About the Author

Jenny Erlingsson is a speaker and author of romantic fiction—like her debut novel Her Part to Play—and creative non-fiction who currently makes her home in both Alabama and Iceland. When she's not ministering alongside her Viking husband or mothering her adorably feisty kids, she can be found writing and reading...

(in)side DaySpring: things we love
& you will too!
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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
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  1. Jenny,
    You stirred memories of the joy I felt pausing my checking off my “to do” list to play with my sons many years ago. When you described how God, in the same way, delights in blessing us, His children, with joy, I could envision how this beautiful circle unfolds. We simply need to be aware and seek it through our daily choices.
    Thanks so much for sharing your wisdom!

    • I’m so glad the memory was triggered for you! Sometimes it is hard to pause when we have so much to do (raising my hand here!) but so worth it, especially to remember that God enjoys doing that with us.

  2. I realized I haven’t been as joyful and exuberant as I used to be. It’s been a rough several years but having recognized that, I have been trying to see the joy in my surroundings. And part of that is really making an effort to connect with God. I am trying very hard to surrender to God, let God be in charge. And I am trying to remember all those wonderful verses in the Bible to find reassurance. I appreciate what your wrote.

    • I’m sorry that you’ve had a few rough years. I pray that you experiences joy even in the simple moments but that mostly, as you abide in God, you find rest in His rejoicing over you!

  3. Dear Jenny….I wonderfully uplifting story today. “One of your sentences says it all for what I have been, ” I wonder how often we hinder our joy response because the place we reside in has not welcomed it.” I must say that God has told me I shouldn’t think that way. He said, “Be yourself” you are loved. I am starting to be my old self and it feels good.
    Thank you, Jenny. Have a blessed day.


    • It feels so good! I struggle with fear-of-man at times so I have to remind myself daily to not elevate the opinions of others over what God says. I’m thankful that God is teaching this to both of us!

  4. What a blessing your message is to me today. I’ve been struggling with health problems, finances and feeling rather lost in it all. Yesterday I was the recipient of prayer with two beautiful women of faith. God spoke to me during that time and told me “I am, therefore you Are my child. I created you uniquely, specifically the way I want you to be. You are worthy!” Then to read those words again this morning reinforces His love for me. What a blessed gift! Thank you!

    • Yes! Anchoring myself in my identity in Christ has been so vital for me over the last several years. Praying that God continues remind you of how He sees you and how loved you are!

  5. Thank you for this! I know this feeling a lot too and this makes me feel refreshed and proud of my times of exuberant joy

    • What a great way to put that! Yes, not only do we need to experience those moments but also be proud of them! Proud of our growth, of our trust and of choosing to rely on God.

  6. Thank you Jenny. I needed to read your words…
    “to release whatever I’m gripping” and mostly “about God wanting to see you, His daughter, flourishing.”
    I am silly, dorky, chatty, immature and joyful….at least I used to be. Lately I’ve been quiet. Way to sensitive. Nodding my head without too many words. Allowing what sits in my husband’s lap and spills onto my lap to consume me. Don’t get me wrong, I’m here to support what he’s going through, but man it is hard!!! God is closer than ever, but I feel so far away .
    I’m soooo grateful for all my sisters in Christ! Whether I know you personally and sit next to you in church or at a women’s study, or I open (in)courage and read, I am uplifted and encourage and reminded…
    “You are the daughter God intentionally and uniquely formed, and He rejoices extravagantly over you.”
    And I get to pass it on! Thank you \0/

    • Your response gave me chills because we know these feelings so well. I’m grateful that despite distance, we get be encouraged by other sisters. All a part of God taking care of His daughters right when we need it. Blessings to you and I pray that you encounter moments where you are safe to be the fullness of who you are.

  7. Absolutely loved this article on panic attacks! I especially loved how Jesus “rolls up His sleeves” to walk with us through everything, even going with us to the (baggage claim) next place after our attack. He’s helping us to the next right thing He has planned in advance for us to do.
    I’ve struggled with panic attacks through many years, beating jyself up for having them. Nearing 70 I’ve come very slowly to realize that it’s the way I am, and God knows, sees me , holds my hand and loves me.

    • Thank you for reading! I pray that you continue to experience moments of joy and also that you feel God so close to you when those moments of panic come.

  8. When I think of JOY: (J)esus, (O)thers, (Y)ou. I try to put Jesus first, Others 2nd, Yourself 3rd. I find when we focus on Jesus and others, I tend to forget the daily troubles and struggles we face daily, it helps me to not focus on oneself. Eternity with Christ…that’s our ultimate reason for “joy”. Of course, taking good care of oneselves helps to be at our best. Thank you for reminding us that we are all treasures made by God! “Lots of Laughter and a Whole Lot of Jesus”, sure helps give us J.O.Y.!!! God Bless!!!

    • That is a great way to keep our focus on Jesus as we cultivate joy. Thank you for sharing that with us Lori!

  9. Jenny, you’ve got me pondering: “I wonder how often we hinder our joy response because the place we reside has not welcomed it.” So thankful you’re a part of (in) now. Can’t wait to read your new book!

    • So thankful for you and all the ladies of (in)courage! Looking forward to more laughter and community with you all.

  10. Jenny,

    Joy is a feeling of great pleasure and happiness. Life has been hard these past three years-working in hospitals with Covid. There have been a few joyous moments mixed in, but not many. When I feel the need for laughter I usually start a pillow fight with my husband. We end up laughing & having a good time.

    I don’t hide my joy because the place I’m at doesn’t welcome it. Heck you may find me dancing down the aisles of a grocery store, cheering on patients when they try to get out & walk some, or raising my hands in praise to God during church. Might get a glimpse of me dancing around my house. I’m here to have fun & enjoy this life as much as possible.

    Blessings 🙂

    • Amen to this Beth! Imagining you doing all these things brought a smile to my face. Thank you for the joy you stir up around, especially in the hospital. I know it means alot to so many.