I am not a fan of the spring season, for a few reasons.
First, here in Minnesota, spring is sloppy. It doesn’t look like the bright, flowery, fresh springtimes depicted in storybooks or TV shows. Here, the snow is just now melting, the earth is tamped down and wet with mud abounding. Forget blooming flowers and fresh air and bright sunshine; we get dreary damp days and cold soggy nights. Our flowers don’t begin to blossom until long after much of the rest of our country, very near the start of summer. We can’t plant our gardens until well past when some of my friends have already harvested their spring lettuces. Around here we don’t plant until after Memorial Day weekend. It could still snow, you know!
Spring means my mudroom is full. Loaded up with winter parkas, raincoats, and fleece jackets. Rainboots and winter boots, tennis shoes and flip-flops. Dirt and dust are par for the course, along with hats and mittens that badly need a washing. You never know what you’ll need for the weather, so we keep it all at the ready. . . which equates to one full mudroom.
Spring also signals the transition to summer, which means heat and humidity are on their way. Not my favorite. Sure, I do enjoy some aspects of summer (swimming, tending the garden, patio dining, evening walks, and the ease of no coats necessary) but even so, it’s just not my favorite.
Despite all that I grumble about during spring, there is one thing I adore. Since we moved into our home nearly eight years ago, I’ve kept an eye on the rock beds surrounding our front lawn for the first signs of spring. And each year, my hosta burst through the ground, reaching for the sky. They take their sweet time filling out and spilling large into the beds, taking up grand amounts of space they know belongs to them.
I don’t have fancy varieties or do anything special. They were here long before we moved in. We did divide and replant some from their original spots, but that’s it. I do nothing, and every year they bring me such joy. Our house needs a repaint, so we’re really in our beige era, and the pop of bright green that the hosta provides is such a breath of fresh air after a fall and winter of brown.
And isn’t that just like the goodness and grace of God?
Goodness and grace that we do nothing to earn. That we’ve done nothing to deserve. That brightens our day and brings us joy and offers us a moment to breathe deeply, thankful.
In the icy sloppiness of spring, new life bursts through right on time, as if by clockwork. Just when I don’t think I can take one more gray day, a fresh shoot springs up through the rock. Right when I’m convinced that I won’t make it to summer, that the trees will never return to their green leafy glory. . . those hostas pop up and begin their slow unfurling.
And every year I’m surprised. Taken right aback. I never expect the good thing to happen, gaslighting myself that I’ve made it all up and this will be the year it doesn’t happen.
Oh, how He is faithful in our deep-rooted doubting.
When we doubt that His glory could be real, that His story happened, that He makes us new and whole and scrubbed clean, even the hostas declare the Truth.
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!”
2 Corinthians 5:17 NIV
“See, I will create new heavens and a new earth. . . “
Isaiah 65:17 NIV
If the hostas can be neglected and dormant for months and months, then rise up on their own at just the right time, we just might be ok too.
Hang in there. Goodness may surprise you, right there in the sloppiness.
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Amada, praying that you feel God’s presence and joy in your life!
Praying for you and yours, Amada <3
Anna, I share your feelings about spring and summer, nice to know I’m not alone! And I also experience the same joy when perennials start popping up and now, thanks to you, I’ll be thinking of your post and God’s goodness every time I see these lovely miracles, thank you!
Those perennials are darn miracles, aren’t they?!
In Illinois the gray of rainy spring days is offset by the vibrant and beautiful green that is seen only this time of year. It reminds me I can hold all kinds of feelings at the same time and know that God is always refreshing my soul.
Yes indeed He is!
Anna, I just wanted to take the opportunity to let you know what a fantastic ministry you have Reading the devotional every morning. I listen to God‘s word spoken through you. Because I do Devotional for my Christian Radio Station, I appreciate your delivery and tone… It’s excellent! Not to mention your thoughtful writing. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on spring and Minnesota! Have a phenomenal rest of your week.
Lisa thank you SO much! Narrating the podcast has been one of those unexpected gifts and skill-building opportunities for me, I really enjoy doing it. So appreciate your kind words <3
Anna…What a great way to encourage us. I loved your story and now that I think of it, He does give us happiness when we might have done anything. I do love all of the (in)courage daily messages you send us.
PS…I believe I am one of the only ones that does not really love Summer.
You are not alone, Betsy! Summer is my least favorite (I hate being too hot!). Thanks for being here!
Yay! There is a lot of sloppiness around here…and I love surprises \0/
Thank you Anna ( ;
I love this, Anna! I lived in northern Idaho, when I was little. We called spring break “mud vacation”. So I know exactly of what you speak. Good for you! Finding the good!
Mud vacation! That is PERFECT way to describe spring break in the solid midwest, ha! I love it.
“Hang in there. Goodness may surprise you, right there in the sloppiness.” it speaks volumes. thanks for sharing and for the reminder!
A heart full of THANKS, Anna, for sharing your voice and written talents with us. Just wanted you to know that you always bring a ray of SUNSHINE to us each week with your lovely encouraging voice and beautiful written devotionals. What a BLESSING!!! Let Your Light SHINE!….Matthew 5:16 P.S. I can relate too, Summer heat is not my kind of weather, I’m a 70 degree kind of gal, lovin’ the colorful fall season the best, especially in Pennyslvania.
Having lived in Florida I, too, dislike the heat & humidity of summer. Love all the surprises God lavishes upon us. Just look out my window & I get to see a glimpse of the Smokey Mountains, new green growth, & birds flying. Spring & summer are like a Chrysalis emerging from its cocoon. They lay dormant for months then after working hard they emerge a beautiful butterfly with bright colors for us to enjoy. God loves surprising His children.
Blessings 🙂