Despite my extroverted tendencies and sometimes bubbly nature, I’m a fairly quiet person. I often sit back and observe people. I’m contemplating and analyzing and even over-analyzing. I’m not quick to speak and offer my thoughts and opinions.
So, needless to say, when I do speak, I’ve put much thought into what I want to say and how I want to say it. I’m not perfect, but, I do try my best to be strategic in my conversations. I try not to be careless or haphazard with my words.
I’m also a deep feeler. I don’t necessarily communicate what I’m feeling, but I feel everything. I even have feelings about my feelings. It can be a lot. When I was younger, I was labeled as easily offended and thought I was. As I have matured, I’ve come to realize that is not necessarily the case. I notice and discern much of what is said and unsaid. It’s how the Lord has wired me. It’s what makes me a good friend, counselor, and coach.
Recently, I was with a friend who I find completely hilarious. She is naturally funny. Much of her humor consists of sarcasm, imitations, and mostly well-meaning jabs at people she comes across during her days. She jokes with me all of the time. I laugh and joke back. It’s usually all good. But this time, I posed a question and her response came as a blow. It was actually a comment she had made about me before, but on this particular day, it hurt.
It sent me into a bit of a mental tailspin. My thoughts began a downward spiral into questioning my motives (even though I knew they were genuine).
When I’m in those situations, I can’t speak. I can’t address anything in the moment. I can’t resolve the misunderstanding. I need time alone to process, to assess the whole situation. And for me, that process takes quite some time.
Encounters like these always cause me to reassess the words I speak and the tone I use. Again, I am nowhere near perfect. I fail often. But, I don’t want to. I want my words to be the words of God.
Numerous verses focus on our tongues and the power our words carry. Sadly, it’s often not until we are on the receiving end of something hurtful that we stop to take inventory of our own speech. That is when we have a choice to make: to be intentional or not.
The Book of Proverbs is a literal wealth of wisdom. In it, we are reminded that life and death reside in the tongue. We are reminded that it can be wise to stay silent. Our words are to be truthful. Our words are to be healing.
I’ve been in a hard season filled with several losses, from friendships to deaths. Uncertainties and doubts have been surfacing. This wilderness has left me wandering and feeling far from God. I’ve desperately needed clarity, direction, and hope. I’ve needed to hear His voice above the barrage of other voices.
Fast forward a few days after the hurtful comment, and I was able to attend two multi-church gatherings. I worshipped, prayed, and believed God would meet me and speak to me. And speak to me, He did.
At both events, there were opportunities to be prayed over, and I took advantage. The women who prayed for me truly heard from the Lord. They spoke words of life and hope and healing. Their words were filled with grace and promises. They were a sweet honeycomb to this weary soul, as described in Proverbs 16.
I needed to be reminded of God’s truth that my finite mind so easily forgets. I needed my gaze to be redirected to the Savior who gave His life for me.
I needed to feel seen by the God who sees those who feel unseen.
First Thessalonians 5:11 reminds us to “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up as you are already doing” (CSB).
This is what I experienced through each of those women. I was encouraged and built up in my faith. This is our calling as believers. We are to weigh our words carefully and release them even more so.
When we weigh our words and release them in His timing, Jesus breathes Proverbs 15:23 into action. Joy and goodness are abundant in the timely Word of the Lord. His Word is guaranteed not to return void. It ALWAYS accomplishes the work it was set forth to accomplish. There is fruit and much fruit that is produced. It is a blessing that remains.
I know the words prayed over me were the right words at the right time. I’m grateful for how God loves us intentionally and intimately. He knows what we need, how we need it, and when we need it.
I’d love for you to share your stories of how God has spoken the right words into your life at just the right time!
I can so relate to your post. My mother said that I “took things to heart.” I have also been told I was “too sensitive.” But like you I am just wired that way. So many of these posts come just when I need them. Thanks for sharing. God always know just what we need!
I LOVE that Sharon! I’m grateful for the way He intricately wires us and the way He shows up at just the right time!
Just this morning in fact; God gave me His perfect Word in His perfect time! I’ve been struggling with a negative thought that keeps popping into my mind and The Sword The Lord led me to this morning of Romans 11:33-34 was timely indeed!
O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out!
For who hath known the mind of the Lord? or who hath been his counsellor?
Romans 11:33-34 KJV
That’s beautiful Amada! Praise God for His Word! He’s so good!!!
Thank you for sharing. I think your words in this post have arrived at the right time.
Praise God Jill! Thank you for reading and sharing!!!
Thank you for this message I really needed to hear. From what I read in your words, you sound like me. I struggle often and am in this place of hurt now. I am trusting God to give me the right time and His words to speak if I need to speak. I praise God for His timing in your message that was here for me to read today. Deb
Amen Deb!!! Praying for the peace of God in your life! Let Him fill your mouth and lead you. Thank you for reading and sharing!!!
