipulates us to believe beauty is queen, and it looks a certain way. We are shaped by negative mindsets that tell us we are too fat, too frumpy, too freckled, or fill-in-the-blank to be considered desirable.
We start to believe all we need to do is change that one thing about ourselves to truly be accepted.
I have learned that I am most vulnerable to these unhealthy mindsets when I am tired, not spending time in Scripture, and not abiding closely with Jesus.
Last summer I took my three daughters to see the Barbie movie everyone was talking about. My oldest is really into movies and loves the director. I thought this film might be a good one for us to process together.
Mind you, I am a second-generation daughter who refused to buy Barbies for my girls when they were little because my mama taught me Barbie was unrealistic and not representative of girls like me with brown skin and thick, curly hair. She didn’t want me to have some unachievable idea of what my body should look like.
We four girls settled into our movie seats with a theater full of mostly women donning every shade of pink. I didn’t have high expectations for the film, but I was pleasantly surprised by the end.
Perhaps the most poignant scene is when Barbie (Margot Robbie) sits down at a bus stop next to an older woman reading the newspaper. Barbie has just been roasted by a teenager in the “real world,” and she’s feeling a little tender about the harsh, unexpected reality she finds herself in.
The two women lock eyes. Barbie pauses, studies the woman’s wrinkled face, and proclaims, “You’re so beautiful!”
“I know it!” the woman replies with confidence. The woman’s lips curve into a welcoming smile, and Barbie giggles through tears.
The way I see it, that confident golden girl is ministering to Barbie with her courageous declaration. She is not flaunting her body, but she is celebrating it in all of its baggy-skin-wrinkled-face glory. There is room for this woman and for Barbie on the proverbial bus stop bench.
It’s a message that made me misty-eyed because I needed to hear it. I want my daughters to feel it in their bodies too.
Here are truths I’m walking in today as I’m shifting to a Kingdom body mindset:
- Our allegiance isn’t to culture; it’s to the King.
The culture tells us through a barrage of posts, videos, products, and more that we have to make ourselves beautiful. But the Bible tells us something different.
“So God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” (Genesis 1:27 NLT)
Friends, the King created you and me in His image. That means we are created on purpose for a purpose. He looks on us with love and adoration because He fashioned us with His very own hands.
- Our bodies express the diversity of God’s creation.
The psalmist reminds us that we are each uniquely and purposefully designed to express God’s creativity:
“You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous — how well I know it.” (Psalm 139:13-14 NLT)
When we walk with courage and confidence in our bodies, we are showing off His creative workmanship.
- Our bodies were made to worship the King of Kings.
“Let everything that has breath praise the Lord,” says Psalm 150:6.
We can use our bodies — our lips, our hips, our passions, and gifts — to praise Him.
We are all beautiful because we are daughters of the Creator King.
That’s why this year I bought myself an electric pink tankini, and I’m wearing it with pride at the pool. I am 47 years old and more mushy around the middle than I was a few decades ago, but my mindset has truly strengthened. I believe beauty is in every body!
Raise your hands in the comments if you struggle with body image. If you are willing to share, I’d love to hear you replace a lie with a truth about yourself and your body today.
Those Bible references spoke to me. Having been very thin all my life because of how I was built, not because I tried, now at 70 I struggle with my weight. At 5’2″, I gained 15 lbs over the past 6 months due to foot surgery and then a knee injury. I am trying to focus on the fact that I am otherwise healthy. I was recently told I look just like my nonna. At first I was devastated, but then I realized I adored her and I see it as an honor that I should remind others of her. I have 2 children- a son (43) who struggles with his weight and a daughter (41) who is tall and thin but has recently began experiencing what women do at some point and the pounds easily come on when she slows down. But unlike me, she accepts herself fully and does not get stressed by it. So, today the shorts come out and I might even wear them out in public.
I love how you flipped the script and saw the honor and beauty in being like your Nonna!
Thank you for sharing! Messages like this are great reminders to check my heart. I like the line about allegiance being to King and not culture. He made me a wife and a mom, so those are the people I should be focusing on, and not the opinion of others. My kids tell me I’m beautiful—maybe that’s a little message from God—and maybe they’ll be more apt to continue thinking that way if I choose to let engaging with them and having fun override discomfort with the bumps and squishes I would rather hide. (Because, really, I’d rather hide them.) So that’s the truth to replace discomfort: be present and happy anyway. The kiddos will have memories of you being there and having fun and they won’t remember the bumps and squishes.
God often uses our kids to be little messenger! Thanks for sharing this! Savor each moment!
Yes, I struggle with body image especially at 60 and being under 5 feet!!! But this devotion encourages me!!! I needed it!! Thank you!! And rock that tankini!!!!
You are a beautiful daughter of the King!
Yes! There are times that I struggle with body image and FEEL self critical. But the FACT is, I am fearfully and wonderfully made! And to criticize my body would be to criticize God’s creation.
I bet you rock the shocking pink tankini. ️
Sending you Summer Joy,
Lisa Wilt
Yesss, it takes my breath away when I think of our King Creator as our daddy! You are beautiful, sister!
