It was a great day, until it wasn’t.
The house was quiet. The toddler was compliant. A friend had stopped by to deliver a bouquet of beautiful flowers and gluten-free macarons, all in celebration of my book release.
But all the calmness of my day went away the moment I fell down the stairs — the moment I slipped and landed hard on the middle of my back, the impact sending a shock through my spine.
I’m no stranger to back pain, and I’ve had my fair share of accidents and injuries. So, believe me when I tell you I knew exactly how bad this fall was. In an instant, I imagined how this scenario would pan out. First, the headaches would come. Then, my muscles would tighten and pull. Then, of course, my neck and back would be riddled with pain.
I knew I’d need to see a chiropractor, but I cringed at the very thought because chiropractors cost money — money that I didn’t have in this current season. So, there I was, my body tensing up and taking on pain. Meanwhile, deep down inside, I opened myself to a tornado of fears in my mind and a tsunami of tears in my heart.
Within the next few days, I made some calls — but, of course, I got the runaround. We don’t accept your insurance. You only have five chiropractic care visits. You need this kind of plan. You need this kind of referral. I finally ended up going to my primary care doctor. I told her I’d fallen and needed to see a chiropractor. She asked me if I had any bruises. Did I hit my head? No broken bones?
Her demeanor and tone told me exactly what I feared would happen. That, judging from the outside, it seemed I was fine. I took a deep breath and told her about my past pains and my health history. I told her I knew my body and knew what I needed . . . and if she could please refer me to a chiropractor.
“I’ve never done this before,” she said. “But . . . I’ll try to send a referral in.”
Days later, I found myself sitting in the waiting room at a chiropractor’s office. While I waited to be called back, I entertained my tornado of fears. I imagined the bills piling up as I struggled to afford a treatment plan that could cost me thousands of dollars. (True story. This happened not too long ago — and I’m still paying down those medical debts).
But then, I saw something.
From the corner of my eye, I caught the light passing through the glass table in front of me. The light formed a rainbow on the floor and, as it danced about, it drew my eyes to see a Bible on the table.
In an instant, my fears were stilled and I felt peace as I took in the reminder that God is God and God is good, even here — in the middle of this doctor’s office where I worried about my back and my bills.
Later, when the woman in the office opened up my case, she told me the suggested treatment plan and that the thirty (yes, thirty) suggested office visits would ALL be covered by insurance.
My jaw dropped. Tears welled up in my eyes. “You don’t understand,” I said through shock and tears. And she didn’t. She didn’t know that just days earlier I’d been told my insurance wouldn’t cover any of this. She didn’t know about my health history and my high co-pays, having to dish out money for expensive specialists and food specific to my dietary needs.
She didn’t know about my work situation, financial situation, or health situation. She didn’t know about the one thousand burdens stapled to my back. She couldn’t possibly have known how badly I needed the reminder that independence and self-sufficiency and doing things in the name of strength and strategy can only take you so far, can only take care of you for so long.
She didn’t know I needed the reminder that I needed Jesus — that I am His beloved and I am covered by His blood. Right then and there, I needed the reminder that Jesus sees and saves me. He sees the impossible bills, the needs and fears that keep me up at night. He sees my sin of self-sufficiency and all the ways I try to heal and save myself.
Beloved, when will we ever not need to be reminded that our only confidence in life is Christ? When will we ever not need the reminder that Christ cares for us? Deeply, daily, we always need the reminder that our hope and help come from Christ alone.
- Jesus cares about saving our souls and He cares about soothing our sorrows.
- Jesus cares about forgiving our sins and He cares about making our daily provisions.
By the blood of Christ, we are covered, taken under the shield and shelter of our great God — the forgiver of all sins and the giver of all gifts.
Beloved — I’d love to hold space for whatever it is you may be going through right now. Comment below and share where in your life you need (or see) the provision, grace, and covering of Jesus. I would love to encourage you!