Bless you Gail! Thank you for sharing!!!
Karina……Your story was inspiring. When I was young up until I went to college, I was like you. I was very shy and did not even like my picture taken and turned away from the camera when my Daddy would try to take my picture. I did not say much to anyone for fear of saying the wrong thing. This all changed for we when I was through with college. Looking for a first job was mind-blowing to me. As I went from job to job I thought that God was giving me a sign to speak up. So the next job I applied to required me to take a test. Now, I am 76 years old so this was back in the 60’s, where business was quite different than it is today. The manager came back to me and said, I am sorry, you will have to take the test again. I did ask him why, were my answers that bad? He said, “No, nobody has ever scored as high as you did so we need you to take it again. OK,I will do that. My results were even higher than the first time. I’m thinking, do they think somehow I was cheating? This is always where my mind took me. Negative, I wasn’t worth anything. The manager came back and hired me on the spot for a completely different job that they were starting to create. I was shocked. I knew what my “Dream job” was, but the Lord also told me “It takes time Betsy”. Well, of course He was right. I went through 5 more jobs, but I learned things at each place and I had sent out many resumes and to my surprise they called me and asked me if I would be interested in a Supervisor job? I ended up going for two interviews over two weeks after which they offered me the job. Too try to make a long story shorter as I am sure you are busy. All of the signs that God gave me over the years, of course was leading me somewhere. I now could speak up and share my thoughts about how to fix problems in certain area of their business. I got even more praise and now was really able to take my creative thoughts to the moon. This was my dream job and I worked there 40 years, won all kinds of awards that when I was young I thought something like that would never happen to me. I need to read your Bible references, but I loved this story so much I needed to write to you immediately. I am going through a very tough situation right now and the (in)courage journals are helping me so much. It is not as easy to face something like I am going through at 76. When I was 35, I know I could do it, but so many young people don’t think about old age. You really have to plan for the future. Don’t spend all your money on trips and gadgets or whatever. Thank you again Karina. It was a pleasure to meet you. Betsy Basile
Thank you Betsy for sharing your testimony! Praise God for His leading! His timing is perfect! Praying the peace and wisdom of the Lord for you in this hard situation. His grace is sufficient. Blessings.
Thank you Karina. “The right words at the right time” \0/ Amen
I’ve been so stubborn lately. Prideful. Childlike tantrums. Wanting my way. When I wanted. Praying and crying…BUT NOT LISTENTING!!!!….
…then all the sudden, as soon as I surrendered, every scripture, every devotional I read matched exactly what I was praying and surrendering. OMGOSH…the tears just flowed and my heart smiled and so did my face!
Just as you shared today….
“I needed to be reminded of God’s truth that my finite mind so easily forgets”
Thank you for sharing your words at the right time in scripture and experience. I’m sooo grateful. God is good \0/
Janet, I LOVE this!!! The ways He meets us is so sweet and intentional. He is too good!!! Thank you for reading and sharing!!! Be blessed!!!
Thank you for this timely post. I am going through a season of anxiety and depression and know God is with me. I have a few close friends that are praying for me and encouraging me. Recently I thought an older lady from my church was one of them, she 0slam dunked me and told me to snap out of it! I was so crushed. Why would you kick someone when they are down? I am hurt and continue to take it to God. I have forgiven her, but I don’t trust her, and it will take time to process it. I gave her the opportunity to apologize, as I expressed how much her words hurt me, but she just defended herself. I pray for anyone who has been hurt by someone they trusted when going through a difficult time. I thank God for not giving up on me.
Thank you for sharing! I’m sorry for the hurt you’ve experienced. Praying that the Lord continues to meet you with His peace and comfort. May His grace sustain you and His joy be your strength. Blessings!
Thank you for this very timely word Karina! God is using you in amazing ways!
Growing up I was much like you, very shy. Even now when people hurt my feeling I clam up & maybe walk away. I don’t want to ruin my Christian reputation by saying the wrong words. God wired me to be an encourager. To that end I do my best to try & encourage patients, families, & co-workers-including cleaning crew. Want to spread the light of God’s love to everyone.
There was a time a few years ago when I wanted to be seen by God. Was dealing with dad’s dementia & psych issues. One afternoon I was visiting dad at the assisting living facility. It was lunch time & his tremors were bad. I offered to feed him he said yes. The man sitting to the right of us said “You will get stars in your crown for this”. I knew God had seen me & was well pleased with me. There have been other times like when God had someone write a job description Took me from part-time to full-time then went further to give me a unit (hospital) to work as their clerical. I am amazed at His love for me!
Blessings 🙂