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At (in)courage, we empower women to be like Jesus. Our writers share what’s going on in their life and how God’s right in the middle of it. They bring their joys & struggles so that you can feel less alone and be empowered by the hope Jesus gives.

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  1. Jami, you will be missed in this space but oh the blessing you will be in the space God is leading you to! “Sit well” be refreshed, renewed & honed for your next run! Blessings (((0)))

  2. I always found your writings to be inspiring and uplifting. They always resonated with me in some way. You will be missed. Wishing you well in your next season.

  3. Jami, thank you for all of your encouraging words to us here. I pray that God would show Himself to you fresh and anew, that your studies will draw you closer to Jesus, and that you will be blessed and be a blessing in this “yes” season of your life,

  4. God’s blessing upon you and your family as you take on this new calling to serve our glorious Father.

  5. Thank you, Jami, for all your fabulous posts! May you be richly blessed in future endeavors!

  6. You will be missed, but this discussion on seasons, is always timely. Thank you for pointing to that as you sit in this deep, learning season called seminary. God will continue to use you and guide you as you follow Him ❤️

  7. All the best to you Jami…yes, you will be missed. Bless your new adventure!
    Thank you for this message. My husband and I are in a very different season AND I forget more often than I’d like to admit….”recognizing that one is not greater than the other”… each season does hold it’s own blessed gifts, people and places

  8. Dear Jami ~

    I am going to surely miss your writings. I especially loved this one (without the sad part of your leaving). It spoke to me some needed reminders and in a fresh light! May God bless your new season, and may He remind when you might have doubts from time-to-time, He’s holding your hand along His path.

    Melody ~

  9. Sad for goodbyes, but happy to relate.

    I’ve also just started my “back-to-school,” so while I’m very excited to see what God has in store, the next two years feel so scattered, uncertain and strange.

    Praying for both of us for grace and peace and wisdom and guidance.

  10. Blessings, Jami. God will honor this season of obedience and study. Thank you for sharing your writing with us.

  11. Lord bless you Jami as you take on a new challenge. You will definitely be missed but God has so much in store for you & your family for the future serving Him. You are so smart to cut back where you can & put your priorities in the right place.
    I will miss reading your devotionals & passing them on but know God has you right where He wants you!

  12. jami,

    you’ve been such a blessing! be blessed in this next chapter and in those to come!

  13. Jami,

    Prayers for you as you go through seminary. May God bless the work & give you the wisdom & strength you need. We will miss you much. Come back some day even as a guest writer!

    Blessings 🙂