About the Author

A three-time tongue cancer survivor and mama of children from “hard places," Michele Cushatt is a (reluctant) expert on pain, trauma and the deep human need for connection. Her most recent book, "Relentless: The Unshakeable Presence of a God Who Never Leaves", wrestles with the dogged presence and affection of...

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  1. Michele,

    Whenever I read your devotions, I think of my friend who is a three time mouth cancer survivor!

    Your writing is so relatable. I’ve shared it x 2!

    Sending you Summer JOY,

    Lisa Wilt

  2. Michele,
    Are you kidding…..this would have been me for sure….. . Sad to admit it. A tax collector and worse am I. Praise God for His forgiveness towards me! Thank you for your honesty and your word pictures. The lake sounded lovely.
    I’m always excited when you show up!
    ‘They aren’t an interruption to His plan …they are His plan!’ Soo good.

  3. Dear Michele……………..What a great and interesting story. I am pretty sure I would have done the same thing you did back in my much younger days( I am 77 Years old ).It did not dawn on me until years later, even though I am a Christian that what I did was wrong. I was all settled in to a relaxing day on the beach, just my husband and me, and here came the Boom-Box and a very young couple that roosted right next to us. When I realized that I had done this, I prayed right away, but it was so long ago, I was afraid I wouldn’t be forgiven, but Jesus came and told me that He would forgive me, because as I got older and got this “Dream Job”, everyone there loved me as I told them if you ever have any kind of situation that you need to talk to someone, be it personal or professional, just come and tell me and we will arrange something. I had this job for 35 years and never turned anyone away because I had a lot of difficult problems and people turned their backs on me which hurt my feelings, but my Holy Spirit told me that first incident was supposed to happen as later it gave me strength to not turn anyone down. So, Michele, Thank you for your great story and Blessings and prayers to you and your loved ones. Betsy Basile

    • Thank you for sharing, Betsy. Your experience and perspective encourage me! Grateful for you. May we all lean into grace and live differently as a result. Much love to you! ~Michele

  4. Michele….Sorry I was so late replying, but there was something wrong with the internet this morning and I could not even read all of your story until after lunch. Hope you have a chance to read my reply. It was a great story and I connected with it, but I am 77 years old and have many work experiences in my 50 years of working eventually as a manager. Thank you again…….Betsy Basile

  5. Thanks Michelle. Your writing, both here and in your books, is so incredibly honest, therefore moving. It allows me to see my flaws in a kinder way! I am sure I have acted like just like this, sadly more than once, over the years with the addition of eye rolls or stink eye. I am better at it as I’ve gotten older, but I’m 67 and am pretty sure I don’t have it mastered yet and will do it again! Thank you again for the reminder. I hope you are doing well.

  6. Thank you for this, Michele. Your words always have a way of making me feel as if you’re sitting right across the table from me having a friendly and honest conversation. I think we all have stories similar to this one, which is why it’s such a powerful reminder that we’re all human and all sinners, sometimes as the tax collector, sometimes as the Pharisee. And we’re all equally loved by God and welcomed by His son. Blessings and best wishes to you from a fellow cancer survivor and sinner saved by grace.

  7. Michele,

    That’s what I love about Jesus. He doesn’t mind disruptions in His routine in fact, He willingly receives them. Unlike me I don’t often receive interruptions in my plans, day, or routine very kindly. He does so because He knows that showing love, care & concern for them could turn them into Christians. It’s all apart of His master plan.

    Blessings 🙂

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