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At (in)courage, we empower women to be like Jesus. Our writers share what’s going on in their life and how God’s right in the middle of it. They bring their joys & struggles so that you can feel less alone and be empowered by the hope Jesus gives.

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(in)side DaySpring:
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  1. Good morning. I appreciated this devotional and reminder. Fruitfulness is a lifestyle as long as we are connected to God. Some fruits take longer to cultivate than others. Also, God’s protection will come in the form of rejection. This a great devotional to start off Tuesday. My magazine second copy would be given to a church sister who has walked with me in a difficult season. She stayed closed to me and we were able to walk out the season together. She has been an inspiration and encouragement. God bless you and thank you for this platform.

  2. Loved the reminder that as long as we are connected to Jesus there WILL be fruit in our lives-No Matter our Age!
    And that disappointments are merely a ‘change of seasons’.
    I am encouraged today to ‘go share my fruit’!
    Thank You Holley for a wonderful reminder & encouragement today! ❤️

  3. Good Morning! I would give this magazine to a widow friend who is struggling with not only the loneliness of losing her husband but also her purpose as numerous falls have left her weak/unable to do her usual daily activities.

  4. This was exactly what my heart needed today. My soul is discouraged for a ton of reasons, some huge and some tiny! This helped change my perspective!!! I’d love to gift a copy of Everyday magazine to my sister. She’s a teacher and could use encouragement this summer, so she can start the next school year refreshed and recharged!

  5. The magazine looks inviting. I will give a copy to my friend who is having a tough season!

  6. I really needed to hear this today. I need to do a reset on my thoughts. Lately, I have been failing to see all that is good in my life. I have focused too much on what I really want and need, or I think I need. This was so very helpful.
    I love the magazine. I have a few friends who I know will love it too.

  7. What great reminders in this article!! Thank you Holly – for reminding me about Gods seasons and purpose in our “fruit”… I would gift my friend who has lost her husband and who is seeking Gods will in her “new normal” in life…

  8. Amen! I’d love to win the gift of this magazine and a gift for my Son and his family.

  9. These magazines are such a blessing! If I win, I will gift the extra to my Pastor’s wife and then when I finish reading my copy I will share it with my neighbor.

  10. I’d love to win the gift of this magazine to give to my niece who is recovering from breast cancer surgery ( a double mastectomy). Her activities are vary limited, so, she is spending more time reading and praying. As a Christian, she is trusting God for healing. I think she’d enjoy this magazine.

  11. In His time and ways God blessings us abundantly and immeasurably! Being pruned is so hard… and on the other side there is abundance. May WE KNOW and feel the LOVE Of the Father as He walks with us in our JOYS and our HARD to have a heart more like Jesus… one day at a time! (my fave vs)
    Ephesians 3:16-21 ESV

    16 that according to the riches of his glory he may grant you to be strengthened with power through his Spirit in your inner being, 17 so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith—that you, being rooted and grounded in love, 18 may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, 19 and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.

    20 Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, 21 to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.

  12. Blessings to and through you Holly!
    What a picture a tree planted beside flowing streams.. I’ve seen that a lot where I live in NC.. and I love reading His words along side that stream.. now I am older and trust Him in my bearing healthy and green fruit as well . Thinking of that lovely magazine I would share mine with my daughter who I soon will live near and gift the other to a daughter in law.. both of these busy moms are the same age and have 5 of my school aged grandchildren ! A magazine is about all they may get to sit and read here and there ❣️

  13. I love this magazine! I have been reading it for a few years now … it keeps me on track with learning more about the Bible and women seeking God … I always purchase 2 copies one for me and one for my dearest friend … we both are in the journey to become closer to God and learn more about the Bible … this magazine keeps us on track to read through our bible and we love that it’s seasonal !

  14. This was such an encouraging article. I can think of 2 friends going through ministry transition and want to encourage them especially with the phrase “the expectations I place on myself are not necessarily His.” Great reminder!

  15. This article was very timely for me. As I struggle with an aging body lacking strength and energy to do the things I want to do, I need the reassurance that God will continue to use me in this season of life. He won’t cast me aside. I’m trying to accept the changes, but it’s hard.
    I would love to read the rest of this magazine and to share it with my Bible study ladies.

  16. I would love to receive a set of the magazines! I miss those times of sitting down to read something offline – something to hold where I can actually touch and feel it! If I win a set, I will give one to a friend of mine who is house bound. She has diabetes and some serious medical problems with one of her legs. She spends a lot of time reading (and shopping online, LOL). My friend has a wonderful outlook on life, even though she lost her teenage daughter many years ago, and her husband (and her caregiver) is currently fighting cancer.