Dorina…What a great story. Something that I don’t often think about. My struggle is with the way I dress. I live in an independent living place, but it is mostly people with physical problems. I am 76 years old and I am here only because my husband of 55 years has a very violent type of Dementia where he almost killed me on 4/20/2023. I had to sell the house and move somewhere. I have always dressed to the nines. My mother told me I was very picky when I was 3 years old, about my clothes. My job of 45 years as a manager required back then that we dressed like we were someone in authority. Here is the great information I received from your story is. The people here are in their 80’s on up to 103 years old. Many of them think I am a show-off because of my clothes, shoes, jewelry, my blond (bleached) hair. It has been very upsetting to me as those individuals will not even talk to me. The women and men that gave me a chance really like me and found up that I am not a show-off. Your scriptures and words made me remember that Our Creator made us in his image and I know He loves me in whatever I wear. So I need to keep trying to get people to talk to me and if not, it doesn’t really matter what anyone else thinks of me as I am loved by Jesus, my Holy Spirit and Our Lord. Thank you for helping me out of my worry on this front. I have so many more very difficult problems to resolve. So, Dorina, you wear that tankini with pride and no worry what you used to think about this very important issue to we woman. I love the (in)courage women and I read all of your devotionals every morning. Hope you and yours have a wonderful July 4th, but the way our world is right now, we need to think about why we are celebrating and not just a day off, especially with the election coming in November and our Democracy hangs in the balance. Love and a hug to you from Betsy Basile
Betsy, I believe the clothes we wear, the accessories we choose, and the way we move are all opportunities to celebrate God’s diversity in the world. I’m cheering you on!
Oh Betsy I’m so sorry how your life has taken such a dramatic turn. I’ll be turning 70 in a few weeks & we just celebrated our 50th anniversary. I’m not sure where you live but would love to connect with you as you wish. I live in Central California & have 3 children all grown with families of their own. My heart goes out to you for all you’ve endured the past few years & I think your fellow residents are very set in their ways & as people get older they lose their speech filter. I’ve had some relatives say things to me that I was pretty surprised with.
Lord bless you & I hope you are able to make more friends to be able to sit & visit with, enjoy a meal or even play some games.
I am a perfect 10 with no stretch marks.
I am a perfect 10 with no stretch marks. Oops I might have sent too soon. I am replacing this lie with the truth. My love for God is a perfect 10. I have stretch marks left from children that are now adults. I smile everyday because I am praising the lord and he made me as I am.
Oooh, I love the way you reframed that! Our love for Him is the true size that matters!
Dorina – I have struggled with my weight all my life, to the point I was anorexic in my 20’s and early 30’s. Now in my 60’s, I’ve learned to be healthy and when I get upset about my weight or the way my body looks, I just tell myself I am a healthy, beautiful daughter of the most high King. Sometimes I have to repeat all day to myself and other times it just once. I have found that as long as I take care of his temple and keep my heart seeking after Him, I’m beautiful to the one who matters. Thank you so much for your devotional! And I’m sure you are beautiful in your tankini! God bless you and (in)courage!
Dawn, your words are encouraging me today! Thank you for speaking life & truth!
I agree with all that you said. However, I sometimes beat myself up because I am not taking the best care of the body God gave me. Praying for balance to not let Satan bring on the guilt for skipping my walk, eating too many sweets, etc.
I’m with you on that Trudy! You might want to check out my devotional journal, Walk Run Soar, for ideas on how to make those walks meaningful!
Boy do I ever. I so can relate to this. I’ve always felt I have to be beautiful to make it in this world. To be loved, to be liked. As I’ve grown older, almost 69 I have struggled, mentally and physically with things. I know I am beautiful in my creators eyes. I find my walk slow but I am getting there!
Thank you for calling this out! Ruth, every eyelash, every wrinkle matters to our Creator King!
Thank you for this post Dorina! I struggle with this a lot! Especially after having a radial hysterectomy in October of 2022 and getting thrown into menopause. I run (I’m one of your Glory Chaser followers) or go to the gym almost everyday, but nothing will help this frumpy middle. OGGG! But over these last 2 years I have finally found the peace that I have been searching for in the one true God! Reminding myself almost daily that I am his daughter and made me perfectly!
Oh Tara, I’m right there with you! Let’s remind ourselves showing up matters. We can abide with Him while we move and give ourselves grace as He designed us even for this menopause season.
Thank you Korina for your encouraging words. I needed them. I am 77 years old. I broke my right hip and femur last year and also have serious back problems. In addition I also suffer seasons of depression and anxiety. All of these things have changed my life completely. Prior to all this I have been very strong and healthy all my life and done things that most women would never attempt. But I am so grateful to my Lord Jesus for each day that He gives me and all His many blessings to me. God bless you again for your very encouraging words!
Donna, may our Creator God strengthen your spirit and give you perseverance in this season! You still matter to Him!
Thank you Dorina and God’s richest blessings be yours!
This was such a good devotional. I think one thing I often have to remind myself of is that my body is not less than or more than anyone else. I think I can get insecure and really hard on myself from time to time because of my disability and how it affects my body. It makes me feel not normal and sometimes like I’m lacking.
But I have to remind myself that I’m beautiful and I am crafted in His image and that there is a reason and purpose for everything.
Courtney, that pull to compare ourselves to others is so real! I hear you! Praying for you to walk in your identity as His daughter!
Our culture is doing a disservice to young women. They tell you that thin is in. Although it is getting a bit better lately. I have seen commercials with larger sized women being used. Truth is our beauty isn’t measured in pounds. It comes from within. What flows from our hearts makes us beautiful.
Years ago I said I would not ever have a “muffin top”. Surprise-never say never! At first I was upset but now have learned to live with it & work on getting my body stronger & healthier. God made me this way & I am beautiful inside & out!
Blessings 🙂
I’ve learned to never say never. I like the way you are reminding yourself of truth, Beth! Thanks for reading and responding!
I’m with you. I love these Bible verses. Now that I’m 57, I am learning to appreciate my body as it is. And I have a purple sticky note on my bathroom mirror that declares: “Wow! You’re aging beautifully!” That’s my mirror talking to me!
That’s a great idea, Sister! You are beautiful!!!