When our family prepared to move from a home with a large, unfinished basement to a home with no basement at all, we knew we had a lot of purging to do. Our older children left boxes behind when they moved out on their own, and we’d accumulated things in a way that reflected our seemingly unlimited storage capacity. In the end, it felt more like a curse than a blessing.
We donated over 300 boxes, including lots of hand-me-down clothing we no longer needed. We rented a dumpster and filled it to the brim with things that held no real value; it was more than our weekly garbage service could handle. We loaded a U-Haul with desks, furniture, and exercise equipment we had quit using and dropped them off at a local charity, hoping they’d find new homes.
Sometimes it felt like I wasn’t just purging my house; I was purging my soul. All that stuff had become an emotional burden.
In a perfect world (my children say I use this phrase a lot), we would have disposed of everything we no longer needed before the move. It was certainly the goal. But painting bathrooms and baseboards, calling in contractors, attending home inspections, and scrambling to find another house when we terminated the first contract we signed took too much time.
I wanted a fresh start in our new home, a chance to break habits that created more chaos than comfort, and to discover if less really was more.
I reflected on my relationship with stuff and how I was starting to use sentimental objects as they were intended instead of treating them like sacred objects. I saw that clutter could hijack my goals and steal my inner peace. Lately, I’ve been working my way through the final and most difficult items left to sort.
One of our (in)courage contributors, Kathi Lipp, is an expert on decluttering. Recently when I couldn’t decide what to do with a sentimental object, she asked me, “Will you ever go looking for it?” It’s a powerful question that continues to help me filter what should stay and what should go. She said that everything I get rid of makes space for growth in my life and teaches me to trust that God will bring what I need in the moment. It’s both wise and biblically sound advice.
“Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are?”
Matthew 6:26 NLT
I’m learning to put quality over quantity. When we had too many children’s books, they stayed in a box (our youngest child is sixteen). We’ve weeded down to a few favorites and put them out on a shelf. Now our grandchildren have discovered family favorites like Good Night Little Bear and Madeline.
While trying to decide where to put cases of old music CDs, my children pointed out that we don’t even own a CD player anymore and that I can stream music now with apps on my phone, computer, or TV. I looked through them, rediscovered some old favorites, put them on my current playlists, and then gave the CDs to charity.
My sister and I sorted through a box of figurines our mother had collected. We each kept two or three favorites and put the rest in the donation box, smiling because we knew they’d make someone very happy. A couple of tiny treasures that had spent years in a box in my basement now sit on a shelf in my home.
By keeping less, we experience more.
Do you, too, find yourself bogged down by possessions that no longer bring you pleasure? Let’s look for ways to enjoy what we treasure and bless others with what we no longer need, trusting that God will provide for us.
This devotion is by Dawn Camp and featured in the spring issue of Everyday Faith Magazine.
The Spring issue of DaySpring’s Everyday Faith magazine is out, and we think you’ll love it!
This year, and always, we are focusing on the truth that God has a plan for our lives and He makes all things new, which He tells us in His Word over and over. We hope this issue helps you know and share God’s love in fresh, authentic, and inspiring ways!
From cover to cover in Everyday Faith magazine, you will find stories and articles to inspire hope and encouragement and to remind you that no matter what you are facing or what life brings your way, God is making all things new for you. You will also find tips for creating a peaceful home and studying the Bible, anecdotes about persevering through difficult times, and stories of Easter traditions. You will find firsthand accounts of faith and comfort, and you will find truth from God’s Word.
This article is just one of many featured in Everyday Faith magazine, which, by the way, is perfect for gifting to a friend, Bible study sister, Sunday School teacher, or neighbor. And to help you do just that, we’re giving away FIVE sets of magazines — one for each winner and one for them to give to a friend! Leave a comment telling us to whom you’d gift a copy, and we’ll draw five winners.
Giveaway is open to US addresses only and will close on 3/21/24 at 11:59 pm central.
