About the Author

Elise Tegegne’s work has appeared at Risen Motherhood, Christian Parenting, and Ekstasis, among others. She explores how to live a Spirit-paced life in her blog “Experiments in Inefficiency.” Her first book, In Praise of Houseflies: Meditations on the Gifts in Everyday Quandaries (Calla Press), will appear in 2025.

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  1. Just this week our phone number showed up on a lady’s phone as a missed call. She dialed our number to find out who’d called her & why. We quickly figured out it was a phone glitch & I apologized for technology disturbing her. She graciously said her phone simply knew she needed to call to tell me “God Bless you”. Yes we all need His blessings & we can be that blessing to others even in Walmart or phone glitches! Blessings (((0)))

  2. God meets us with the custodial staff at my school-as I was leaving one day I heard two of them talking and about the need to pray -one is in his 20’s the other much older-as I passed I said AMEN! -it made my day to know fellow believers are all around!

  3. I was in Walmart looking at candles and another younger girl strolled up to look also. She mentioned she had just lost her mom and wanted a few new things for her new apartment. But she choked up and tears fell down her cheeks. As it turned out, I had lost my mom a short time ago too, so both of us hugged and cried, grieving together for the moms we lost and still missed so much. I never knew her name, but I will never forget our tears, our pain in trying to move forward without our moms. I knew it was God, that brought us together to share our tears and a hug right in the middle of the candle isle! God sends us love and comfort in so many ways and unexpected places. Praise His Holy Name!

  4. Okay, I love to see children being obedient to their parents. My Grandmother taught me that God Loves Obedience ! And Obedience brings Blessings from God. Amen.

    My children are not perfect. I am not perfect. I serve an Awesome God Who Is All Knowing And All Powerful. I truly believe that God Knows me and Cares About Everything About My Life And All Those In My Life.

    My Mother and Grandmother taught me to discipline my children with kindness, words of encouragement and instruction and lastly by the switch.

    Now, I realize the love I feel for my children is meant to remind me that my Heavenly Father Loves Me And His Word is my Discipline.

    Enjoy your day.

    Your Sister in Christ

  5. Wow, what beautiful words that could not be more true. Yesterday was a stressful day for me. My husband is having some health issues, and I got caught up in worry and the dailyness of life. This morning as I walked out to get the paper (yes, I still get a paper), a beautiful, strong Mississippi Kite flew over my house. And then as I walked back up my driveway, I noticed my Bridal Wreath Spirea has the tiniest green buds all over it. I was afraid I had lost them in our unusually cold weather a few weeks ago, but here they are budding out. God showed up this morning and showed me his beauty. Elise, thank you for your words this morning – I needed them.

  6. I can see by all the touching comments how much sharing your story has personally connected with many of us. Your story proves nothing, imo, is a coincidence but a God’s instance or a Godwink

  7. God certainly meets us in our everydays. Thank you my sister in sharing this with us. To God Be All The Glory!

  8. Elsie,

    The title of this post intrigued me. You hit the nail on the head when you said God meets us in our ordinary everyday lives. We have to slow down long enough to see it. I was visiting my dad at the assisted living. He was trying to eat lunch but hands trembling to much. I offered to feed him & he nodded yes. The man to the right of us said “You will get stars in your crown for this”. If that wasn’t God saying “I see you.” Fast forward a few years & I was working part time in hospital. Had been praying for full time job. God heard me & the department wrote a job just.for.me. The duties changed & I didn’t like the work. Here comes Jesus once again. Another position opens up that uses my skills & talents. Sure enough He gave it to me. God rewards us for our good deeds & meets us in ordinary places.

    Blessings 🙂

  9. Such beautiful God winks….everyday, all over our lives. Thank you for sharing ladies, it is inspiring.

  10. I’m in tears…. Such amazing, wonderful, yet simple lessons. Now I’ll always be aware of others & their needs. We are all here to help lift one another… to love one another. Amen.

  11. Absolutely, 100%, just be aware. Sometimes it is in answer to our need, sometimes we are missioned to be the answer to a prayer by others. I read a statement, not long ago, that said: “in that moment, he was Jesus for me.“

    I often asked for help and either someone comes along, or I am given the strength to get through it on my own. One example that I will never forget… I was in Costco and trying to lift something heavy. No one was around and I asked God for help; suddenly, around the corner of the aisle came a little, wizen, old gentleman. He looked up, said: No, no, Dear, don’t lift that, let me get that for you.” He was smaller than I am, and looked as if a strong wind would blow him over. He picked it up as if it weighed nothing and put it in my cart. I looked at him in amazement and said “I just prayed for you.” He looked at me and smiled and said, “and here I am.” We laughed at each other, because…I think we both knew.