  17. I’d love to read and get to know this magazine. It sounds so enticing and that it would force me to slow down, sit down and be more constructive with my time. I’d also like to give a copy to my daughter. She is a 39 yo college professor with a busy 6 yo daughter. I know she would enjoy it!

  18. Such a BEAUTIFUL post this morning to remind me to remain in Him and His beauty will flow through me to others when the time is right. This hit me at the very core of my spirit! Thank you and bless you!❤️

  19. I would enjoy reading one of these magazines. I would give a copy to the next friend I see after receiving them.

  20. Thank you for today’s reminder that God’s way and timing are so much better than mine. I would love to share a copy of the magazine with my daughter-in-law who is about to give birth to our first grandchild.

  21. I love the magazine and look forward to the summer edition and would give a copy to my friend that I meet for coffee every Tuesday.

  22. Dear Holley….I would love to win a prize. I live in a facility for over 100 people for Senior Living. We have a meeting every Saturday morning, called – Prayer, share and Care. It is run by a 90 year old women whose name is Kitty. She is really very studied in the Bible and anything a member might give her to look at. She was just in the hospital for 6 days with heart problems. When she came back she had to rest for 2 weeks so we missed our meetings, but we all prayed for her to recover and lead our meeting again. She did and for the last two weeks we enjoyed what we were talking about. I would gift it to Kitty. She loves to see things like this and I have given her a couple of my (in)courage books. I love them all and tomorrow I will complete the 100 Days of Strength in any Struggle. The journaling has been inspiring and gives us so much more about our faith when we write it down. Thank you, Holley. Have a Blessed Day………………………………….Betsy Basile

  23. I would love to gift my best friend Kathy with your magazine.We have been friends and sisters in Christ for 50 years.We have been through many good and not so good of times.She lost her 18 year old soon 23 years ago on the morning of his senior prom.
    Kathy is a real blessing to me

  24. I always enjoy Holly Gerth’s submissions. She has a unique way of making you feel like a friend she is sharing her ideas with. Sometimes I feel like it is just for me, at a time I need her message. I would share this with my daughter. She is a widow and seems to be conflicted about things. I try to share my feelings about God but I don’t think I come across right. Thank you!

  25. This issue sounds chock full of good things – I would love to read it! I would give the other copy to a dear friend with a lot of ongoing health issues right now.

  26. Thank you Holley for a great reminder to keep our eyes on the Lord & allow Him to work thru us as lights to the world. I would love to gift a magazine to my daughter who is working 3 days a week & has 2 little girls, 2 1/2 years old & 10 months old. She’s an amazing mom & her husband is also a precious gift from God. They work together beautifully but with two little ones that leaves very little time to relax.

    My husband & I also love to go to our local Farmer’s Market & I agree the peaches are such divine!

    Lord bless you as you have blessed so many!

  27. I listen to the (in)courage podcast every morning and find it so useful and helpful in my life. It truly does encourage me each day. I would give the extra copy. I would give the extra copy of the magazine to my friend who is a teacher and is having a Challenging year!

  28. I would be delighted to win the magazine set! I’d gift one to my daughter that I’m enjoying so much as she has become a mom herself!

  29. Great article!! Love every word! I would gift it to my friend Jacqie who has just begun a new season living her 80’s. She would enjoy it, she loves on a mountain in N.H.and has always taken mile or more long walks!! Thank you!

  30. The magazine sounds like the perfect gift to share with my sister and/or my neighbor

  31. My good friend and I are both teachers struggling to make decisions in this season of our lives. I would love to win this magazine and share a copy with her for sure. Thank you!

  32. Very timely post! I would gift this to a friend from church. Thanks so much for this opportunity.

  33. I would gift a copy to my best friend, Jen. Our family recently moved from Colorado to Arizona, and not seeing her has been the hardest part of leaving Colorado!

  34. I love this magazine! I have gifted one of the issues to a woman in my Bible study. This one will go to whomever the Lord leads me to.

  35. I would gift this to a friend who moved to WI who doesn’t have her village built yet. ❤️

  36. Thank you for this opportunity.

    If I win the Everyday Faith Magazine giveaway, I will share it with my daughter.

    She is waiting for her follow up exam regarding breast healthcare. I’m so grateful to God for the care my daughter provides for me.

    I know God Knows Everything. I’m standing on His Promises for Healing.

    “He sent His Word and Healed them and Delivered them from destruction.”

    “I called out to the Lord (I sought the Lord) and He Heard me and Delivered me from all my fears.”

