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At (in)courage, we empower women to be like Jesus. Our writers share what’s going on in their life and how God’s right in the middle of it. They bring their joys & struggles so that you can feel less alone and be empowered by the hope Jesus gives.

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  1. I’m going through a series of trials on my own. I live currently with my parents and they are very controlling and hurtful at times, I love them very much but sometimes I feel exhausted of trying to get them to see my point of view. I’ve Ben meditating this weekend; today in the morning I open my e-mail and read you’re devotional.
    Thank you for the reminder, I’ve followed you’re ministry for a while and was happy to see this.

    J. Nieves

    • Julissa, that sounds really painful and difficult. I’m praying now that the Lord would give you wisdom and discernment to know his will and courage to follow wherever he leads.

  2. The trial of the brokenness in our family has been going on for years. My faith at times is strong and then I go back to Wen and not trusting and my faith is weak hard to believe something good will come out of this whole thing, but that’s what I hang onto.

  3. Wow ! What a perfect devotional for today, Sunday. You have reminded me that all the trials and tribulations I have gone through and still trying to settle are just from this fallen world, but dealing with them is building my strength and I have a very strong faith now, but I do know from experience that sometimes we need to be patient and wait because Jesus has heard us and will answer us when it is time. Glory be to God and to all of you women of the incourage community that take the time to give us one of these devotionals every day. I can tell you that for me, they are what gets me up in the morning and take one step at a time. Things will happen. Blessings to you all and thank you so much for your prayers……………….Betsy Basile

  4. We all have trials. If you read in 1 Peter 5:7-9 it tells us to be sober be vigilant as the Devil walks about like a roaring lion seeking who he my devour. We have to resist him. Also know our brotherhood are experiencing the same. It at that time the devil when we are down and got our own troubles. He will seek to devour us. So we have to be on our guard. Especially when down and feeling we have the weight of the world on our shoulders. As that is when the devil will attack us more. Then the devil will be in his glory. That is why we have to keep our eyes on the Lord. Pray to him to help us and show us what to do. Know God is there keep standing on the promises in his word. Know he will answer us in his perfect timing. We might have to wait for God to answer us. God could be testing us to see how strong our faith is in him. Do we keep our eyes on him look to him in prayer and his word. Don’t go else where. Yes get others to pray if needed. But first pray to God and go to his word. God has helped me so many times. Taught me that lesson. When I hit points in my life. I had not went to God first. But people who are saved asking them to pray. Instead of praying to God himself and standing on his word first. Then asking others to pray. God then answered me. When I said sorry God I didn’t go to you first in prayer I went to others. I didn’t stand on your word. I knew I was wrong and didn’t trust God to help me. God said Dawn you have to have more trust in me. Come to me first in prayer. God gave me this verse it spoke 1 Joshua 1:-9 it says “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go” That taught me to be strong no matter what I go through and not to be afraid God is with me wherever I go” To be strong in my problems he is there. I now go to God first in prayer and the reading of his word. Then people. If need extra Prayer loved today reading. Keeping you all in incourage in my prayers. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little Enniskillen Co.Fermanagh N.Ireland xx

  5. In Courage,

    Strangely enough God used my dad’s psych issues to grow & strengthen my faith & trust muscles. Once the trial was over I was ready to trust God no matter what! It was proved when my pat-time job was eliminated. I walked out of that office happy as I knew God had something bigger & better in store for me. Two weeks later I was working part-time at JCMC (biggest hospital in our area) as a clerical. Now 5 years later I am full-time in an ICU run step down unit.

    This post brings to mind Micah Tyler’s song “Praise the Lord”. Here is a snippet: I’ve tasted and I’ve seen
    You’ve been so good to me From the moment that You changed my life, God You never stopped
    I’m gonna sing it I’m gonna shout it I’m gonna lift my hands and praise No matter what is gonna come my way
    All You’ve done for me I give You the glory From the valley to the victory So when the devil come try to get me
    Gonna praise the Lord When the devil come try to get me Gonna praise the Lord

    Blessings 🙂

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