My husband and I are going through an incredibly difficult time right now and have had to take money out of our retirement accounts to pay for a lawyer that we can ill afford but cannot do without. Please pray for the peace that passes understanding and for our lawyer to be successful. My husband and I are both retired.
I know this feeling . . . this has been the case for us every week in this season. “Robbing Peter to pay Paul,” as the saying goes. May you have the courage and wisdom to make decisions that take care of you in the now, trusting that the Lord sees all and will secure what is needed for/in the days to come. It’s so hard, but may you continue to hope…and hope in HIM. Much love. <33
Jehovah Jireh you are our provider. Send the needed provision to Susan & her family. Give them a sense of peace & calm during this trying time. Let them know that they are loved by you & others. In Jesus Name AMEN
Blessings 🙂
I need to know that Christ is enough for whatever I need regarding career and marriage. Pls pray that I should score good rank in my upcoming exam ( qualifying exam for specialising as internal medicine doctor). And also I’m praying for a guy at church , I believe God is leading me to pray for my wedding with him, but I’m afraid even to initiate any conversation with him, because he is a travelling preacher and I’m still so far from being matured Christian. I feel so broken often. Pls pray.
So many of us often feel so broken, Jo — hope you know you’re not alone. May you take your exam with courage and hope, looking forward to what is to come no matter what. Keep looking to God for wisdom and listen to the Holy Spirit’s whispers as you discern your thoughts on this relationship. Much love <33
I stand with you in prayer regarding this man Jo. In my celibacy and journey as a single person, l have learnt that in the waiting, its only about intimacy between ourselves and our Heavenly Daddy.
Our sense of worthiness, value and purpose come from Him and no one else.
That said, l had a really kind of mutual feeling and closeness with a guy friend at church until a couple of months ago. He would take me out, single me out even when sitting, at church each and every Sunday, come pick me up to go the church and back home every Sunday as well. We were to the outside world already a thing. No one speculated it looked so real, even to me. But l realised it was still a sham, because this guy had yet to officially tell me anything or request anything of me, that suggested we were officially dating.
I got more and more convicted in my heart to confront the issue. So l prayed a lot, about my situation, the finally consulted 2 ladies in the Pastoral committee of our local church, independently.
They prayed for me and advised me in similar manner. No matter how shy l felt or how reserved and introverted l am. I had to ask for courage and at an appropriate setting, confront him.
The reasons being
– I had a right to know what it is what we were doing.
– I had to know if the feelings l felt of him were reciprocated.
– He might be hesitant because he also feels out of depth, so asking might be giving him a way to open up because l don’t want him to move on and will leave with a regret, that, if only l had asked.
The third and second points hit me square between the eyes.
Especially the third for me, because l was intending to relocate back to my home country for a few months, soon and l had to sort out that issue urgently.
It turned out, he certainly felt an attraction , but wasn’t ready to make any move towards anything official with me at all.
I was absolutely devastated, but looking back now, l am glad l stepped up sooner than later.
Perhaps, you need to ask guidance from a pastor or leader in your church. You do not need to live your life in shrouded mystery guessing.
Whatever they might advice you along with prayer, can only give you the outcome, that God intends for you this season.
He might say, oh..l am still concentrating on my missionary work, maybe when l get back, or he might say, or l like you back or he might say l don’t.
But knowing is freeing and you deserve that.
The one leader also told me a story of a close friend of hers who when they were single felt compelled in her heart, that a certain guy was going to be her husband. According to her, it was the Holy Spirit guiding her to this revelation. She went to tell their youth pastor who after prayer together thought it a good idea to call the guy in question and tell him this story on behalf of the girl. The guy refused and said he was even intending on pursuing another girl, who was fortunately for my pastor’s friend, not in the same church location.
Her friend was shattered ofcourse when their youth pastor told them the response, but there are other fish in the sea she was told…lol..
Shocking a few months later, the guy came back to his pastor and asked if he could now give it a try at dating, if that girl was still agreeable.
Fortunately, she was.. and they are together to this day.
This is me just sharing some humourous experiences. Hoping for the best and praying for great marks in your upcoming exams.
