I held her hand in mine. The sounds of the hospital hummed all around us, just outside the door of her room. I could hear the nurses and other patients, background noise that didn’t provide any additional peace.
She had texted me early that morning asking me to come to the hospital. We had become friends more than a year earlier when she had been diagnosed with cancer. I was still new to pastoring and even though I knew I didn’t have all the answers, I knew I could show up for her.
She had been moved into palliative care a few weeks earlier, and the doctors weren’t sure how many days she had left. Her text indicated how afraid she was feeling and asked if I’d come to pray.
I texted her back: of course I would come pray.
I drove down to the hospital and held tight to her hand as she told me all she was afraid of.
She was so afraid she wasn’t forgiven by God, so afraid she wasn’t going to be with Him, so afraid she didn’t deserve eternity with Jesus. At one point, I said kindly but firmly, “You don’t deserve it. Neither do I. That’s what makes Jesus so good. You and I could never earn it. We could never be good enough. But Jesus trades our sin for His righteousness. God sees us through the lens of Jesus Christ… that’s what makes the gospel so good.”
Tears filled her eyes. “I’m forgiven,” she whispered.
I had preached on Psalm 23 at our church just days earlier, focused primarily on verse six: “Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”
It flooded back into my mind as we talked. I began to recite it quietly. She closed her eyes and repeated the words.
“I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever,” I said softly.
“I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever,” she said. Her eyes were closed, her breaths were labored, but her face was filled with peace.
We recited that line over and over and over.
“Do you know what that means?” I said when she opened her eyes. “You’re going to be with Jesus forever.”
“Forever,” she echoed.
We spent a bit more time together before she needed to rest again. I gave her a tight hug and told her I loved her.
As I left the hospital, I knew in my bones that those words were true: she would dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
But I couldn’t help but wonder: is that where I spend my days too? Do I dwell with Him? More often than not, I find myself dwelling in other spaces… in anxious spaces, in fearful places, in places where my mind wanders to “what if” scenarios.
But the promise in Psalm 23 is not only that if we follow Jesus we’ll dwell with Him forever in eternity — the promise is for now, too.
We can dwell with the Lord forever, starting right now. We can dwell in His presence in this very moment — during a hectic workday, while throwing in another load of laundry, in the middle of singleness or marriage or motherhood. Brother Lawrence, in his tiny book, Practicing the Presence of God, believed everything we do, mighty or mundane, can serve as prayer. He was a monk who primarily spent his time washing dishes. If washing dishes in a monastery can be a place where you dwell with Jesus, then you can dwell with Jesus anywhere.
If you follow Jesus, you will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
But I think we may as well start now.
Listen to today’s devotion below or wherever you stream podcasts.
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In less than 24 hours over this weekend 2 of my friends became widows. My prayer for each of them was that they would see God in the details of the planning & adjusting to their beloveds now being face to face with Jesus. What a timely post, Aliza! Yes may we each dwell in the house of the Lord starting now! Blessings (((0)))
Oh Ruth, I am so very sorry for your friends loss and the pain they must be experiencing. I love the prayers you are praying for them — so very beautiful. <3
So reassuring, Aliza. Thank you
Yes, amen to this.
Thank you, as I was reading this am and waking up, thinking about my husband and Jesus being face to face. God allowed me to read Practicing the Presence of God early in my faith before going to the mission field. I loved his simplicity of talking to God anywhere, anytime. Yes, we can practice being in the Presence of God, but the real thing is our hope. We know He is faithful, and truth. Come Lord Jesus.
Janette — your words are so beautiful. Thank you!
Tears filled my eyes as I read this morning. God is so good and we will dwell in his house forever. AMEN. Just knowing that makes today more joyous while doing my daily chores.
So thankful this encouraged you, Lisa.
I can also spend time in places of fear, anxiety and what ifs. Thank you for these beautiful words and the amazing truth of how God loves us.
Thank you so much, Beth. I’m so very thankful for how it encouraged you today!
I love the encouragment to enjoy Jesus NOW! Thank you
So thankful, LaCinda!
As my deceased daughter used to do, I chose a word for the year – CLARITY. I asked God to show me how to save my marriage or, for the final time, close the door on it. The door was firmly closed this morning when I found out he had cancelled couples’ counseling last night (before we ever had a chance to start it). And he didn’t let me know. I found out when I arrived at the counselor’s office.
I thank the Lord for today’s encouraging message.
Kathy, I am so sorry to hear this. Praying you experience the closeness of Jesus today. Much much love to you
This article really touched my heart, and while I have a head knowledge of this scripture my heart repeatedly condemns me and reminds me of just how unworthy I am, of how sinful my life is. But you are right, God’s grace is greater than my sins!
Thank you for bringing this to my remembrance and for reassuring me of God’s truth of His endless and unconditional love for me.
Dwell means to sit down, abide, inhabit or remain. Once you have been saved (baptized into Christ) you can rest assured that you will remain with Jesus in Heaven. We will abide with Him in His mansion He has/is building for us. What a glorious thought. I am praising God & trying to tell others of His lavished love He bestows on us!
Blessings 🙂