I had many items from my childhood that I struggled to part with. A dear friend who is an amazing organizer suggested taking photos of items that sparked sentimentality but I knew I wouldn’t use. It made it easier to donate those things for someone else to use knowing that I can still see them in photos.
I would love to gift Everyday Faith to my friend Kelsea, a single mom who suffered a total-loss house fire last year. She is new in Christ and the magazine would bless her so much!
Good Morning. I love waking up and seeing the (in)courage emails. I start my days with a cup of coffee and my morning encouragement. Now that I am retired and watching our 3 grandchildren M-F I know I need my Savior, my Bible and the Christian emails to strengthen me for what is ahead. I’m pretty old-school and enjoy a real book and magazine to put in my hands to read. I haven’t seen Everyday Faith Magazine in our home town so this would be a wonderful opportunity for me to begin gleaning what other Christians are doing as they journey through their walks with God. IF I were to “win” I would gift the 2nd subscription to one of my Girlfriends in God – my partner teacher for over 20 years, my prayer-warrior confidant, my friend. We are both going through seasons of challenge and JOY … and do our best to bring Jesus into the forefront of situations. We could always benefit and be encouraged by your magazine. Thank you and God bless you for your dedication to reaching out to other Christians.
My husband and I moved from a large home (and basement) a couple of years ago. I smiled as I read today’s article since it brought back similar experiences. We purged and purged, definitely not an easy task at the time. But as Dawn wrote, we now enjoy less even more-who knew!
I have a dear friend going through the same process now. I will share this with her and also the magazine, should I win.
Thank you so much for this article, it has inspired me to continue with sorting through and purging all of the “stuff” I have left. I love this magazine, I would share one with my pastor’s wife and also share my copy with my neighbor once I finish reading it. Thanks for the opportunity to win.
I would really enjoy getting to read one of these magazines. I would give the extra one to the next lady I meet up with. After finishing reading the one I kept, I would pass it on also. Thank you for the opportunity.
We have an upcoming retreat for our small Bible study group of women and this magazine would make a lovely gift. The 5 (just the right number!) of us have been meeting and studying the word together for over 20 years.
Something that was a powerful truth and impacted me was this …’everything I get rid of makes space for growth in my life and teaches me to trust that God will bring what I need in the moment. It’s both wise and biblically sound advice.’ I am in the process of decluttering and Wow I think this will help me tremendously!
If I won the magazines, I would give one to my Mom who is also beginning the process of decluttering.
Oh what a great feeling! I would like to leave one on my coffee table to inspire me to get up and declutter. This is the exact season that I am in today!!! The cover of this edition is beautiful! I would give the second to my mother who is struggling with the same issues at this particular time. The others to friends at our first ladies’ Bible study beginning this month on Saturday morning!
Omigoodness! This post is very inspiring! I seriously need to do this with at least MY things in our home. Plus I need to stop saying “Oh! But So and So gave that to you! Don’t you want to keep it?” to my kids when they’re going through things.
I would love to “gift” a subscription to my grown daughter, requesting she pass it on to her friends after reading it. Then I would read mine and leave it in a hospital waiting area!
How often we hord things saying I keep that. I used it again. We never do. Or keep it because it was my late Mother’s or my Grandmother’s etc. It sit in our Homes and gathers dust. Or I keep that Birthday card from my late family member. We end up putting them away in cupboard or box we don’t look at them for weeks or months or years or we put them in our roof space. Then we forget about them. My Husband is right in him saying this. Why are you keeping that. Even though it belonged to your late Mother or Grandmother etc. Or keeping all those Birthdays cards from all those people. As when you die and people come to clear out the house they may certainly not want them. They may just dump them or give to a charity shop. All there doing is gathering dust and taking up space in our Home. My Husband is so right. So that made me clear out my roof space and the cards I knew when I die would just be dumped and the stuff that I knew no one else would want. To clear it out and bin the cards no good and give the other stuff to charity. That I knew my family who would clean my home out when not alive. Wouldn’t want that they dump or give to charity. I did that. Through all that God spoke to as I did that. To get rid of all the junk and dust out of my life that is not pleasing to him. Pray and seek him what they were. Letting them take more space in my life than living right for him. Give God the space he needs in my life. Me spending more time reading his word and praying each day. It was just amazing what God should show me. To much time on my phone to much time on the internet and to much time watching TV. So I cut it down alot. I only spend time on my phone when I really have same with the internet and TV. I spend more time on my daily reading and God’s word and prayer. My life is so much better. Thank for today reading. Love it. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little Enniskillen Co.Fermanagh N.Ireland. In my prayers.