Rachel, so much of what you wrote could be written about me including the pain from a recent bad fall on the ice and the dietary issues that mean paying so much for the food I eat. I struggle letting go and trying to do it on my own and need these constant reminders that Christ can care of me and does. My struggles right now, like a lot of people, are financial and health issues. But I also have concerns about my daughter’s life choices. Prayers that she will make better choices.
We tend to minimize these kinds of falls, since we’ve survived them and nothing outrageous happened. But this fall, for me, was a huge set back (in health and finances), and it truly is a daily fight and struggle. I believe you, and believe how hard it’s been for you. I’m so sorry for the dietary issues you live with — I’ve two years into my diagnosis (Hashimoto’s) and still learning how to live with it and manage. Trusting the Lord’s presence to be a healing and loving compassionate force in your life…each day. You are seen, Madeline. Grace to you today <33
Prayer for my brother Brandon and his situation for the truth to come to light that his lawyers will get everything they need for his trial in may! And for his faith to stay strong and for him to be able to see his kids before they move to Fl! My brother facing the death penalty due lies and false allegations and just need prayers his kids miss their dad and he misses them prayer for their hearts and minds thank you
I’m praying for truth to come to light and to prevail. May these heavy burdens be lifted for you, your brother, and the entire family.
Utterly shattered to hear that your brother is facing the death penalty. Believing with you in the God who is everywhere (with your brother and you) and can do anything. May there be peace in this situation (especially for the little ones) and may God’s power be made known. Grace to you today <333
Thank you for sharing this story! Financial burdens are heavy loads and the fear of them makes them heavier. I am both convicted and encouraged by your sentence, “He sees my sin of self-sufficiency and all the ways I try to heal and save myself.” I am dealing with foot pain that I’m realizing I have ignored or worked through for too many years, and fear that I won’t get the help I now know I need.
It’s such a hard place to be in . . . but I believe the root is thinking no one can possibly care about or take care of us in all the deep and true ways we need. But He cares…and we can trust Him…however that looks for the choices we need to make to move forward with the care we need. Keep taking care of you, Amanda <33
Waking up overwhelmed with financial stress, messy home, & lately not wanting to do anything
Your comment almost made me tear up — I totally understand. He sees you and everything that weighs heavy on your heart. Hoping you’ll let go of the burdens that don’t need to be carried. There’s so much grace for you, Julie <333
Thank you for opening your heart and sharing all that you have. We all need to know that we are not alone in our afflictions, whatever they may be.
I’ve read through some of the comments and I pray,
“Lord, bless those who are struggling, bring them peace to endure, discernment of your will and godly choices. Mostly, peace and grace to endure whatever they face with much faith and hope in You.” I. Jesus’ name, amen
Susen, thank you for praying through some of these comments. Trusting that hope and peace will come to all who have shared here (including you!) <33
Please pray as I am in the middle of earning my graduate degree in Marriage and Family therapy, internship which I don’t get paid for, and taking care of my granddaughter for three days a week. Financially, it has been a rollercoaster but God!
In addition, I trying to discern whether to stay in the church my husband and I have been members for 13 years because there has been so much transition and church hurt concerning the leadership.
Such a tough season to be walking through. An end will come, surely, but that doesn’t make it easy. Trusting the Lord for strength and courage in all you face with your ministry and decisions with your church. So commend you for carrying out this internship <33
My mom passed on Friday morning. As difficult as this is, I know that she is resting in His loving arms. I an gaining a peace that she is now in no pain with a new body dancing like she loved to do with my brother. I also worked for her through Ihss so I am now in mourning and down 2200 a month. It is so difficult but I’m trying to fond peace. Please pray for me.
Praying for you, Michelle!!!
So many losses layered in this one season. I hear you, Michelle. And you are seen — by the God who loves you and longs to carry you through. Peace and grace to you in the days ahead. Keep holding on…and keep hoping through all of this. Much love <33
AMEN! God is SO good!
