“The point is this: The person who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and the person who sows generously will also reap generously. Each person should do as he has decided in his heart — not reluctantly or out of compulsion, since God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make every grace overflow to you, so that in every way, always having everything you need, you may excel in every good work.“
2 Corinthians 9:6-8 CSB
Generosity and provision in the kingdom of God don’t make sense. From our perspective, there’s always an end. Things run out, whether that’s finances, energy, or time. It seems that if we give too much, if we invest too much, we may not get the same in return or we may even burn out.
But God’s kingdom is an upside-down kingdom. As the passage says, He is able to make every grace overflow to you. It won’t come from striving or hustling, but it will flow from the Father down to you and then to those around you.
You will never be without what you need to live out your purpose in His kingdom.
We can sow generously, give generously, because the overflow of God’s provision never ends. Let’s be cheerful givers because of the grace we’ve abundantly been given by our God.
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I loved reading and I speak it so I hear the message, just like journaling of your books does for me. Sometimes when you are just reading silently, you may skip not on purpose, but you miss some of the words. This message certainly applies to me as I have always been a generous and Cheerful giver. It makes me feel good and the person I am giving it to feels good too. I am 76 years old and have been doing this since I could buy cards and write. I always write something in every card and people seem to love this. My mother did do the same thing, but not as much as I did. Thank you (in) courage for letting me know that this is OK to do. The one job that I had for 35 years, I was a C/S manager, very busy. My manager higher up than me once told me that sometimes he thought I was too generous. I told him, I have always been this way and I love doing it. I really do appreciate these messages just as I love the stories in the book “100 Days of Strength in Any Struggle” and I have a serious struggle I have been going through now for a year. I hope you are all well. Love to you all……….Betsy Basile
Thank you for today’s reading. I love it. Me and my Husband. Love to tithe as it right in God’s eyes. We tithe a 10th of our money we have. From our pay. To the works of the Lord. Where God tell us to give it. We are just thank full we can do that. We look at it this way. We may not have big flashy cars like some people. Plus a big house. We wouldn’t want that. We have a lovely nice we home. Not to big just perfect for us two. We have a small car. It big enough for us. For my Husband to drive and take him to work me my Dad’s to do his House Monday to Friday for him and Church. Anywhere else we want to go. But we both believe God will supply all our needs not our greeds. Just enough to put Petrol in the car food for us both and pay our bills. We never wanted anything or been without. Even when my Husband years ago was out of work until he got the job he has today. We still tithe. All our bills were met. We believe also there are people less well of than us. People who are struggling in different parts of the world. Like they have no food or clean water. We have food. Plus clean running water. We are very rich in God’s eye. Because he provides everything we need. It is nice to give back to God and do as word say to do with tithing. We like to do that help those less well of than us. Help Christian charity’s by us tithing to them. That God tell us to give to. So they can do work of God. To help people less well of than us. That have it hard. Bring the Gospel to them also. Help by giving them food and clean water. Plus some help the kids too. So as they have proper desks in there schools they can go to school. Especially those who have no food as well. Like the Christian charity World Share who gives to Potter House to make sure that kids are fed. Plus they get to school. So the Grace of God can be seen helping people and kids less well of than us. We give to Derek Prince ministry. So as they can get the Bible in different languages to people in different parts of the world less well of than us. Plus teaching in their own language. So as they understand the Gospel they are reading. So we are blessed by God to have all we have. We want no more. Then we are glad to bless people like this less well of than us when we tithe. I say Amen to that. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little xx
“God will supply all our needs not our greeds” is a noteworthy comment above from Dawn Ferguson-Little. It is a comment I will write down and try to remember when an attack of the greeds gets to me and I want something I can’t afford or don’t need. Such as expensive cruises or long getaways. It is just as much fun to getaway locally for two nights than to exhaust oneself on a long trip.
I am working on peace and contentment from the Lord right where I am. And praising God. Praise is important…He is worthy.
Amen and Amen.
He fills our cup so it can overflow onto others.
I just need to remember to go to him to be filled. If I try to pour into others from an almost empty cup, it leaves me dry.
such a wonderful reminder that everything is for Gods kingdom. God tested Abraham with Isaac as an offering, and the the up side down and the two negatives. Without the need. Gods provision will always overflow so that it’s not by our might or skillfulness but because of his enablement. So will glorify him just as in need or lack, and with availability and abundance. That is even Grace. We won’t elevate self, but see the needs of others ahead of us. That will keep us moving forward and moving. Gods wisdom is unfathomable but is in there. So we could soul win in whatever state we are in all for Gods kingdom here in the lives of his ransom people and those who would come to know Him.
Timely encouragement.
Thank you and may God richly bless you back!
In Courage,
1 Kings 17:7-16 tells of Elijah going to see a widow & her son. She only had little flour & oil. Elijah asked her to bring a drink & loaf of bread. Because she was generous with her little God kept her supplied & fed until the land had rain. I’ve seen the same in my life too. The more I give of my time, money, & resources the more blessings I receive from Jesus. God loves a cheerful giver.