Dawn, I just love what you wrote- as you cleaned out the extra things to give your home more room, you gave God more room in your life. What a wonderful thought for us all! Thank you for your regular comments here at (in courage) ! I enjoy reading them. Blessings to you!
Hello, I would love to share these magazines with all of my sweet neighbors to help them in their journey. I love reading your emails every morning.
I would love to gift a magazine to my mom. She was diagnosed with cancer last year and a faith focused magazine would be so good for her soul.
Your article spoke to my heart, as I have been decluttering ever since retiring almost ten years ago. I was motivated by having lots of extra time and a need for a “good project,” as well as wanting to share our material blessings with those in need. Also, some family treasures were offered to family members. Our efforts breathed a sense of space and newness into our home, as well as blessed others.
I would enjoy reading one of your uplifting magazines, would pass it on to a dear friend, and would give the 2nd copy to my sister who is in much need of daily inspiration and God’s reassurances.
Read this email everyday and this one definitely inspires me to get rid of things soon as I am planning on retiring and moving closer to my daughter and her family very soon. Thank you!
I would absolutely love to read this magazine and would share it with my neighbor. We have gone through similar things in life and know God has always been by us.
I would like to gift a copy to my sweet slightly older friend who has breast cancer and had surgery last week. She loves the Lord, the Bible, reading devotionals, and listening to gospel music!!
Her name is Brenda Howell
What a blessing this article is! I moved from an apartment into sharing a condo with a friend several years ago and did I ever have to pare down my “stuff”. I still have boxes that have been in the closet since I moved and you know what? I haven’t even looked at them since I moved in. Time to go through them and bless or discard!
I would love to share this magazine with my sister-in-Christ who has been a rock to me!
Thank you!
This article hits close to my heart. My husband and my son have gone to Heaven and no longer need their clothes and “things”, but I’m struggling with the sentimental and emotional value of having those things close because I need to hold something of theirs since I can’t hold them. My brain knows they’re having a glorious time in Heaven, but my heart still hurts and yearns for their physical touch. Slowly, with God’s grace and help, I’m purging items that need to go to someone who could benefit from them. It sure takes courage and lots of prayer! Thank you for this article.
I look forward to purchasing the Dayspring Magazine every time a new season rolls around and it stays on my reading table. The articles are always inspiring and timely, and I seem to find new nuggets every time I go back to read an article again. If I were to win a copy, I would share with my friend of more than 40 years who recently lost her ability to work due to an injury. After 30+ years with the same company, she misses helping her clients but I believe that God still has a plan for her.
My daughter. She’d love it!
Well as I read this today , I saw myself. Our 2000 sq ft home of 52 years , sold in July in 15 hours and we in our mid 70’s with no-one to help us , had to be out in 10 days.‼️ The realtors told us we wouldn’t sell till the following spring so take my time getting rid of. Haha God had other plans . We had many antiques, a yard of fountains, bird baths, potting shed with 3 bay windows full of antique beautiful collected items also and 26 ft sunporch with wicker furniture and antique table and yes , a full basement of things. We moved out of province and into a 500 sq ft basement suite…..now instead of possessions, we have 2 beautiful grandchildren in our life , daughter and ‘son’ . Better treasures from the Lord. ❣️
I would give one to my friend Joetta; my sister in Christ and WINDERFUL prayer warrior!