I needed this today!!! I feel like instead of turning to Jesus to calm my anxious thoughts, I keep turning to the quick fixes of food, shopping online, and practically anything that will calm my fears and what ifs for a hot second!! Because being still with Jesus ( without a wondering mind) is tough! I am frankly disappointed in myself and I feel He is too! I know He loves me and why is that not enough?!?!? Lord, please let my feel your presence!!! I long to rest in you!
Good morning and thank you. I appreciate you providing context behind what people don’t see in the strongest people’s lives. We break, cry and have disappointments. I know I am covered by the blood of Jesus and I thank God for this resounding reminder. Thank you for your transparency and care in providing this space to be real. I have been praying about a few things but this morning I was reminded my help comes from God. I am not alone and God will answer me in due season. Thank you for this masterpiece. God bless you.
I hear you Ada…we break…we cry. It’s not easy. We need a break. May you continue to cling to and turn to Him. Relying on Him. Trusting in Him. Letting go of what isn’t required of you and tending to all the ways you can care for yourself…and ways you can let HIM take care of you. With you, sweet sister. Be encouraged today <33
Thank you for this post. Presently, we are waiting for God to provide us a home. An almost four year journey of selling ours out of obedience, one month prior to the pandemic and ending up in a very costly rental. Last week I received word of some needed oral surgery. Cha-ching, cha-ching. More expenses, more questions of God, where are You?
I hear you, Leigh. Trusting for a house for our family, too. The impact of the pandemic still ripples to so many of us today…and I’m so sorry that’s also the case for your family. May He provide beyond your wildest imagination. All that you need. And more. And not a minute late. <33
Rachel, thank you once again for putting into beautiful words all the real and raw pain that is deep in each of us, and even more beautiful words that remind us God meets us in the pain. Your book,The Matter of Little Losses, provides such balm for my pain right now.
Maura…I’m so hugged by these words here. So grateful for you. What part are you up to in The Matter of Little Losses. Would love to hear what chapter is speaking to you <33
I need to know that God will provide a home for me and my family. I was forced to flee from my abusive husband and move back to my home state of Arizona, where housing prices have skyrocketed. I’ve been struggling to make ends meet the past few years and I know I’m paying out way too much for rent. Lord Jesus please give me favor with the judge and a settlement that will help me to purchase a home.
Cristal, I understand where you’re coming from. I’m so sorry for the sudden ways you’ve had to shift and sacrifice in this way…Trust the God who sees us in all our seasons. That He would bring healing and hope into your life…as well as peace and provision as you wait on and in Him. Grace and much love to you <333
Thank you for your bravery in sharing your story. Each of us carry so many struggles in our hearts and in our daily living. You have given us a beautiful reminder that we are covered by the Love of our Lord. It is sometimes tough to remember that God isn’t a magician who just fixes things….. Christ is the provider of strength, hope, encouragement, and help to His believers.
” God isn’t a magician who just fixes things.” Oh man, this is so true. I just finished reading through The Magician’s Nephew by CS Lewis with my kids…and that story is a perfect example of what you just said. He doesn’t fix it all, magically making everything go away. But He is with us through it all…tending to us…and tending to this world. And we get to take part in that work. And THAT is the beautiful invitation that life has to offer. Not always easy. Doesn’t always feel good. But man — to see His glory. May we always choose that <33
God has asked me to put down my sword (of self sufficiency) and wait for Him to move. I am tired and weary of waiting. Open my eyes, Lord
Wow, yes. That visual of self-suffienciy as a sword. It’s humbling to remember that we need Him…and to remember that He can take care of us more than we ever could. Keep your eyes up and open to see all the ways He’s at work <33
As I read your devotion, Rachel my heart is touched. I remember those years of struggle when my kiddos were young. Life is hard…add to that physical pain and financial strain and even strong women of faith need each other. This Dayspring community is a prayer community of sisters in Christ. I have read all the comments and have lifted all these dear friends up in prayer! We support each other in our daily walk!