    “My sheep know my voice and another they will not follow.”

    God Bless my Sisters in Christ.

    Your Sister in Christ and
    A 2019 Breast Cancer Survivor

  37. So much wisdom in this words! Thank you so so much for the beautiful reminders, for always trusting and turning to God ! Thank you! ❤️

  38. I would love to share it with my Mom, without whom I would not have been introduced to Jesus. So grateful for the strong spiritual legacy in my family. She is close to entering her ninth decade and has a birthday coming up.

  39. I am encouraged to grow in my faith and share this faith with those around me. I’d live to share this magazine with my colleagues who are educators and have some time off this summer season.

  40. If someone had told me 2 years ago that I would be in a much happier place than I was then, I would have said it was hyperbole. The last 4 years of my employment were very rough; losing my mom, Covid, and our oldest daughter suffering a miscarriage all preyed on my mind and heart. Then in June of 2022, our financial advisor looked at me and said “you can retire NOW.” Somehow that Christian gentleman had sensed something. My husband still laughs about the look on my face. He said I looked like I had just been let loose from jail. So I informed my boss of my plan to retire in September and held my breath. I was sure that either I would be let go for some reason before that day arrived, or something would happen that would indicate that no, it was not time.
    But, I made it. Left that toxic environment on my own terms. And 3 days after my last day of employment, our granddaughter was born, an answer to many prayers. There have been ups and downs since then, but my family and friends all keep saying “you are so RELAXED!” (“Chill” in my oldest daughter’s words.)
    We are still in the field working, in a different way than I thought I would. So, from a sister who has had doubts and fear of failure, thank you for your words. I appreciate your honesty in sharing your struggle.

  41. I would give a copy to my daughter because I love the articles on (IN)courage they challenge my faith help me survive hard days
    and encourage me
    I know my daughter will share them with her friends

  42. “ simply a change in seasons” perspective shift… I would gift a copy to my mom.
    Thank you

  43. Thank you for the beautiful messages shared from the lives and writings of the women of (of)incourage. The stories are full of encouragement……life can be hard, but when you see that someone else has gone through the same thing – survived and thrived – it really helps. I would love to receive ‘Everyday Faith’ magazine. I would share it with my six sisters – yes, seven girls and one boy in my family – all are retired and living on fixed incomes except for the very youngest at 60. May God continue to bless the women of (in)courage in their ministry of sharing their ‘everyday faith’. It’s what we are all called to do.

  44. A great devotional to start the morning! I would love to read this magazine as I haven’t seen it before. I would share the extra copy with my sister.

  45. I love to share this magazine with my friend, Kitty. We discuss the articles on the phone and over lunch at our local Christian Coffee Shop, Holy Grounds. We give the tear out cards and prayers to our Bible Study Buddies! We get alot of milage from the magazine!

  46. I would gift a copy to my best friend with whom I often share my incourage devotions. She is always there for support and a sounding board when I face difficult decisions. Thank you for a chance to win!

  47. Wow, this is a timely piece for many (like me) who are in a season of trying to patiently wait for the fruit to show up. I would gift this to a friend who has had a really difficult year and is really struggling to see goodness in her life right now. Thanks for your beautiful words, Holley!

  48. Thank you for the wonderful podcast about seeing God’s work in our lives as fruit to be savored.

    If I were to win a set of the summer edition of Everyday Faith, I would gift both of them. One to a friend going through a difficult time and the other to my Bible Study leader. 🙂 Of course, I’ll have to buy one for myself…can’t go without my copy of Everyday Faith. 🙂

  49. I would share them with both my daughters who are wives, mother’s and love the Lord. I would love them to receive encouragement through your magazine
    Thank you,

  50. Devotion really resonated with me as I am actually in the middle of writing a devotion and it seems to be withering. I’ve been using it as a Bible study for a group of women I’ve been meeting with for quite a few years. I don’t know where the Lord’s leading, I don’t know if he’s closing it down or if it was just a pause. What I do know is that I need to stay connected to him because if I I will cut off the possibility of more fruit. If I were to win this magazine I would give the copy to my cousin Liz Johnson who is the co- writer for my Bible study.

  51. Holley,

    God gives each of us talents. What we do with them is up to us. I believe my talent is encouragement. Each daily I walk the hall of my unit (hospital) checking on & talking with the patients & families. Always trying to spread some sunshine along with Gods light & love to each person. Recently had a patient tell me that she would not have made it without me. Simply listening to & chatting with her about family & her health issues. Doing my best to cheer her up. Guess you could call me the sunshine of 2100.

    Blessings 🙂