I love the phrase, “By keeping less, we experience more.” My husband is a hoarder who keeps everything. I tend to fall somewhere in between depending on the season. I love to clean out because it feels so good to DONATE! When I’m on a cleaning spree, watch out. Everything goes!
Thank you, Dawn, for this encouraging article. I hear what you are saying ” sometimes it felt like I wasn’t just purging my home, I was purging my soul. All that stuff had become an emotional burden (Baggage). I have been trying to purge for some time now. Sometimes it goes quickly and other times not. It can be difficult to let go of the emotional attachment we have on many items. I am encouraged that many others are going through the same journey. I hope and pray that we can all encourage one another to ask God for guidance and direction, and maybe He just might send us a friend who can help us navigate through all the stuff that can cause us emotional baggage. Wouldn’t it be nice if God would say “you won’t ever need this or use it, let it go.”
I love this magazine and would share with my sister who is my best friend and confidant!
This was encouraging to me as I need to purge a lot more. I moved a year and a half ago to my one bedroom apartment after having a house in another season of life as a married woman. Then I moved to apartments with two bedrooms. Now I have one. I need to keep purging. Life has been overwhelming and non-stop but I think once some commitments fall off of my plate, I will have more encouragement to do this! My little apartment has too much in it still!
I would give a copy of the magazine to my mom. She enjoys reading. Thank you for another opportunity to win.
I would give a copy to a new friend that I believe God put in my path. She is going through a lot and really has no one to fall back on, no safety net. Her self-esteem is very fragile. I have been praying and asking God to give me words to encourage her. I would love to gift this magazine to her.
I would love to share this with my friend Pam. We’ve been friends since grade school, and we graduated from high school in 1979.
I would love to share with my friend Phyllis. And I have have LOTS of purging to do
I would keep my copy to read and share with my adult daughters and I’d share the other one with my quilters group. We put things out to share and when one person is done with it they bring it back to share with someone else.
“Letting Go” during Lent, I’m doing it right now.
With less stuff, I can focus more on my relationship with God, which is why getting a copy of your magazine would be wonderful!
I share magazines with my mom. It has been a wonderful way that we can discuss our faith, and it has been a way for me to hear more about her faith experiences.
Beautiful! I’d love to give a copy to my good friend Laura! Thank you! ❤️
I’d share with my good friend – her dad died recently and unexpectedly – and she is having a hard time.
I get the magazine all the time love it. I sue need to declutter my basement and closet. It’s hard. Thank you
I would gift to a good friend of mine, Sharon Jacobs.
What a beautiful refreshing gift for this season…the new Spring Magazine, “Everyday Faith”, by Dayspring. Thanks for this devotional by Dawn Camp which reminds us that less is more. Thanks for offering this give-away gift to others, I would be so excited to be able to share this magazine in our church library for others to be blessed by this amazing christian magazine. Grateful to Dayspring, continue to “Let your Light SHINE” for others as you bless so many lives each day in so many ways!!!
Im a nurse & i would gift it to the reading table at my work. Often the patient sit & read through a new magazine on the table & for chit chat i will sit down & discuss with them whatever topics they might be reading through at the time. I cant think of any better topic to discuss and perhaps share the gospel too!
I would gift one to my daughter who is having a difficult time adjusting to motherhood and living on her own. My grandson is autistic and sometimes she feels as if she done something wrong or is failing as a parent when she can’t connect with him or match his overly active energy. These encouraging articles rooted in biblical truths would really help her a great deal.
In Courage,
We tend to keep things for a time. For me when the house looks cluttered or friends are having a yard sale I donate as much as I can. Constantly give clothes away I don’t like or can’t wear anymore. It feels so good to give this stuff away & let others enjoy them. Less “stuff” means more time, money & energy for others. Jesus said “It is more blessed to give than to receive”.
Blessings 🙂