Thank you, Lisa — I always feel seen when women a little further along the way share their memories of these moments…not an easy season! Encouraged by all those that share here, too. It’s such a joy to be a part of this…thank you for sharing with us and lifting up these prayers <33
Thank you for sharing your story of God’s goodness and His provisions
My honor to share…grateful for all that you share here, too <33
I’ve been daily begging God for complete healing from debilitating anxiety. I’m seeing improvement as I continue counseling, therapy and take my medication, but I need/want complete healing.❤️
I hear your heart . . . can’t imagine the burden of living through anxiety each day. May you continue to sense and feel God’s peace pervade each anxious thought. Keep tending to yourself in all that you’re doing <33
I just ask for prayers for my health and family’s health. We have had a lot of sickness lately ranging from colds, bronchitis and just unexplained symptoms of feeling ill.
Also, I have been dealing with extreme fatigue.
Plus, I would also like some prayers for protection for my driving training sessions currently happening and the upcoming drivers exam.
Thanks in advance.
What a providential text.
I would like prayer for my financial life. I have wavered in trusting with all my heart, and the daily struggle with that heart that wavers with anxiety.
Wow..the message you shared above Rachel was so profound and resonated with my life so much.
I am an African woman living in Africa and with a health condition that requires a special diet identical to yours.
The reason why l highlighted that l am an African in Africa is because, according to statistics, the condition is more prevalent in white ethnicity. That makes the percentages in Africa of sufferers tiny, which impacts the research done so far, the physicians and hospitals that actually know about it and are willing to treat it.
Then throw the most vital part. I am a believer , a Child of God. Where did this come from? Why me? How do l live with this?
To throw in some more fuel to this inferno, l would not have felt so forsake and lost , if the believers around me, family and friends were emphatic and supportive, but nobody acknowledges my situation at all. So l live an abundant life on the fringes of society.
What l am trying to say is this, Thank you Rachel, for being real. Thank you for laying it out plainly and expressing yourself so honestly. I find it rare in the Christians in my world, especially in leadership.
Illness if acknowledged at all is in saying, we are praying and believing for healing or for a miracle. Or remedies of healing like, take communion everyday, fast and pray for it…Or keep quiet about it, no one needs to know.
Are there no Christians in this world living with chronic illnesses and incurable disorders that are actually sharing and discussing about living positive , impactful and yes abundant lives with that condition?
What was the thorn in Paul’s flesh? Why is it we forget to acknowledge that vital part of scripture that, for me is such a reassurance that God is saying, that our bodies on this side of eternity is never be perfect, because they are perishable..
I grieve, l grieve, not even for the pain in my body that l sometimes encounter or the burden of living with way, but because the vast majority of brothers and sister in Christ l have encountered and most that are dear to my heart, mostly seem to lack an awareness that we are not made whole, by our physical outlook, but the inward man.
I thank God for you today Rachel. I thank God that today, He made me know and see, that l am not alone.
Debs, just wanted to say that I was hugged to hear how much this devotion encouraged you. Thank you for taking the time to write this note and to share your heart. You are so seen by the Father — every hard decision and tough day…He sees. Sending love and strength and courage to you and you take care of yourself, managing your health condition. One day at a time, sister. All is grace….He is with you <333
Our family is broken I think beyond Repair.My husband‘s passed sin caused much brokenness in my beloved family. My son, with four children are contemplating divorce. The more I pray the more things get worse. Please pray that the Lord heals his brokenness in our family, we need a miracle. I look at the mess that our families in right now, and I almost feel that it’s almost too much for the Lord to even heal.
Thank you for sharing and I appreciate your style and support. Praying for you and all commenters.
So often we forget that God is able & willing to care for us. All we see are the problems around us. During Covid-work at hospital-we had a saying “God’s Got This”. It helped us to know God was with us during that trying, stressful time. Our world needs more reminds that God not only want to save our souls-He also wants to soothe our sorrows.
He was there for me when my aging dad’s dementia/psych issues got worse. He saw me through it twice. It was His loving care that guided me through that dark valley.
Blessings 🙂